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The most creative battery breakthroughs of 2021
Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2021 @ 16:57:53 UTC by vlad

Via NewAtlas.com: The most creative battery breakthroughs of 2021 By Nick Lavars

With lithium-ion batteries serving as the engine room for so much of the modern world, from phones and laptops, to electric cars and planes, every scientific breakthrough that improves their performance is an important one. Some of these come from incremental advances that experiment with alternative materials, for example, while some come from re-imagining the whole device and the way they work from the ground up. 2021 produced a stellar crop of discoveries that resulted from researchers thinking outside the box in this way. Let's take a look at the most creative and interesting examples.

Opening up to faster charging

One of the ways scientists hope to improve the charging rates of batteries is by using porous structures for the anode, one of its two electrodes. This offers a greater contact area with the liquid electrolyte that transports lithium ions and enables them to diffuse more easily through the material, potentially making for batteries that charge much, much faster.

One of the ways scientists hope to improve the charging rates of batteries is by using porous structures for the anode, one of its two electrodes. This offers a greater contact area with the liquid electrolyte that transports lithium ions and enables them to diffuse more easily through the material, potentially making for batteries that charge much, much faster.

In November, we looked at a promising new take on this technology, with scientists at the University of Twente fashioning an anode out of a material called nickel niobate. This featured an "open and regular" crystal structure with identical, repeating channels, making it ideal for ion transport.

This was worked into a full battery cell, with the scientists finding it offered ultra-fast charging rates, 10 times faster than today's lithium-ion batteries. This was a marked improvement on the porous materials proposed so far in this area, which feature disorganized and random channels that cause the structures to cave in during charging and the battery to fail. As a sweetener, the researchers point out that nickel niobate has a higher volumetric density than the graphite used for today's anodes, which could also lead to commercial batteries that are lighter and more compact.

Bringing lithium back from the dead



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Quantum batteries (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, January 27, 2022 @ 22:39:35 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Via newatlas.com: Proof of concept verifies physics that could enable quantum batteries

Quantum batteries could one day revolutionize energy storage through what seems like a paradox – the bigger the battery, the faster it charges. For the first time, a team of scientists has now demonstrated the quantum mechanical principle of superabsorption that underpins quantum batteries in a proof-of-concept device.

The quirky world of quantum physics is full of phenomena that seem impossible to us. Molecules, for instance, can be become so entwined that they begin acting collectively, and this can lead to a range of quantum effects. That includes superabsorption, which boosts a molecule’s ability to absorb light.

“Superabsorption is a quantum collective effect where transitions between the states of the molecules interfere constructively,” James Quach, corresponding author of the study, told New Atlas. “Constructive interference occurs in all kinds of waves (light, sound, waves on water), and occurs when different waves add up to give a larger effect than either wave on its own. Crucially this allows the combined molecules to absorb light more efficiently than if each molecule were acting individually.”...

Full article: https://newatlas.com/energy/quantum-battery-proof-concept-fast-charging


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