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Neutrino voltaic power generator
Posted on Friday, December 17, 2021 @ 16:53:52 UTC by vlad

Devices Anonymous writes: As far as I know, on ZPEnergy this device/principle is not mentioned. You can find more information in the German Net-Journal from November-December 2021.
Below is a link to the first article/pdf from HEFT 11/12: Adolf und Inge Schneider: Die Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Freie Energie SAFE und die Neutrinoenergie, S.4 - 11 (http://www.borderlands.de/inet.dbnj.php3).

Its seems that they can make a foil that reacts on neutrino blasts and produce 24/7 electricity.

"In response to a question from Dr. Frank Lichtenberg after the performance, Holger answers that 3 W can be generated on the area of an A4 sheet. A 1 m2 generated around 50 W".

I just translate here, in short, some extracts from the published paper:

<<He also has a personal history in the field of neutrino energy, because decades ago his father, a nuclear physicist, saw a demo of a film in the form of a glowing LED in the Gotthard massif, which could only have been neutrinos because the energy passed through the thickest walls. Afterwards he saw many slides showing the same thing. He registered the term “Neutrino” as a trademark and in 2014 the company Neutrino Germany GmbH founded.

The planned neutrino-voltaic power generator will be 850 mm wide, 1200 mm high and 650 mm deep. The continuous output is 5 kW with a maximum output of 7.2 kW. The neutrino voltaic modules use aluminum and silicon with doping, whereby as far as possible no rare earths should be used that are not obtained in an environmentally friendly way.

The power generator will cost 15,000 euros (20,000 francs). Holger T. Schubart objects that they do not produce the electricity generators themselves, but look for partners for them. There will be one experimental facility each in Brandenburg and Switzerland.

The solar expert and economist Dr. Ruedi Meier is very enthusiastic about the efficiency of the neutrino-voltaic power generator. That is a highly efficient system! He has calculated that with a constant power output of 5 kW per year, a total of 43,800 kWh of energy is available. Since a normal household needs around 4,500 kWh per year, that is almost ten times as much. At a price of 15,000 euros, the device pays for itself very quickly.

If an area of 100 m2 is required to generate 10 kWp of energy via PV, it is just 1 m2 for Neutrino-Voltaik NV.  10 kWp for the PV system means that a maximum of 10 kW can be achieved for a short time under laboratory conditions. In reality, however, these conditions are not given, 2-3 kW are more realistic. In the dark, the power is always 0 kW. The price per kWp is EUR 1,000, and EUR 2,500 per kW.

10 kW with neutrino voltaic is always 10 kW. The footprint can be kept so small because the modules can be stacked on top of one another. The result is a cube of 1 m3. At 10 kW, two such cubes are placed one on top of the other. The price per kWp does not apply due to continuous output. The price per kW is 1,000 euros. The experimental facility is to be built by mid-2022 and prototype 1 and prototype 2 by the end of 2023. Approvals will be obtained from 2022, and from 2023 series production and parallel marketing should start.>>

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Neutrinos- Converting Invisible Radiation Spectrum into Energy (Score: 1)
by vlad on Friday, December 17, 2021 @ 17:04:51 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
This is from EnergyPolitics.IO from the article: 11 TECHNOLOGIES THAT CHANGE THE WORLD

Neutrinos- Converting Invisible Radiation Spectrum into Energy

Neutrino energy, the world sensation that was recently considered by most to be technically and physically impossible, is now taking off.

Even when the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to two researchers from the international NEUTRINO team in the fall of 2015, this did not yet lead to a general rethink. Both the Canadian researcher Arthur Mc Donald and the Japanese Takaaki Kajita succeeded – independently of each other – in proving that neutrinos have a mass. This was achieved by newly developed measurement methods that unambiguously assign a mass to the neutrino. Until then, neutrinos passing through almost any matter had been considered massless. This corresponded to the standard model of particle physics.

If you imagine a solar cell that works not with light but with the non-visible spectrum of radiation, you come very close to the future possibilities. The essential difference is that this neutrino cell also works wonderfully in the dark. Instead of capturing the costmic radiation, the kinetic energy of the particle stream is converted into electrical energy. This opens up great possibilities for the future.

NEUTRINO Deutschland GmbH is a subsidiary of the American company Neutrino Inc. Under the leadership of mathematician Holger Thorsten Schubart, the team is working with international universities and researchers from all over the world to develop the first technical devices that convert the energy of the radiation into electrical current and thus make it usable in real life.


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