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Ultra-thin lithium offers a solid platform for high-capacity batteries
Posted on Saturday, June 05, 2021 @ 15:25:46 UTC by vlad

Via NewAtlas.com: Ultra-thin lithium offers a solid platform for high-capacity batteries

Scientists hope to leverage pure lithium metal to make next-gen batteries, and an advance from scientists in South Korea marks another step forward

Scientists in South Korea have made a breakthrough in battery research that could help us bust through a key bottleneck in energy storage. The team's advance overcomes a technical issue that has held back highly promising lithium-metal battery architecture and could pave the way for batteries with as much as 10 times the capacity of today's devices.

The reason lithium-metal batteries hold so much promise is because of the excellent energy density of pure lithium metal. Scientists hope to swap out the graphite used for the anode in today's lithium batteries for this "dream material," though this comes with some complicated problems to solve...



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Porous membrane saves high-density lithium metal batteries from failure (Score: 1)
by vlad on Friday, June 18, 2021 @ 15:44:16 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
By substituting graphite for high-density pure lithium metal, scientists may be able to dramatically improve the performance of battery technology, but there are hurdles still to overcome. Scientists at Germany's Friedrich Schiller University in Jena have now demonstrated how a finely tuned carbon membrane can prevent these types of batteries from failure, and enable them to be safely charged over hundreds of cycles...

Lithium strips take next-gen battery into record-breaking territory (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, July 01, 2021 @ 11:09:23 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Via NewAtlas.com: Scientists in the US have developed a novel lithium-metal battery that retains its functionality over 600 cycles

One particularly promising architecture for next-generation batteries uses pure lithium-metal, a material with excellent energy density that could see electric vehicles travel many times farther on each charge. A research group in the US has taken a significant step forward with this technology, coming up with a design for a long-lasting lithium metal battery that remains functional for a record-breaking number of charging cycles...

Remarkable density of new lithium battery promises massive range for EVs (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, August 25, 2021 @ 17:33:30 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Via NewAtlas.com: by Nick Lavars:

For electric planes to really take off and for electric cars to travel far longer distances between charges, we'll need batteries that pack far more energy without becoming prohibitively heavy. A team in Germany has now demonstrated a new lithium-metal battery with a density well beyond the significant 500-Wh/kg benchmark and an ability to retain its performance across hundreds of cycles.

Today's lithium-ion batteries do a wonderful job of keeping the modern world running, from electric vehicles to smartphones, to laptop computers, but scientists see a lot of potential that could be unlocked through tweaks to their architecture. One of the more promising possibilities is swapping out the graphite used in one of the battery's electrodes for pure lithium metal, a material that can hold as much as 10 times the energy...

Full article: https://newatlas.com/science/lithium-metal-ev-battery-benchmark-density-stability/


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