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Quantum engines with entanglement as fuel?
Posted on Friday, October 16, 2020 @ 11:52:32 UTC by vlad

Submitted by Scalar: Quantum engines with entanglement as fuel? Hello, I found these interesting articles, I wanted to share with you and your readers. Please post it for readers to see:

"Professor of physics Andrew Jordan Jordan and his colleagues will use superconducting circuits to design experiments that can be carried out within a realistic quantum system, with the goal of studying concepts that are currently poorly understood in quantum mechanics. (Image: J. Adam Fenster)"

This is interesting because many years ago the famous free energy developer, Thomas Bearden, said that he predicted that once the details of controlling quantum potential fields and entanglement was developed, we could see quantum engines and self replicating quantum materials based on this. That article from Nano Werk shows this is possible and being worked on.

In the next article they are learning to form atoms in optical laser traps, also called atom lasers.


My desire is to see machines that can cheaply make matter for all people and power devices with clean cheap energy for all.

Thank you.


(Nanowerk News) In order to make a car run, a car’s engine burns gasoline and converts the energy from the heat of the combusting gasoline into mechanical work. In the process, however, energy is wasted; a typical car only converts around 25 percent of the energy in gasoline into useful energy to make it run.
Engines that run with 100 percent efficiency are still more science fiction than science fact, but new research from the University of Rochester may bring scientists one step closer to demonstrating an ideal transfer of energy within a system.

Andrew Jordan, a professor of physics at Rochester, was recently awarded a three-year, $1 million grant from the Templeton Foundation to research quantum measurement engines—engines that use the principles of quantum mechanics to run with 100 percent efficiency. The research, to be carried out with co-principal investigators in France and at Washington University St. Louis, could answer important questions about the laws of thermodynamics in quantum systems and contribute to technologies such as more efficient engines and quantum computers. “The grant deals with several Big Questions about our natural world,” Jordan says. ...

(Full article at the link above)



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The First-Ever Photo of Quantum Entanglement (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, October 22, 2020 @ 13:35:58 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Submitted by Ron Kita: From Sciencealert.com: Scientists Just Unveiled The First-Ever Photo of Quantum Entanglement

In an incredible first, scientists have captured the world's first actual photo of quantum entanglement - a phenomenon so strange, physicist Albert Einstein famously described it as 'spooky action at a distance'...


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