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TTS Academy Announces The ADAM Research Project
Posted on Thursday, July 26, 2018 @ 21:43:02 UTC by vlad

To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science Announces The ADAM Research Project, an Academic Research Program Focused on Exotic Materials for Technology Innovation

From time to time, various sources have collected material samples reported to have come from advanced aerospace vehicles of unknown origin (popularly known as UAP – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - or UFOs.) Those sources include private citizens, foreign aerospace investigatory committees, aerospace operators and government organizations.  As these materials have come to light, they can be made available for inspection.

Given the potential significance of such findings, To The Stars Academy has made it a Tier-1 priority to use its resources to subject these materials to detailed and rigorous scientific evaluation whenever feasible.

As soon as TTS Academy is notified that materials are available, a thorough effort will be made to document their origin and credibility, followed by the establishment of chain-of-custody procedures and ownership protocols.  In addition to reviewing the materials for their potential significance as evidence of exotic origin, the analysis will evaluate materials for such characteristics as exceptional strength, lightweight build and any unusual advanced properties that potentially could contribute to the development of exciting new technologies in the future.

 As a first step, TTS Academy has established a contract with EarthTech International, Inc., (www.earthtech.org) a well-respected research think tank in Austin, Texas, to evaluate the properties of the available materials. Under the leadership of Dr. Harold E. Puthoff, a former Senior Advisor and Subcontractor to the Pentagon’s AATIP program (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) and current VP of Technology for TTS Academy, EarthTech is well-positioned to head up this materials research plan. 

Make sure to sign up to our email list or follow us on socials as we continue to share information about The ADAM Research Project.



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Dr. Hal Puthoff Addresses the Society for Scientific Exploration (Score: 1)
by solaris on Thursday, July 26, 2018 @ 21:52:44 UTC
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This is a must read as well: Las Vegas, 8 June 2018/ THE DoD’s UAP PROGRAM: THE BACK STORY, THE FORWARD STORY/ H. E. Puthoff, PhD
Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin

ABSTRACT  It has been widely believed that the government terminated investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) in December 1969 with the closing of Project Blue Book as recommended by the Condon Committee.  However, as recently revealed in the New York Times and other major media (December 2017), such is not the case.  One such program, initiated in 2007 by the DIA and carried forward by the DoD,has come to light - the so-called AATIP program (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program).  AATIP is based on concern about continuing engagements between U.S. military platforms and UAP of seeming technological superiority over anything in the U.S. inventory.  The renewed interest is fueled in part by the increased sophistication of U.S. sensor systems that reduce ambiguity about what is being detected.  As a contractor and Senior Advisor to this program Puthoff discusses various aspects of general interest about the program as well as additional initiatives he is now involved with that are being pursued in the public sector to seek answers and inform the public...


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