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World record for direct solar water-splitting efficiency
Posted on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 @ 22:54:24 UTC by vlad

Science Via NextBigFuture.comResearchers have increased the efficiency of producing hydrogen from direct solar water-splitting to a record 19 percent. They combined a tandem solar cell of III-V semiconductors with a catalyst of rhodium nanoparticles and a crystalline titanium dioxide coating. Teams from the California Institute of Technology, the University of Cambridge, Technische Universität Ilmenau, and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE participated in the development work. One part of the experiments took place at the Institute for Solar Fuels in the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin.

Commentary from GoatGuy:
IF the researchers can figure out how to

1) up the durability to 20,000+ hours
2) keep the efficiency near 18% for the whole cell life
3) not require exotic hyper-pure electrolytes
4) ensure the inexpensiveness of manufacturing is achieved

THEN this becomes a real “game changer” for the PV community. PV-to-gas-fuel direct.
Kind of solves the “storage problem” of electricity.

And ironically, it also solves the “grid-can’t-take-it” issues. Pipes can carry a LOT of hydrogen, buried 5 meters underground. No worries about DC grids, or phase matching, or load leveling, or incipient weather phenomena. No worries about demand-matching, inter TIE carrier politics, or anything else.

Links to Research Papers:



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Scientists find cheaper way to make hydrogen energy out of water (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 @ 11:58:46 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Scientists find cheaper way to make hydrogen energy out of water

Scientists show how using only water, iron, nickel and electricity can create hydrogen energy much more cheaply than before.

Hydrogen-powered cars may soon become more than just a novelty after a UNSW-led team of scientists demonstrated a much cheaper and sustainable way to create the hydrogen required to power them.

In research published in Nature Communications recently, scientists from UNSW Sydney, Griffith University and Swinburne University of Technology showed that capturing hydrogen by splitting it from oxygen in water can be achieved by using low-cost metals like iron and nickel as catalysts, which speed up this chemical reaction while requiring less energy.

“What we do is coat the electrodes with our catalyst to reduce energy consumption,” he says. “On this catalyst there is a tiny nano-scale interface where the iron and nickel meet at the atomic level, which becomes an active site for splitting water. This is where hydrogen can be split from oxygen and captured as fuel, and the oxygen can be released as an environmentally-friendly waste.”

Iron and nickel, which are found in abundance on Earth, would replace precious metals ruthenium, platinum and iridium that up until now are regarded as benchmark catalysts in the ‘water-splitting’ process.

UNSW School of Chemistry’s Professor Chuan Zhao says in water splitting, two electrodes apply an electric charge to water which enables hydrogen to be split from oxygen and used as energy in a fuel cell.


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