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EXPERIMENTAL Quantum Anti-gravity
Posted on Monday, June 18, 2018 @ 16:06:25 UTC by vlad

Science Anonymous writes: EXPERIMENTAL Quantum Anti-gravity: Study guide

I have made a theoretical as well as an empirical scientific discovery of quantum gravity and quantum antigravity, as well as two inventions:

Present day quantum gravity theories suffer from too many mathematical space dimensions, and from too few conclusive experimental results.

My hypothesis is simple, clear, and subject to easy empirical verification.

I offer clear explanation of the principles of quantum gravity and quantum antigravity, and also precisely describe how to perform simple and inexpensive experiments to verify it.

“ Scientific discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought. Scientific discovery must be, by definition, at variance with existing knowledge. During my lifetime, I made two. Both were rejected offhand by the Popes of that field of science.”  —  Albert Szent-Gyorgyi,  Nobel Prize Laureate 1937

In order to clearly understand quantum gravity and quantum antigravity, please follow these 9 steps:
  1. Start from this brief overview — Quantum Gravity in a Nutshell ;
  2. The theoretical basis for quantum gravity and quantum antigravity is the Abraham’s equation of the Abraham-Minkowski controversy, and its empirical counterpart — the Abraham force, and the Pinheiro-Modrzejewski force  ;
  3. The Abraham force constitutes the physical basis for explaining the Biefeld-Brown effect ;
  4. To understand how the Biefeld-Brown effect works, you need to be clear where B-B vectors point — “up” or “down” ;
  5. Study the section about gyroscope’s anomalous effect ;
  6. Study the material in the Boyd Bushman effect section in order to appreciate the potential of complex magnetic fields for shaping quantum gravity interactions ;
  7. Now, you are ready to read short introduction to quantum gravity, short introduction to elementary gravity, and short introduction to intergalactic gravity ;
  8. Perform simple experiments for empirical verification ;
  9. Perform the complete and final antigravity experiment that constitutes a blueprint for Propellantless Quantum Electrodynamic Spacedrive, and MagnetoElectroAerodynamic (MEAD) Hybrid Aircraft, the first ever fully antigravity capable airplane.

Source: https://quantumantigravity.wordpress.com/



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Re: EXPERIMENTAL Quantum Anti-gravity (Score: 1)
by vlad on Friday, August 24, 2018 @ 22:35:46 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Zbigniew Modrzejewski writes: Dear Friends, 

Hello and warm greetings from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
The following is a basic, simple electro-mechanical experiment : 
And here is another quite simple electro-mechanical experiment with potential for aerospace applications:  
Both of these experiments were experimentally verified to produce intended results. 
I hope you would like to consider replicating them.
Please, let me know if you have any questions. 
Looking forward to hear from you.
With respect and much gratitude,  I am Sincerely yours,  

My discovery was suppressed in the spirit of the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, which is a body of United States federal law designed to prevent disclosure of new inventions and technologies that, in the opinion of selected federal agencies, might threaten economic stability or national security of the country. The following is a detailed account of how it happened : 
I guess I should feel lucky to still be alive?

Dr. Gerald Bull was born in Ontario, Canada in 1928 and earned his PhD from the University of Toronto in 1951—the youngest ever to do so. He spent his early career working for the Canadian and US governments doing research in supersonic flight as well as super-gun artillery. His disregard for the dangerous politics in which he meddled led to heavy fines, a short stint in prison, and ultimately, to his assassination at his apartment in Brussels, Belgium. 


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