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The Chiral Particle Radiation Hydrodynamics Effect (Axil Axil)... and more
Posted on Sunday, May 20, 2018 @ 21:14:06 UTC by vlad

Via e-catworld.com: Submitted by Axil Axil: The flow of EMF radiation through plasma will separate particles based on their chirality. Since chiral particles migrate at different speeds when exposed to emf radiation, chiral particles will collect into separate regions and then further separate by their charge. This difference in how particles react to deal with photon momentum imparted by emf radiation and the then its subsequent absorption and later release of that energy is called chiral radiation hydrodynamics.

For the theory of how EMF radiation can separate chiral particles, see:  https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms4307

Lateral optical force on chiral particles near a surface

In the SAFIRE experiment, multiple layers of chiral particles form. The emf emitted by the stimulating current flow is retarded and stored in each double layer. This storage mechanism is analogous to the way a wall comprised of many layers will retard a large wave.

The speed of light in that current flow is greatly slowed in response to the way hydrogen stores and releases that energy at its intrinsic natural resonance. This storage of this energy is amplified in each double layer as the emf energy moves to the outermost double layer until the outermost layer receives and stores an energy balance sufficient to generate hydrogen fusion that produces helium 3. This is the method in which the Radiation implosion based Teller–Ulam design for the hydrogen bomb works.

Radiation implosion

Tritium is not produced in this fusion reaction since the outermost double layer in which the fusion occurs is comprised of left handed chiral particles. Chiral particle separation insures that no radiation is generated by this fusion reaction.

The LENR reaction in SAFIRE

When the tungsten probe is inserted into a double layer, the Surface Plasmon Polaritons on the surface of the tungsten is excited through the release of the energy stored in the double layer. This high level of stored energy is converted into a polariton petal condensate as the density of polaritons grows large. The condensate generated by the LENR reaction and the chiral separation of particles in the double layer blocks all nuclear level radiation produced by the LENR reaction.

Please read the interesting comments at this post as well. 

An update on the SAFIRE project is here: The SAFIRE Project 2017 - 2018 Update

You may also want to check the following article from the same site e-catworld:

submitted by Zephir Zephir (ten days before Axil's post) and all the comments to that article as well.

Here is Zephir's conclusion of his speculation:

"...Of course the overunity during atomar hydrogen recombination could apply also to most recent QuarkX reactor of Andrea Rossi in lesser or greater extent thus complementing nuclear reactions (cold fusion) – but this is just a speculation in a given moment. What is more important is, the assistance of vacuum fluctuations during symmetric collapse of spherical fields may apply to wide range of another overunity phenomena at various scales – from isomerization of nuclei (Valee synergic generator) over plasma overunity (as noted above) to collapse of magnetic domains during saturation of ferromagnets (MEG of T. Beardeen and/or various magnetic motors) and/or collapse of bubbles during cavitation (Rosh buyoance engine) and/or even collapsing fields inside spherical capacitors (Testatica of Paul Baumann) and conical/concentric bucking coils of (various Tesla and Kapanadze generators). These perspective are currently subject of my undergoing private research."

Note: Please check the new "Survey" (right panel) and let us know your opinion. Thanx. [Vlad]



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