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Dr. Hal Puthoff on Coast-to-Coast, Sunday Jan 28th
Posted on Saturday, January 27, 2018 @ 13:13:21 UTC by vlad

Testimonials From To The Stars Academy: Don’t miss Dr. Hal Puthoff, co-founder and VP of Science and Technology, who is making his first guest appearance on the nationally syndicated Coast-to-Coast AM with George Knapp on Sunday January 28th...

Dr. Puthoff, known as a pioneer physicist who conducted the first studies of remote viewing for the CIA and spearheading cutting-edge research into zero point energy and other exotic propulsion concept, will be on the first half of the show with colleague and fellow physicist Dr. Eric Davis, who previously studied UAPs and related phenomena at the National Institute for Discovery Science.

Tune in on Sunday at 1am - 5am EST / 10pm - 2am PST.  To find out where to listen, go HERE and find your local station.

Source: https://dpo.tothestarsacademy.com/



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"Dr. Hal Puthoff on Coast-to-Coast, Sunday Jan 28th" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Ancient Stone Circles (Score: 1)
by vlad on Friday, February 02, 2018 @ 11:43:59 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Anonymous writes:  Scientist and researcher Michael Tellinger has for almost 30 years, delved into science, the cosmos, and the origins of humankind. In the first half, he discussed his research and decoding of stone circles and their remarkable functions. There are a massive number of ancient stone circles found in South Africa, and Zimbabwe, which date back at least 300,000 years. The circles vary in size from 15 feet across to 450 ft. and Tellinger believes they originally functioned as machines to generate energy, and they've actually never stopped working. The machines, he added, did not work in isolation but were interconnected by channels, and may have been used for climate and atmospheric manipulation and terraforming, as well as energy for gold mining by the Anunnaki.

The subtle energies and sound frequencies of the earth are amplified through the stones, he continued. Conical and donut-shaped stones were powerful tools that could create scalar waves and were possibly used for levitation efforts, Tellinger suggested. There are also reports that contact with the ancient stone circles has a healing effect on people with serious illnesses, he noted.

Source: https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2018/02/01

Re: Dr. Hal Puthoff on Coast-to-Coast, Sunday Jan 28th (Score: 1)
by RBM on Sunday, February 04, 2018 @ 11:19:40 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
I learned who Hal Puthoff was in 1995, while reading the late Ingo Swann's website. I've loosely kept abreast of his career since then.

Listening to this presentation I can see developments are getting closer than ever to actual discoveries that underscore The Simulation Hypothesis of Physics.

Of course that sort of development is the fun part of the work to be done, but the really serious and not so much fun work, is dealing with the repressive regimes of government that have secrecy programs like you've covered.

Good Luck to us all.


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