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On Nikola Tesla, Zero Point Energy, Cold Fusion, & Tin Foil Hats
Posted on Thursday, December 21, 2017 @ 18:20:05 UTC by vlad

General by Stephen Hanley (PlanetSave.com): Nikola Tesla, the enigmatic Serb who led the world to a deeper understanding of electricity, once said, “Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe.” His inquiry into what is called “zero point energy” has baffled physicists ever since. Is there a force — as yet unknown — that could power the world cheaply and efficiently, freeing us all from the tyranny of fossil fuel companies, nuclear power proponents, and greedy utility companies? A small device that would heat our homes or power our vehicles for little or no money?

That something is said to contain enormous potential energy. If we could figure out how to harness it, the world would have an abundance of electrical power that is virtually free. After all, no one can explain exactly what electricity is. Is it a wave? A particle? Both? Neither? Even though we can’t answer those questions, that hasn’t kept us from harnessing it for the betterment of humanity.

Advocates for dark matter or zero point energy argue that the utility industry has been keeping knowledge of this new source of power secret for over a century, much as the auto industry hid the 200 mpg carburetor or the cutlery industry covered up the electric fork for their own nefarious reasons.

According to a report published by Aftenposten, Norway’s largest daily newspaper, a group of scientists gathered recently in Stockholm, Sweden, to witness a demonstration by professor Andrea Rossi of a device he claims can produce lots of heat from just a few weak pulses of electricity. If true, Rossi’s invention would allow people living in cold climates like Norway to heat their homes using a reactor the size of a basketball, some metal that needs replenishing every 6 months, and ordinary household current...

Full article: https://planetsave.com/2017/12/20/nikola-tesla-zero-point-energy-cold-fusion-tin-foil-hats/



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"On Nikola Tesla, Zero Point Energy, Cold Fusion, & Tin Foil Hats" | Login/Create an Account | 1 comment | Search Discussion
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Re: On Nikola Tesla, Zero Point Energy, Cold Fusion, & Tin Foil Hats (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, December 21, 2017 @ 18:23:04 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Good comment posted by AlainCo (to the above article):

Rossi's recent story is well explained
http://coldfusioncommunity.... [disq.us]

Not much more to say, except the demo proves nothing, and past prove more.

anyway, LENR is a real phenomenon, that frighten people with a career, and attracts free minds, but also fraudsters and loose minds.

There is hundred of peer reviewed publication of results, facing only 4 real critics, by Lewis, Hansen, Morrison, and Wilson, with all 4 refuted (Wilson, refute Lewis and Hansen with basic calorimetry expertise. Morrison is not even bad full of absurdity, and Wilson is the only competent and only propose a minor correction not refuting big results).
Charles Beaudette in the book "Excess Heat" makes a good synthesis of the situation (which did not much change, since early replicators wore already aged and are now old or dead, and all serious young where deterred to study the domain).

Today there is a huge corpus of experiments of various quality, some great, some bad.

There are many entrepreneur and inventors claiming much. the only one that attracted my interest is Brillouin energy corps, whose claims are modest and realists.
Miley, some Russian labs, Swartz-Hagelstein, have interesting results, but my position today is that we need "an explanation" like what Edmund Storms states.

Science is based on observation, but without some hypothesis it is hard to know when you simply failed an experiment, when you refute something, when you suceed, when you replicate another experiment.

The errors of first LENR critics was to apply the theory of hot plasma fusion to a lattice environnement. Evidence today supports the idea that LENR is a collective quantum phenomenon in localized structures near the surface of hydrides, like is superconduction or laser. There is a great need of serious research, exploiting the mass of available results.

However it is very hard, in today's context, for scientists to work with a serious budget on that theme. Moreover the few maverick scientists are unable to seriously replicate other's results (some did like George Lonchampt of CEA from Fleishman, like Uni Tsignghua, Biberian, Nasa GRC, whi replicated Fralick 89, takahashi who replicated iwamura), and don't have access to modern instruments.

This is the challenge the LENR domain have to face...
I have concrete hope, and this may be in that least probable place for me, where you can make the planet great again and enjoy sunny winter. If the mindguards don't catch us before.

I've answered with others, some Quora questions (my opinion is not the most- interesting) and cited many resource (this is the real value of the answers)

About Rossi,
I don't want to be sued for telling the facts, so read the facts yourself.
the data leaked from the trial against Industrial heat talk alone.

anyway, beside my own opinion of someone who followed the story, we don't need any inventors with a machine, if there is no working theory that allows engineers to optimize the technology. We need basic science, first.
For the engineering, trust the market.


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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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