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Posted on Thursday, November 03, 2016 @ 17:30:57 UTC by vlad

Devices From: BrilliantLightPower.com: On October 26th, 2016, Brilliant Light performed an invitational public presentation by noted speakers and debuted its commercial SunCell® design. British Telecommunications executive Colin Bannon spoke about the dichotomy between profitability and availability of power and commitment to clean energy. Executive Director of ClimateInvestigations.org Kert Davies spoke about the disastrous consequences of continued fossil fuel usage and the dire need for a new clean energy source to avoid drastic reductions in the world’s standard of living. Dr. Mills presented the commercial SunCell® engineering design and a working unit. The cell comprised dual liquid silver metal injectors that further served as the source of electricity to cause ignition of the hydrino plasma reaction. The liquid electrodes eliminated the ¼ inch thick tungsten bar electrodes that vaporized in seconds in the prior design run at Columbia Tech on July 20th (See here for the side view video showing 6000K plasma blackbody radiation filling the glove box; a top view video (available here) showing the melting and vaporization of the electrodes in seconds, and the picture of the vaporized cell). An excerpt of the testing of the commercial SunCell® design having refractory cell components and injection and ignition systems comprising molten electrodes engineered to last indefinitely was shown. The cell went into a self-sustaining mode. Bucknell Professor Dr. Peter Jansson presented his validation results of over one million watts of power in a volume of a coffee cup.

The Chief Technology Officer of Columbia Tech John DeCarlo reported on the engineering timeline to a 100 kW commercial unit projected for field tests in the first half of 2017. Masimo Semiconductor’s Head of Business Development and New Product Commercialization Programs Brad Siskavich reported on the timeline to a commercial photovoltaic converter comprising a denser receiver array of concentrator multijunction photovoltaic cells projected to coincide with the SunCell® light source development to achieve the field test unit in the first half of 2017. Then, BrLP executive Dominic Jones presented the go to market strategy and SunCell® commercialization timeline. Presentations in PDF format are available below:...

Full article here: http://brilliantlightpower.com/demonstration-days/

From E-CatWorld.com: Report from Brilliant Light Power Industry Day Event (Tom Whipple) Update: Video and Slideshows Now Posted by BLP

...The following post has been submitted by Tom Whipple.

I was up at BLP yesterday for their most recent demonstration and the unveiling of the new version of the SunCell. This time the event was slightly different in that it was called “Industry Day” and featured a range of speakers, not just Mills. BLP has formed outside advisory committees and is clearly planning to be ready to market SunCells by the end of 2017 or soon thereafter — if all goes well. Mills seems to have gotten by the electrode melting problem with a very elegant solution involving two charged streams of silver and now has prototypes running in his labs for long periods. They are shut off at night. As there are no moving parts, he sees no reliability problems. They have designed these things to run non-stop for 20 years....

Full article here: http://www.e-catworld.com/2016/10/29/report-from-brilliant-light-power-industry-day-event-tom-whipple/




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"BRILLIANT LIGHT POWER’S OCTOBER 26, 2016 INDUSTRY DAY" | Login/Create an Account | 11 comments | Search Discussion
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by vlad on Thursday, November 03, 2016 @ 17:35:04 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
From Brian Ahern (by e-mail): Re:  Operation of the new power source by Randall Mills of Brilliant Light Power

The production of a new entity called hydrinos is intriguing and may exist in the manner Mills has identified.  Hydrino energy conversion is an ovious question in search of an answer.

Ask yourself the question: Why is there no Sun Cell data on conversion of light to electricity? Mills makes it seem like conversion is a simple and routine task. It is not simple. In fact, it is impossible.

The term: intensity of 1,000 suns is misleading

The sun has a black body spectrum with very little UV arriving at the surface of earth. The Sun Cell argues that it is producing Hydrinos TM  with a deep UV spectrum.  This means that the solar cells must survive very deep UV irradiation.

This is where a little knowledge goes a long way. High efficiency solar cells are metastable and the high energy photons will quickly homogenize the local chemistry and quench the conversion efficiency. This is why it took decades to develop the Blue LED. The high energy blue photons were breaking bonds and degrading operation. Higher frequency photons are much more challenging and are unlikely impossible to operate more that one minute.

I worked in the solar cell Group at MIT Lincoln Labs in 1979 where they had achieved the world's record with tandem cells. These cells were degraded by near UV and were not suitable for space applications.

There are no cells that can survive 27 eV radiation.  Mills will avoid any measurements until he secures his next round of funding. At that time he will likely announce a new and better scheme due in 2019!

The foregoing does not prelude the existence or viability of Hydrinos. It simply identifies a ridiculous prescription for their use.

Why hasn't Mills done a simple heat balance? I suggest he refuses to make these simple measurements because failure to show the enormous amount of energy created will stop his funding stream.

First Ever Self-Sustaining Plasma in the History of Science (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, November 06, 2016 @ 15:48:12 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
BLP posted the following Tweet: Brilliant Light Power, Inc has created the first sustaining plasma in the history of science.

All the presentation from their Industry Day (Oct 26, 2016) have been posted on their site ( http://brilliantlightpower.com/demonstration-days/ [brilliantlightpower.com]) and on their You Tube Chanel as well (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw1e-SwMe6eJf4Rr32w2UybIWOJ2cODEQ).

by vlad on Thursday, November 17, 2016 @ 22:46:17 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
From BrLP site: Brilliant Light Power will be staging roadshow events on December 6th in Washington DC at the offices of Fried, Frank, Harris, Schriver & Jacobson LLC at 801 17th St NW, #600, Washington, DC, 20006 and London, England on December 15th. The company will present the SunCell® commercial prototype design, SunCell® commercialization timetable and Go-To-Market strategy to an audience of partners, customers and suppliers.

Link: http://brilliantlightpower.com/brilliant-light-power-roadshow/ [brilliantlightpower.com]

Randell Mills and the Search for Hydrino Energy - Accountability (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, December 03, 2016 @ 22:55:02 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Brett Holverstott, author of the forthcoming book: Randell Mills and the Search for Hydrino Energy

I think it is about time the community begins to hold scientists accountable for their claims in the public media regarding hydrino research, just as surely as we do for climate research. Christopher Sirola, a professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Mississippi, has made the following claims [www.hattiesburgamerican.com]:

  • (1.) "That there is absolutely no evidence for fractional energy levels"
  • (2.) "if I had strong evidence like this, I would submit it to standard journals in the field, allow other physicists to review my results, and hold the debate in a professional forum." The implicit, but unstated accusation here is that Randell Mills has not submitted evidence to standard journals in the field to allow other physicists to review his results.

Both of these claims feel true. Perhaps Sirola wants them to be true, because it would save him the trouble of learning something new. They satisfy what Stephen Colbert might call "truthiness" and in recent years, scientists who have done absolutely no work in the field of hydrino chemistry have made similar comments in the popular press.

Let's check professor Sirola's facts, starting in reverse order:

  • (2.) In fact, contrary to popular opinion, Randell Mills and his team of scientists have published over 100 experimental journal articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals over the last 25 years, claiming evidence for fractional energy levels of hydrogen. If you don't believe me, here is a partial list. Caution, it is really fucking long...

Full article: http://www.brettholverstott.com/annoucements/2016/7/21/accountability

BRILLIANT LIGHT POWER Advisory Board Announcement (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 @ 15:22:02 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com

News Release [brilliantlightpower.com] – December 13, 2016, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

December 13th 2016, Cranbury, New Jersey, Brilliant Light Power, Inc. announces today the appointment of the Company’s Advisory Board –The Advisory Board consists of senior industry executives and includes Colin Bannon from BT, Bill Maurer from ABM Industries, Ray Gogel, former President of Current Group and US Grid Co., Matt Key, CEO of everynet and three additional executives from Telecoms, Finance and Legal professions.

“We searched extensively to identify Advisors that can help us answer some of the big questions to support our SunCell® commercial launch next year” said Dr. Randell L. Mills, Founder, President and CEO of Brilliant Light Power, Inc. “This is a team of senior executives from future customers, partners and advisory groups that will help us shape what we offer and how we offer it as we prepare to go to market”.

Bill Maurer, SVP from ABM Industries Energy division said “it’s a great opportunity to be part of the team that will launch the technology that will change the way we think about energy in the future”

Matt Key, CEO of everynet said “Brilliant Light Power has put together a very sophisticated advisory group and they have given us some big questions to consider. The SunCell® technology is an incredible invention and we all look forward to helping the Company in achieving its full potential by transforming the worlds energy markets as we know them”

The Advisory Board will meet monthly and will be advising Brilliant Light Power on its the commercial offerings, launch markets, potential customers and organizational structure the Company will employ to deliver them.

About Brilliant Light Power:
Brilliant Light Power, Inc. is developing a new zero-pollution, primary energy source applicable to essentially all power applications wherein the latent energy of the hydrogen atom from water molecules serving as the fuel source is released by forming Hydrinos®, a more stable chemical form of hydrogen. The SunCell® cell was invented by Dr. Mills to release this energy as brilliant light converted directly to electricity using concentrator photovoltaics at an anticipated cost of a small percentage of any competing source of electricity.

www.brilliantlightpower.com [www.brilliantlightpower.com]

Media Contact:
Lynn Kline, Assistant for Dr. Randell L. Mills
Brilliant Light Power, Inc.
493 Old Trenton Road
Cranbury, NJ 08512
Phone: (609)-490-1090 Ex 125
Email: lkline@brilliantlightpower.com

BRILLIANT LIGHT POWER’S SunCell design (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, December 31, 2016 @ 18:24:01 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Comment from Lenr forum (via Ego Out blog [egooutpeters.blogspot.ca])

User Avatar
Dec 24th 2016+1
axil wrote:

The Defkalion system was the forerunner of the suncell. The R6 reactor was a plasma based reactor that failed because of material meltdown problems. The liquid electrode approach solved this problem in the SunCell. Mills has succeeded so far because he is able to amass capital for engineering R&D whereas Defkalion ran out of money.

Mills has succeeded because he has a theory that he has used like a map to find the correct design. The breakthrough in power density came in Nov. 2013 when Mills realized that the ionization of the catalyst was creating a charge build up that was rate-limiting. The solution, brilliant as always, was to induce the reaction within an arc current. Why an arc current? Because an arc current has negative resistance in the conditions prevailing in his plasma. With negative resistance, ionization of the catalyst actually *lowered* the voltage instead of increasing it. Lower voltage leads to even faster catalytic reactions and you have a powerful positive feedback loop. BOOM. Without the theory, especially the part about the ionization of the catalyst, none of this can be predicted. No theory, no device. Before you, again, attempt to assign your own pre-conceived theoretical notions on to Mills' success, please educate yourself on his theory. He's already explained that the reaction is independent of the type of hydrogen being used. It can't be a nuclear reaction.

In fact, all you need to do to convince yourself that Mills is right is to look at solar flares. Solar flares can produce as much power output as the entire sun for limited periods. However, the matter density in these flares is vanishingly low, far too low for the power source to be from fusion. There *must* be another primary power source in solar flares. And, of course, there is. Solar flares are the dark matter generators of the universe. The conditions for hydrino production are perfect, just like in the SunCell.

Post was edited 2 times, last by “optiongeek” (Dec 24th 2016).

RBrilliant Light Power's SunCell Announced on CNN International (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, January 02, 2017 @ 20:54:50 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Finally, mainstream media is waking up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siHCRp7TpoU
I bet it will take the fully working market ready prototype (that they plan to have it ready this year) to shut the detractors up.

Engineering Challenges for Developing the SunCell (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, February 01, 2017 @ 19:29:18 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
From e-catworld.com: Engineering Challenges for Developing the SunCell’s Concentrator Photovoltaic Cells and Geodesic Dome Array (by Michael Lammert)


      It is going to be quite an engineering challenge for Brilliant Light Power’s SunCell to achieve a “pilot” goal of an output of 100KW with the blackbody radiator operating at a temperature of 3000ºK due to the difficulty of developing a thick metal technology and increasing the allowable CPV cell current density (by about 30%).  If higher current density cells can not be developed, it still should be possible to achieve an output power of about 76KW, assuming that the existing Masimo concentrator solar cells are reliable at their maximum rated concentration (1200X).  However, even operating the SunCell system at 76KW will require the successful development of a thick metal technology.  It might be desirable to initially target an output power of about 50KW until reliability can be demonstrated a higher power levels.  There are numerous other engineering challenges for the development of a reliable SunCell CPV cell array including developing a method to achieve low resistance cell to cell connections, verifying the blackbody illumination intensity is uniform, developing a cooling system for the CPV cells and other hardware, verifying system reliability, and the other issues noted in this post.  It will be interesting to follow the engineering solutions to these challenges...

Full article: Engineering Challenges for Developing the SunCell’s Concentrator Photovoltaic Cells and Geodesic Dome Array (Michael Lammert) [www.e-catworld.com]

The Potential Energy Source of the Future? (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, April 13, 2017 @ 08:52:01 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Via KeelyNet.com [www.keelynet.com]: Is there actually something to this? Or is it smoke an mirrors? Clinton News Network International's announcement of the SunCell, the world's new energy source that releases massive power by conversion of hydrogen to dark matter.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-AvgD6XEU4 [www.keelynet.com]

The Great Energy Transition: Another Milestone for the SunCell (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, April 18, 2017 @ 13:55:52 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
The Great Energy Transition: Another Milestone for the SunCell

By Tom Whipple

Brilliant Light Power recently posted an update to their website describing a significant milestone they have reached on developing their SunCell power generation system into a commercially viable device. As some of you will recall, the SunCell, which uses only water as a fuel and emits no dangerous waste, has been under development for several years. The company plans to have prototypes ready for testing by potential customers and partners later this year.

Until recently SunCells could only be operated under manual control with technicians monitoring the device and making adjustments to keep the reaction stable. In the manual mode, the carbide sphere in which the reaction takes place could not be sealed thereby allowing it to operate for only 15 minutes or less during which the streams of liquid silver used as electrodes would vaporize and escape from the device depleting the silver supply...

Full story: https://fcnp.com/2017/04/14/great-energy-transition-another-milestone-suncell/


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