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Sites worth checking
Posted on Monday, March 09, 2015 @ 02:41:28 UTC by vlad

General Koen van Vlaenderen site: My website is about the secret and the science of unlimited electric energy ... I am convinced there is a perfect technical solution for the problem of limited energy resources, already discovered long before WWII by dr. Nikola Tesla ... This technical solution unlocks an unlimited electric energy source, but it is unknown for several reasons. We are missing something very important, something that is not well understood also from a scientific point of view. The internet presents many "free energy devices", and practically all of them are hoaxes. People are wasting their time or money on these hoaxes. A "free energy inventor" can always be on the payroll of the energy monopolists; his job role is to misguide you, such that the energy monopoly is not jeopardized. It is not my intention to show you 'how to build a Tesla generator' or 'how to build a free-energy generator or a perpetuum mobilae. I want to show you the underlying engineering principles and scientific background theory that explain and describe this forgotten and suppressed technology. This is about knowledge, not about blind faith.

Koen's site:  http://members.tele2.nl/kovavla/index.html

WantToKnow /New Energy Information Center : This page provides links to a variety of sources of information dealing with new energy technologies on the WantToKnow.info website. Our most basic material is listed first, followed by other resources which delve deeper for those interested in more. We recommend reading through this entire page before exploring the links provided. WantToKnow.info presents this information on new energy technologies as an opportunity for you to educate yourself and others, and to inspire us to work together to strengthen democracy and build a brighter future for us all.

Site: http://www.wanttoknow.info/newenergyinformation



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"Sites worth checking" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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yay! koen is back (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Monday, March 09, 2015 @ 03:15:35 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
I was worried koen had dropped off the face of the earth.   I am glad to see him back, as he is one of the few people I consider to be sane.

Power Innovator Program - Scam Review (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, March 14, 2015 @ 00:34:52 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Via Keelynet.com [www.keelynet.com]: May I first appeal to the common sense of our readers. You know when you are being scammed. The Power Innovator Program offered by so called Dr. Richard Goran is a scam. The product video follows a well proven model of deception. It begins with a credible reference to Nikola Tesla who really is one of the early pioneers of the the electicity industry. It builds trust by confirming something we should know, in particular that FREE energy is a scam.

Then it claims corporate conspiracy (we love consipracy) that only Dr Goran knows about, and how the truth has been hidden from us all. It closes by promising to save you 85% of your electricity bill. That would be nice! And energy independence should there be a power disruption.

Payment is taken by the same Clickbank credit card processor that most of these scams use. As a matter of principle I will never pay for anything that Clickbank is involved with. Then it tries to block you leaving the web site, just as it's many partners in crime; on closing the browser window it pops up "there is unsaved data" - so please be careful everyone - this is nasty stuff!

The Power Innovator Program follows the theme of the Nikola Tesla Secret scam. Both refer to patents which do exist. But are not actually related to this product. If you are intersted the first scams of this type go back to the original "Magniwork Perpetual Motion" scam. Now I have NOT built any one of these contraptions. But I have researched Tesla (link is external), and the allegation that he died in povery ripped off by corporate interests is simply false.

His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse, who also hired Tesla for a short time as a consultant. His work in the formative years of electric power development was also involved in the corporate struggle between making alternating current or direct current the the power transmission standard, referred to as the Ware of Currents. Tesla went on to pursue his ideas of wireless lighting and electricity distribution in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New York and Colorado Springs and made early (1893) pronouncements on the possibility of wireless communication.

The criminals promoting these scams are professionals. We really do need to track down every version of these scams. The money is going to organized crime, part of which funds terrorism. If you do read this post please do not get duped. Look at the reviews and ask yourself how they can all be the same?

Please do not be fooled by the many positive reviews found when searching this product. They have been created to win search pages and promote the scam. Google is being duped (it bases it rankings on words and links) into making these fake reports appear as top search results. 

Link source: Power Innovator Program - Scam Review [open4energy.com]

Re: Sites worth checking (Score: 1)
by profraccoon on Saturday, March 14, 2015 @ 00:52:04 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Vlad, thanks for bringing my site under attention, and thanks Kadamose for recognising my ideas as sane, in this insane globalized society.

I am working on a new paper on Maxwell's biggest error in electromagnetism theory and how to fix this error. It is a combinatiion of an historic review, an analysis , a problem description, a fixed theory (step by step) without contradictions and confusion.

My website also shows much of my ideas of a more general classical field theory, but my online version contains an error  ( a 'sigma' should be a 'mu'}, so needed to redo all my homework and have to come up with a better theory.
I succeeded in doing this, so I will present a better version of my theory soon.
Most of my website info is still valid though.

Maxwell's theory is incorrect, because the Biot-Savart law is already incorrect, since Biot-Safart's law underlies the Grassman force law for magnetostatics, and this force law violates Newton's third principle of motion. PoincarĂ© understood fully that  Grassman's force law is incorrect, however PoincarĂ© tried to solve this problem by involving electromagnetic radiation momentum and energy,  meanwhile magnetostatic currents do not radiate TEM waves at all. So the problem wasn't fixed by PoincarĂ© after all, and needs a different fix other than special relativity and energy momentum from massless radiation.

Funny that my solution leads to longitudinal types of radiation, as proposed by Tesla and others, that might have much faster phase velocity than TEM waves. The momentum from this radiation fixes another longstanding problem of electrodynamic mass, the famous 4/3 problem, as pointed out by Rutherford, see  http://www.softcom.net/users/der555/elecmass.pdf

Meanwhile I cooperate with two Dutchmen who want to repeat Tesla's experiments exactly according to Tesla's principles of optimization. I give theoretical support,  for instance in providing a better physics model for the Tesla coil.
Corum and Corum (brothers Corum) came up with a set of design principles (such as, the secondary coil in the Tesla transformer is a 'transmission line resonator' such that the top-capacitor has to reflect all the energy back to the coil'). But Corum's theory cannot be the whole story behind Tesla's disruptive coil.

Oh, and I was fired by my ICT company employer, so I am facing an uncertain financial future. I guess no science institute would ever hire me, that leaves me no other option than to be succesful in zpe engineering ;).


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