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Gates Looks at LENRs as Future Energy Source
Posted on Saturday, November 15, 2014 @ 13:56:24 UTC by vlad

Investors Nov. 14, 2014 – By Steven B. Krivit – (via NewEnergyTimes.net)

Bill Gates, pioneer in the digital world, is exploring low-energy nuclear reactions (LENRs), the frontier of energy research.

On Wednesday, he visited a small laboratory on the sprawling campus of a government lab in Frascati, just outside of Rome, Italy. The lab is one of several large ones under the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment.

While at ENEA-Frascati, Gates listened to a lecture by ENEA scientist Vittorio Violante and observed LENR experiments in his lab. Gates was there with Lowell Wood, a physicist who once worked with Edward Teller at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Wood is now a professor of physics at the University of Houston.

ENEA-Frascati has been working on thermonuclear fusion research for many years. Gates, too, has had an interest in energy research and has been funding Terrapower, a commercial effort to make a practical traveling-wave nuclear fission reactor.

New Energy Times visited the Frascati LENR laboratory in 2007. Click here for our feature story on their research.

New Energy Times describes LENRs as “laboratory experiments which have the potential to produce nuclear-scale energy and nuclear products but without the harmful effects of conventional nuclear energy. LENRs are weak interactions and neutron-capture processes that occur in nanometer-to-micron-scale regions on surfaces in condensed matter at room temperature. Although nuclear, LENRs are not based on fission or any kind of fusion, both of which primarily involve the strong interaction.”


Full article: http://news.newenergytimes.net/2014/11/14/gates-looks-at-lenrs-as-future-energy-source/



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"Gates Looks at LENRs as Future Energy Source" | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments | Search Discussion
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Bill Gates Briefed at ENEA Research Labs in Italy on LENR (Cold Fusion) (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, November 16, 2014 @ 17:47:15 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Via E-CatWorld.com: ... A report about the meeting in the Italian Newspaper Il Messaggero did not provide details about the discussions that took place there, but did mention some of the agencies and organizations that ENEA has collaborated over the years who have been involved in research in the LENR field:

“In 2010 an international agreement was signed which provides for the involvement of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC (NRL), and the University of Texas has recently expressed a strong interest to cooperate further with ENEA. They also had collaborations with the Stanford Research Institute in California [SRI] and with the SKINR Institute at the University of Missouri.”...

Full article: http://www.e-catworld.com/2014/11/14/bill-gates-addressed-at-enea-by-lenr-research-coordinator-what-does-he-know-about-lenr/ [www.e-catworld.com]

Russian Nuclear Physicist Vitaly Uzikov on the E-Cat: ‘The Train has Left’ (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, November 16, 2014 @ 19:32:23 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Via E-Catworld.com: A very interesting development I found on Andrea Rossi’s blog:

November 8th, 2014 at 10:07 AM
Dr Andrea Rossi:

Did you see the article on Proatom written by Dr Vitaly Uzikov?

http://www.proatom.ru/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=5595 [www.proatom.ru]

This is a peer reviewed nuclear physics magazine and Dr Uzikov is a preminent figure of the Russian Nuclear Physics world. Congratulations to the Professors of the ITP, this is an important endorsement from the mainstream Russian scientific environment. If you come in Russia you will find friends of much higher level than you can even imagine.

From Russia, with love and with the regular Warm Regards,

D. Travchenko

Andrea Rossi
November 8th, 2014 at 10:33 AM
D. Travchenko:

This paper is becoming viral and I am very honoured of what you say:
yes, I agree totally with you in regard of the inportance of this

Warm Regards,


As you can read an important nuclear site published a (positive) plea to take attention to the Ecat. I Google translated the article, which is obviously in Russian, but the quality was not very good. I hope it will be better in English.

Below is a translation (via Google with edits by Frank Acland) of the article.

A Brief History of New Nuclear Energy Andrea Rossi

V.A. Uzikov, engineer-technologist, NIIAR

A second report on the results of a long-term test of the “hot E-CAT (Energy Catalyzer)” invented by Andrea Rossi was published Oct. 8, 2014, and caused some shock to those who follow this “saga of cold fusion,” but especially to the detractors of Rossi. Why specifically? Yes, for a simple reason – this 53-page scientific report is not easy to refute and rebut, but oh, how I want to ….

Full article: http://www.e-catworld.com/2014/11/08/russian-nuclear-physicist-vitaly-uzikov-on-the-e-cat-the-train-has-left/ [www.e-catworld.com]

by vlad on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 @ 00:41:26 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
From Peter Gluck's EgoOut blog [egooutpeters.blogspot.ro]: The visit of Bill Gates at ENEA’s Frascati Lab (Nov 12) and his discussion with the Italia leading cold fusionist Prof. Vittorio Violante- excellent news! Violante is the absolute champion of palladium metallurgy and study of Pd’s most intimate metallurgy – an admirable researcher and a fighter for the cold fusion truth.

A few days after this historical meeting we still don’t know the essence- the funds donated by Bill Gates directly and specifically to cold fusion/LENR research- what fraction of the 1 billion $/year (?) allocated for hot fusion and this is very important because except game changing new ideas money is the most important for creating the future of LENR...

Due to these difficulties I cannot contribute with original ideas to this discussion, however thanks to the generous offer of my friend Russ George I will republish his fine paper here.

Russ is a great CF/LENR experimenter, I know him from my Fusion Facts era and it was a pleasure to exchange ideas with him and to learn about his achievements which go much beyond cold fusion. The paper was published on his great blog; I warmly recommend you to explore this Blog.

Russ is well informed: “I have long known Lowell Wood who took Gates to Frascati. He, Edward Teller, and I were close to becoming partners in cold fusion back in the middle nineties but Lowell’s and Teller’s affiliation with the dark secret world made my attorney advisor super nervous… I took the attorney’s advice which I now deeply regret and did not accept Teller’s offer to make it all happen. The proposition at the time was to form a foundation to pursue the gas phase nano-particle cold fusion results that are so similar to what is being seen today.

Russ is deeply dedicated to our cause: “We are both getting too old to allow the anti-social media trolls to win on this vital technology that will save the world for our grandchildren.

Original link pf Russ blog paper is at:

Full article: http://egooutpeters.blogspot.ro/2014/11/bill-gates-ante-portas-gates-at-gates.html


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