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Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2014 @ 00:58:22 UTC by vlad

Science WGUGLINSKI writes: The new experiment published by the journal Nature in the end of 2014 represents the definitive breakdown of Quantum Mechanics, as explained ahead.

1) How photons are emitted by atoms according to Quantum Mechanics

According to the Quantum Mechanics, into the electrosphere of the atoms the electrons do not travel the space between two levels n and n+1. According to the theory, the electron disappears in the level n, and it appears instantaneously in the level n+1, without traveling along the space which separate the two levels.

The reason why the electron does not travel the space between the two levels in the atom is easy to be understood, and it is consequence of the assumptions adopted in the development of the Quantum Mechanics, as seeing ahead :

a) The space within the electrosphere of atoms is considered Euclidian
b) There is Coulomb attraction between the proton and the electron
c) Therefore, if the space between two levels had been travelled by the electron, it would have to be accelerated, because it is submitted to the force of attraction
d) By having acceleration, the electron would have to emit energy when moving in that space between the levels, according to the Maxwell’s law (continuous emission).
e) However, the experiments show that the atom does not emit energy continuously, but actually it emits discrete packages of energy (photons) only when the electron arrives to the points of emission in the levels n=1, 2, 3.. , etc.
f) Therefore, according to Quantum Mechanics, the electron cannot travel along the space between the levels, and that’s why according to the theory the electron disappears in one level, and it appears instantaneously in another level.

2) How photons are emitted by atoms according to Quantum Ring Theory

Unlike happens in Quantum Mechanics, according to the model of atom proposed in Quantum Ring Theory the electron travels the space between the levels within the electrosphere. In order to simplify the explanation, we will explain what happens in the hydrogen atom. The mechanism of the phenomenon according to QRT is the following:

a) The space within the electrosphere of atoms is non-Euclidian (there is a gradient of density which grows toward the direction of the proton).
b) The electron moves with helical trajectory in the electrosphere of the atom
c) The electron moves with CONSTANT speed between two energy levels, and this is the reason why it does not irradiate energy when it moves along the space between two levels
d) Because the space is non-Euclidian, when the electron is moving toward the direction of the proton, there is a growth in the inertia of the electron (it is a growth in the resistance of the electron against its acceleration toward the proton, because while the force of attraction grows inversely proportional to the decrease of the distance proton-electron, at the same time grows its resistance opposing the growth of the attraction force). The same happens when the electron is moving leaving away the proton.
e) Such constant speed of the electron in the electrosphere of the atoms can occur only in the atom model of Quantum Ring Theory, because the electrosphere is filled with aether (the reason why the space is non-Euclidian).

3) The Hans Dehmelt experiment

In 1989 Hans Dehmelt published a paper describing a new technology, which detected the trajectory of the electrons within the electrosphere of the atoms. His experiment proved to be wrong the assumption adopted in Quantum Mechanics, because he detected that the electron travels the space between two levels of energy in the atom.

Obviously that discovery had represented in 1989 the definitive breakdown of the Quantum Mechanics, because as the electrons travel the space between levels in the atom (as detected in the Dehmelt experiments), then according to Quantum Mechanics the atoms have be emitting energy continuously, and therefore the theory is denied by the experiments made concerning the atom emission.

In order to save Quantum Mechanics face to the definitive breakdown, the community of physicists adopted the strategy of claiming that in the Dehmelt experiment the atom is “dressed”. So, according that new ad hoc hypothesis, the electron actually does not travel the space between levels, however due to the new technology used by Dehmelt the measurements show an “apparent” trajectory of the electron, because thanks to that new technology the atom becomes “dressed”.

So, by this way the community of physicist succeeded to avoid the definitive collapse of the Quantum Mechanics along 25 years.

4) The experiment published by Nature in 2014

But finally now, in the end of July 2014, the journal Nature published a paper proving that Quantum Mechanics is indeed wrong, because the hypothesis of “dressed atom” is actually a bunch of baloney.

The experiment published by the journal Nature detected trajectories in a way different of that predicted in Quantum Mechanics:
Mapping the optimal route between two quantum states

The experiment shows that the Interpretation of Copenhagen was wrong, as predicted in the book Quantum Ring Theory.

Irfan Siddiqi, UC Berkeley associate professor of physics, says about the wrong entanglement of states considered in Quantum Mechanics:

To Bohr and others, the process was instantaneous – when you opened the box, the entangled system collapsed into a definite, classical state. This postulate stirred debate in quantum mechanics, But real-time tracking of a quantum system shows that it’s a continuous process, and that we can constantly extract information from the system as it goes from quantum to classical. This level of detail was never considered accessible by the original founders of quantum theory.

5) The experiment made by Aephraim Steinberg

The experiment published now in 2014 by Nature was performed thanks to a new technology, already used by Aephraim Steinberg, who published in 2012 a paper proving that Bohr’s Principle of Complementarity is also a bunch of baloney.
The meaning of Steinberg experiment is explained in the ZPEnergy:

Steinberg, from the Toronto University-Canada, made the double-slit experiment with photons, and the results show that Quantum Mechanics is wrong, while Quantum Ring Theory is correct, because:

1- According to Quantum Mechanics, a quantum particle can behave either as a particle or as a wave, but it cannot behave as wave and as a particle at the same time.

2- Unlike, as Quantum Ring Theory considers that the wave-particle duality is consequence of the helical trajectory, then the particle can have interference with its own helical trajectory when it crosses a slit.
So, according to QRT, the quantum particle can behave as a wave and as a particle as the same time.

In the Steinberg experiment, a photon crossed a unique slit, and it had inferference with itself (a wave feature), while from Quantum Mechanics we would have to expect a particle feature only, since the photon crossed only one slit.


1- This new technology is proving definitively that Quantum Mechanics was developed from wrong foundations, and it must be replaced by a new theory with new fundamental principles missing in Quantum Mechanics.

2- A new model of atom capable to explain how the electron can travel the space between levels in the atom must be developed from the new principles considered in the atom model proposed in Quantum Ring Theory.



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"DEFINITIVE BREAKDOWN OF THE QUANTUM MECHANICS" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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1/8/2014-New experiment confirms Helical Trajec predicted by Quantum Ring Theory (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, August 14, 2014 @ 01:12:13 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Submitted by WGuglinski: The experiment was published in the journal Nature

Look at the shape of the million trajectories measured in the experiments:
http://www.eurekalert.org/multimedia/pub/77169.php?from=273859 [www.eurekalert.org]

The release:
http://phys.org/news/2014-07-optimal-route-quantum-states.html [phys.org]

And the paper published by Nature:
Mapping the optimal route between two quantum states
http://arxiv.org/abs/1403.4992 [arxiv.org]

The experiment shows that the Interpretation of Copenhagen was wrong, as predicted in the book Quantum Ring Theory.

Dr. Irfan Siddiqi, UC Berkeley associate professor of physics, says about the wrong entanglement of states considered in Quantum Mechanics:

To Bohr and others, the process was instantaneous – when you opened the box, the entangled system collapsed into a definite, classical state. This postulate stirred debate in quantum mechanics, But real-time tracking of a quantum system shows that it’s a continuous process, and that we can constantly extract information from the system as it goes from quantum to classical. This level of detail was never considered accessible by the original founders of quantum theory.
http://newscenter.berkeley.edu/2014/07/30/watching-schrodingers-cat-die/ [newscenter.berkeley.edu]

So, one more experiment is showing that are wrong some fundamental principles of Quantum Mechanics, as predicted in the book Quantum Ring Theory.

Causality violated by the atom model of Quantum Mechanics (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, August 17, 2014 @ 22:58:09 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
My "W" namesake (Wald), I publish many of your posts because I want to encourage theoretical physicists as well as experimenters to join in the fight to bring that new revolutionary energy device that would change this world for better, ASAP! I know that, for example, a better, accepted and understood new theory for the LENR would tremendously speed up the commercialization of powerful, safe and stable energy devices that use this phenomenon. Nevertheless, both RBM and Kadamose do have a point that, we on this site, heavily favor the practical aspect of theory development ... for beautiful theories alone, there are many other sites with much more people who understand what you're writing about and van give you a pertinent feedback. I hope you understand my point. Thx and keep thinking out of the box but focus on the real world Wald! [Vlad] 

After Guglinski's comment on DEFINITIVE BREAKDOWN OF THE QUANTUM MECHANICS in Rossi's blog Journal of Nuclear Physics, the reader Mr. Joe posted a commnent asking for some explanations, and Guglinski posted them, as shown ahead:

  • Joe


    For an object to go from a state of zero velocity to nonzero velocity means that there is a change in velocity with time. This is the definition of acceleration. And acceleration is due to a nonzero resultant force acting on that object. Therefore, an electron going from one energy level (zero radial velocity) to another energy level (zero radial velocity) requires a positive and negative acceleration respectively. This requires a nonzero positive and negative resultant force acting on the electron respectively. In QRT, since a smooth gradient of aether is responsible for nullifying the smooth field of the electrostatic force of the nucleus (allowing only constant velocity between energy levels in the electrosphere), how is this smoothness destroyed at the various energy levels in order to allow nonzero resultant forces to occur there?

    All the best,

  • Wladimir Guglinski

    the description made by me in the post entitled Definitive breakdown of the Quantum Mechanics is actually a simplified explanation, because the mechaninisms within the electrosphere are actually more complex. For instance, there is the participation of the helical tajectory.

    When the electron moves between two levels with constant speed, the resultant of forces on it is zero, and the electron moves thanks to its inertia (before to jump from n=1 to n=2, for instance, the electron stays in the orbit n=2 increasing its velocity, thanks to the absoprtion of photons by the atom).
    The electron moving about the proton in circular motion would have to emit energy, from the classical physics. However, as shown in my book Quantum Ring Theory, because of the helical trajectory the electron does not emit energy, also bececause of the gradient of the aether.

    When is moving far away of the proton, the pitch of the helix increases, because the density of the aether decreases.
    With the electon coming from n=1, the photon is emitted in n=2 thanks to a resonance between the pitch of the helix and the distance proton-electron and also the velocity of the electron, and it occurs in the points with radius R= 2², R= 3² , 4² , etc. (the size of the pitch depends on the velocity).

    When the velocity is slow, the resonance does no occur, and the electron passes by the level n=2 without emitting photon, and it emits the photon in the level n=3 or n=4.

    Moving in circular orbit in the level n=1, there is a Coulomb attraction proton-electron, and there are two sort of energy to be accumulated: the kinetic energy due to its velocity, and the kinetic energy thanks to its spin (the spin is also quantized, and it produces a magnetic field increasing the force of attraction proton-electron).

    When the electron is coming back after the first big jumping, for instance jumping between n=4 to n=2, the kinetic energy of its spin is changed to the form of kinetic energy of motion 0,5m.V² when it passes by the level n=2. As the spin lost a portion of its energy, the rotation of the spin decreases, and so decreases the additional magnetic moment due to the spin, in order that now the electron will do a second big jumping, however with a lower level of energy than it did in the first jumping.
    As the magnetic attraction proton-electron decreased, the centripetal force wins the dispute, and the electron makes its second jump from n=2 to n=3.

    The additional magnetic field due to the spin changes drastically the state of the aether in the electrosphere, in order that each big jumping occurs in a particular condiction of the aether.

    When moving in circular orbit about the proton in n=1, the electron accumulates energy for many consecutive jumps. When the capacity of the electron to acummulate energy is satured, the centripetal force wins the dispute, and the electron jumps, doing several consecutive jumpings (emitting photons in going and coming.

    There are many other details, as for instance concerning the forces on the electron, because as the Sn(e)-spin of an electron into the atom produces an additional magnetic field, when the field Sn((e) suffers variation in its angular speed, the variation of magnetic intensity has influence on the frequency of photon emission.


  • Wladimir Guglinski

    Energy emission by an electric charge accelerated following Maxweel’s law

    along the years I had already imagined several mechanisms, in order to explain why the electron does not emit energy when it travels the space between two levels in the atom.
    Let me explain to you my last conclusion.
    In order to simplify the explanation, we will consider the hydrogen atom.

    1) A free electric charge with acceleration in the vaccuum

    Consider an electron moving with constant speed V in the vacuum, and suppose that its helical trajectory has a radius R.

    Suppose an electromagnetic force apply an acceleration on the electron.
    The electron does not change its speed continously. Instead of, it speed grows by discrete quanta ∆V.

    The elementary particles are constrained to move with helical trajectory subjected to the following law, proposed in Quantum Ring Theory:
    It is constant the flux the aether crossing within the helical trajectory

    This happens also with the photon, as shown in my book QRT. That’s why the photon reduces its speed from c in the vaccum to V in the translucent substances as water and glass.

    Then let us analyse the acceleration of the electron in the vaccum.
    The electromagnetic force applies an increase ∆V in the velocity V. In order to keep constant the flux of aether crossing its helical trajectory, its radius R has a reduction ∆R.

    In the instant when occurs the reduction ∆R in the radius of the helical trajectory, there is emission of energy, according to Maxweel’s law.

    The same happens when the electron is decelerated, but energy is emitted with the radius of the helical trajectory grows.

    2) Electron moving between levels in the atom according to Quantum Mechanics
    The space of the electrosphere of atoms according to QM is Euclidian, and therefore under the force of attraction with the proton, the electron is accelerated, and emit energy, as happens with the electron moving in the vacuum, as already explained.

    3) Electron moving between levels in the electrosphere with aether
    The gradient of growth in the density of the aether is not continous. Actually it grows with discrete quanta ∆d.
    Each atom has its particular quantum ∆d. The hydrogen has its quantum ∆d, the helium has its quantum ∆d, etc.

    Now consider the aether involving the proton, but suppose that the proton is removed from there, in order that it remains only its electrosphere with that aether.

    And consider that an electron with speed V, comming from the vacuum, enters within that electrosphere of the hydrogen atom (without the proton, since it was removed).

    Well, when the electron enters in that electrosphere, it starts to face an aether with gradient ∆d.
    When the electron touches the first ∆d, in order to keep constant the flux of aether within its helical trajectory, the speed of the electron has a decrease ∆V.

    So, it happens as if the electron was submitted to a force Fa due to the aether applying a deceleration on the electron.
    And pay attention that, in spite of the electron is decelerated, there is no emission of energy, because the electron keeps the radius R of its helical trajectory.

    Therefore the electron continues moving with decelerated motion toward the direction where the proton was before removed.

    Now let us put the proton again in his place into the electrosphere where the electron is moving with decelerated motion.
    As the proton applies a force Fp on the electron, in this new situation the electron is submitted to two forces:
    1- Fa due to the aether trying to decelerate it
    2- The attraction force Fp of the proton trying to accelerate it

    The force Fa of the aether on the electron depends on the gradient ∆d of the proton, and therefore Fa is equal to Fp, and as they are applied on contrary direction, then the electron is actually submitted to a null force, and the atom does not emit energy when the electron moves between to levels.

    In the regions of the electrosphere far away of the proton, the density of the aether has a gradient ∆d very low, and therefore the electron is accelerated toward the proton emitting energy. But when the electron enters in the region where the gradient ∆d is high, the acceleration ceases, and the electron starts to move with constant speed.

    Moving about the proton in the level n=1, the atom captures energy from the enviroment and the electron starts to gyrate faster about the proton, and it jumps when the centripetal force wins the dispute against the force of attraction trying to keep the electron in the level n=1.


  • Wladimir Guglinski

    Causality violated by the atom model of Quantum Mechanics

    Dear Joe

    In my book “Os Dados que Deus Escondeu” (The Dice God Hid) published in 2003 in Brazil, in the Introduction it is explained why the atom model of Quantum Mechanics violates the causality.
    Os Dados que Deus Escondeu (  http://bodigaya.com.br/index.php/os-dados-que-deus-escondeu.html  )

    Let me give a little idea why there is violation of the causality.

    According to QM the atom emits photons when the electron changes its position from a level to another. The electron can, for instance, to go from n=1 to n=2, or from n=2 to n=4, or from n=1 to n=3, or from n=4 to n=1, etc.

    But there is not, in QM, any cause responsible for some specific sequence. For instance, why sometimes does the electron go from n=1 to n=2, and sometimes it goes from n=1 to n=4? From the theory there is no way to find the physical cause for the reason why, from a starting point at the same initial level n=1, sometimes the electron goes to n=2, sometimes it goes to n=3, and sometimes it goes to n=4.

    Bohr proposed the selection rules so that to describe that “statistical” behavior of the electron. However it is only a mathematical description. The cause of the sequence of the jumpings is not pointed out.

    Suppose some atom A has the following sequence of six jumpings:
    1) From n=1 to n=3
    2) From n=3 to n=2
    3) From n=2 to n=4
    4) From n=4 to n=2
    5) From n=2 to n=3
    6) From n=3 to n=1
    7) … and the sequence is ended, and it starts again, and it is repeated again, and again, and again…

    What the cause of such a sequence is?
    As Quantum Mechanics works via statistical laws, we dont have to expect any specific sequence when the electron moves from a level to another. According to the model of Quantum Mechanics, the sequence would have to be chaotic, and never repeated again. However, we know from experiments that, for the atom A considered above, the sequence is repeated indefinitely forever.

    Suppose we take a die, and in the first of its side we write 1, in the second side we write 2, and so one, til to write 6 in the sixth side.
    If we start to throw the die, it will give a chaotic sequence of extractions, for instance as follows: 5-3-5-2-1-4-3-6-6-4-2-1-5-4-3-6-2-6-4-5-…

    There is not any repetition in the sequence. This is just the sequence which the model of the atom A, according to Quantum Mechanics, had to have.

    Suppose that we want to build a die able to give the following sequence:
    1) first extraction = 1
    2) second extraction = 3
    3) third extraction = 2
    4) fourth extaction = 4
    5) Fifth extraction = 2
    6) sixth extraction = 3
    7) seventh extraction = 1… , and so we realize that it is the sequence of emission of photons by the atom A.

    Continuing to throw the die, it will repeat again the same sequence, and the sequence is never stopped.

    How can we do it?
    Well, we can to get it, for instance, by installing an apparatus within the die (with springs and an iron sphere moving within channels), so that it will follow the wished sequence.

    QUESTION: What is the difference of such die and the atom model of Quantum Mechanics?

    RESPONSE: The difference is because while the die has a physical device responsible for the extractions always in the same sequence , unlike the atom model of Quantum Mechanics has not any physical device capable to produce always the same sequence of photons emission observed in the experiments.

    So, Quantum Mechanics is phantasmagoric. It works without physical causes.


    Why the spin of the secondary fields Sn(p) of proton and Sn(e) of electron do not induce magnetic moments

    do you remember our discussion about the rotation of the secondary field Sn , here in the JoNP ?
    Along the discussion I had explained that the spin of the field Sn does not induce magnetic moment.

    Ahead is a stretch of the paper Aether Structure for unification between gravity and electromagnetism, submitted for publication in JoNP, showing the reason why the spin of the field Sn does not induce magnetic moment:

    Page 8 of he paper ========================================

    We see in the figure 4.2:

    1- The red electriciton e(+) with orbit radius R= n2 has spin-down and is situated in a region of aether density proportinal to n=1.

    2- The red electriciton e(+) with orbit radius R= 1 has spin-up and is situated in a region of aether density proportional to n2.

    So, the magnetic moment due to the rotation of the field Sn(p) is null, because the two red electricitons in the Fig. 4.2 induce magnetic moments with the same value but with contrary signs.

    Figure 4.2:
    http://peswiki.com/index.php/Image:STRUCTURE_OF_THE_FIELD_Sn%28p%29_of_the_proton.png [www.zpenergy.com]


    The physical cause of the sequence of jumpings in the atom model of Quantum Ring Theory

    As we realize from the Figure 4.2, the spin of the secondary field Sn does not induce magnetic moment because of the symmetry of the field.

    Therefore, when the electron is moving within the electrosphere of a proton in a RADIAL direction (moving far away of the proton or, unlike, going to the proton’s direction), the spin Sn(e) of the electron has no magnetic moment. So, when the electron is going in the RADIAL direction, the only existing force of attraction proton-electron due to their electric charges is the Coulomb attraction.

    But what does happens when the electron is moving in circular trajectory about the proton?
    Well, in this case the symmetry of the field Sn(e) of the electron is broken, and then from the Fig. 4.2 we realize that a BIG MAGNETIC moment is induced by the spin of the field Sn(e).

    With the electron moving in circular trajectory about the proton, the electron is submitted to two forces:
    a) the attraction proton-electron (Coulomb attraction and attraction due to the BIG magnetic moment of the field Sn(e) )
    b) the centripetal force trying to expel the electron

    If the electron had not being attracted by the BIG magnetic moment, quickly the centripetal force would win the dispute, and the electron would not be able to storage a big energy enough to allow the electron to do several sequence of consecutives jumpings about the proton.
    Thanks to the contribution of the BIG magnetic attraction due to the spin of the field Sn(e), the electron stores a big kinetic energy of motion and of kinetic energy of its spin Sn(e). These two energy are liberated when the electron arrives to the many levels n=1, n=2, n=3, n=4, etc.
    By losing energy after a sequence of consecutive jumpings, in the next big jumping the sequence will be different, because the condictions have changed, thanks to the waste of energy. And when the energy is totally wasted in the emission of photons after many big jumpings , the electron goes back to move about the proton again, so that to storage kinetic energy again, in order to do again a new sequence of several consecutive big jumpings.

    The several different sequence of jumpings, as for instance from n=1 to n=4, n=2 to n=3, n=3 to n=1, etc., is consequence the physical mechanism explained here.
    Of course there are many other details. For instance, the emission of photons is consequence (among other reasons) of the resonance between the pitch of the helical trajectory of the electron and the gradient ∆d of the aether density within the electrosphere of the atom (each atom has its specific ∆d ).

    looking at the incoherences of Quantum Mechanics (as for instance the violation of the causality principle), one must be astonished face to the fact that the physicists do not worry about them. In spite of so many incoherences point out that Quantum Mechanics cannot be the definitive description of the Nature, the physicists never show interest to discuss such questions and recognize that Quantum Mechanics is wrong, and why do not have interest to consider new theories with new principles missing in Quantum Mechanics.

    I really don’t understand such a missing of interest in fundamental questions which prove that Quantum Mechanics was developed from wrong foundations.

  • Joe


    On August 15th, 2014 at 3:45 PM, you ask the following:

    “Why the spin of the secondary fields Sn(p) of proton and Sn(e) of electron do not induce magnetic moments?”

    Since the electron and the proton do exhibit magnetic dipole moments, what is their cause then – the primary fields Sp(e) and Sp(p)?

    All the best,

  • Wladimir Guglinski

    the radius of the fields Sn(e) and Sn(p) have the magnitude of the Bohr radius, R=10^-11 m.

    It’s a very large radius.

    If the spin of Sn(e) had magnetic moment, it would be in the order of magnitude several times larger than the electron’s magnetic moment measured in the experiments.

    The neutron is formed by proton+electron

    But the magnetic moment of the electron is 1000 times stronger than that of the neutron, and one could expect that the magnetic moment of the neutron would have to be 1000tims stronger that that measered in the experiments, by considering a model n=p+3.

    However, when the electron is captured by the proton, and they form the neutron, the electron loses its helical trajectory, and it loses its spin 1/2 (that’s why the neutron has spin 1/2)>
    So, we conclude that the electron’s magnetic moment is due to its helical trajectory.

    The hypothesis that electron’s magnetic moment and its spin is consequence of its helical trajectory was origanlly supposed by Schroedinger:

    The idea that the electron spin and magnetic moment are generated by a localized circulatory motion of the electron has been proposed independently by many physicists.
    Schroedinger’s zitterbewegung (zbw) model for such motion is especially noteworthy, because it is grounded in an analysis of solutions to the Dirac equation.

    The Zitterbewegung Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
    http://geocalc.clas.asu.edu/pdf-preAdobe8/ZBW_I_QM.pdf [www.zpenergy.com]




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