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Shell energy scenarios to 2050
Posted on Sunday, March 30, 2014 @ 19:53:22 UTC by vlad

So what will the two worlds described in our scenarios look like? How might the world change in either one? Watch the video and explore the Scramble and Blueprints scenarios.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ2uIPeiEYQ (Via KeelyNet.com)

More information on http://www.shell.com/scenarios/

Please also see the Harvard Business Review article: Living in the Futures

[I just can't seem to trust such "corporation talk" ... it reminds me of the Cree Indian prophecy:

Only after the Last Tree has been cut down,
Only after the Last River has been poisoned,
Only after the Last Fish has been caught,
Only then will you find that
Money Cannot Be Eaten.




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Re: Shell energy scenarios to 2050 did not hear of Solar Hydrogen Trends Inc. (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, March 30, 2014 @ 20:57:12 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Here is something from KeelyNet.com [www.keelynet.com] that Shell did not account for in their scenarios ...or, they did, but will make sure (together with other oil and energy vested interest - in status quo - corporations) that will take the "right" amount of time for being deployed on a miningful scale:

03/29/14 - Solar Hydrogen Trends amazing discovery [revolution-green.com]

KeelyNet SOLAR HYDROGEN TRENDS INC. have claimed to have developed a reactor that with an input of 500 watts, produces an output of 2,797 cubic feet of hydrogen per hour (electricity equivalent 221.5 kWh), at cost of $1.80.

Solar Hydrogen Trends Inc. invented a Hydrogen Reactor. The technology provides multifactorial hydrogen reactor with elevated hydrogen production due to a set of sixteen (16) physical and chemical processes, acting simultaneously on the hydrogen bonds. The hydrogen reactor uses water as main fuel and its emissions are 100% clean (clean air).

The technology is non-volatile and produces free flowing hydrogen which can be compressed or used to convert to another form of energy.

The technology can be used as a free standing electrically powered device to produce unlimited amount of hydrogen at world’s cheapest rates or as a “bolt-on” hybrid solution.

They also claim in the following press release that the reactor provides high yield hydrogen making 1 kg of hydrogen out of 1 litre of water for 25 cents (USD). Is this an error in calculation or a real breakthrough?

As it is known “Strong interaction” in the nuclei, the distances between the nucleons is ~ (XX-XX) fm (femtometers), Binds them into the nuclei.

In the hydrogen reactor “Symphony 7A”. due to the collective excitation of nucleons from the external electrical source ( just 0.5 Kwt / h we were able to increase the distance between nucleons to a magnitude of ~ (XX-XX), fm in strong interaction in the beginning it drops to zero and then starts to push away nucleons , causing decay of the nucleus.

As my partner Jack Aganyan likes to say I should tell myself to stop now. Because 2-3 more words and absolutely everything will become clear to you how in the hydrogen reactor “Symphony 7A”. 1 liter of water is converted into 1 kg of hydrogen.

Solar Hydrogen claims tons of hydrogen from little energy. (If this turns out to be true and accurate (and I really hope it works even half as well as claimed), it will change the face of the planet because everyone can use fuel cells for power in homes, businesses, transportation, you name it. Thanks to Moray for the headsup! - JWD)


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