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The Zero-Point Universe
Posted on Saturday, March 03, 2012 @ 22:41:01 UTC by vlad

Science From Amazon.com Editorial Review: The new book, The Zero-Point Universe by Ray Fleming, explores the idea that all forces must be transmitted point-to-point through the vacuum of space through the zero-point field. Each force theory is re-examined to determine how it works with respect to zero-point energy, and along the way we discover, that this limiting condition leaves us with only one set of possibilities and one force responsible for all interactions. The book brings in historical perspectives and reads almost like a mystery novel, as it unravels the mysteries of physics. It is written for someone with only a basic grasp of physics and is clear and easy to understand, while including a few equations and citations to remind the reader that this is serious physics. This exploration ultimately leads to a new and complete theory of the universe that takes the Standard Model of Physics head-on.

What if there was no such thing as action at a distance, no magical force transmission? What if there where no such things as smart particles carrying memory chips full of the information needed for an object in space to know where it is supposed to go? What if all forces where transmitted point-to-point by zero-point energy, through the zero-point field? What if all objects where pushed on by the zero-point field, and all forces where due pressure differentials, much in the same way as the Casimir Force.  In the Zero-Point Universe reasonable explanations for force interactions, are identified by ignoring old theories that rely on action at a distance, since magical force transmission is obviously false. There is only one thing we know to be present through the vacuum of space and that is zero-point energy; hence every force interaction must be transmitted by and through the zero-point field.  By being rigorous, and jettisoning the old magical force transmission theories, and being conservative in our approach to explain force transmission, without violating the principles of conservation of energy and momentum, the energy limitations for virtual particles required by Planck’s theory of quantum harmonic oscillators, and the detection limits of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, we find that there is only one possible self consistent theory in the zero-point universe, and only one force, the Electro-Matter Force. Along the way the following facts reveal themselves:

The vacuum is not composed of virtual photons as any conceptualization of virtual photons exceeds the energy limits of the quantum harmonic oscillator and the detection limits allow under the Uncertainty Principle. Instead the vacuum must be thought of as a sea of charged dipoles, virtual electron-positron pairs or virtual proton-antiproton pairs, zero-point energy. Collectively they are called “zeptons” in this book, to avoid confusion with their non-virtual counterparts.

It is then discovered that photons are not fundamental particles, or shall we say re-discovered. It has been known for many decades that a photon can be thought of as a virtual electron-positron pair over the course of a half wavelength. What physicists have missed is that this truly is a fundamental description of a photon. Photons are composed of a series of virtual particle pairs, with the surrounding zero-point field polarized and rotating around it forming the electric and magnetic fields. Photons are simply a mechanism for transporting packets of energy through the zero-point field.

From there we realize that Faraday field lines are actually virtual electric dipoles of zero-point energy aligned in space forming physical electric fields or zero-point energy dipoles rotating in space forming  physical magnetic fields.

A precessing gyroscope generates an upward force equivalent in magnitude to gravity. This additional force is not gravity, it is also not any of the three other forces in the Standard Model. It is a true fifth force, the Matter Force. While Eric Laithwaite and others have understood that a gyroscope behaves magnetically, they have not attempted to describe it as a true magnetic-like force due to the motion of electrically neutral matter. The opposite charge to matter is antimatter. The Matter Force fields can also be described with Faraday field lines composed of real zero-point dipoles, and by a set of equations completely analogous to Maxwell’s equations. The electric and matter force can be combined into a single force, since all particles carry both types of charge.

Inertia is also a part of the matter force, a Lorentz force due to matter movement. The movement of matter produces a mattermagnetic field of rotating zero-point energy dipoles. This mattermagnetic field induces motion. The two effects together work to sustain motion, i.e. inertia.

There is a repulsive force between like charges associated with the Matter Force. This repulsive force is the so-called Dark Energy and is responsible for the expansion of the universe.

It is discovered that the mass-energy of the proton and electron is equal to the zero-point energy excluded by a spherical shell of each particle’s diameter, the charge radius of the proton, and the charge radius (e.g. Compton radius) of the electron. The mass ratio ~1836 is simply a consequence of this relationship. 

The electro-magnetic origin of mass requires that gravity also be electromagnetic. Gravity operates in accordance with Fatio’s Push Gravity theory where the corpuscles are zero-point energy vacuum fluctuations, which produce pressure in space just as they do with respect to the Electro-Matter Force. The pressure is a long-range van der Waals force that comes about due to the interaction between electron-like zero-point vacuum fluctuations and proton-like zero-point vacuum fluctuations as they have different electric and matter charge orientations, which do not cancel over short range like van der Waals forces between dipoles with a single type of charge.

The Casimir force between two protons is calculated at the femtometer range and found to be stronger than the Coulomb repulsion. This Strong Casimir Force is the Strong Nuclear Force, and as such the Nuclear Force is part of the Electro-Matter Force.

The Weak Force or more properly Weak Interaction can be better explained as being similar to Hawking Radiation as an interaction between a nucleon and a virtual electron-positron type zepton. For example when a virtual electron-positron is near a neutron, the positron may annihilate with the electron component of the neutron, leaving a free proton. That also leaves the once virtual but now free electron is space separate form the proton. This is the Weak Hawking Interaction is the fundamental mechanism responsible for all forms of beta decay, and the probabilistic nature of electron orbitals. The Weak Hawking Interaction is not a force, but a simple interaction between stable particles and zero-point vacuum fluctuations, which can be described as part of the Electro-Matter Force.

There is only one Force, the Electro-Matter Force, and all force interactions are transmitted by and through the zero-point field. That is the way of the Zero-Point Universe.



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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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