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Andrea Rossi Terminate Relation With Defkalion
Posted on Sunday, August 07, 2011 @ 17:45:16 UTC by vlad

Legal Via E-Cat Fusion: Hotest news of the day is that Andrea Rossi terminates all relationships with Defkalion Green Technologies.

Also he confirms that no E-cat fusion fusors are to be bulit in Greece!

PRESS RELEASE : Bologna-Rome (Italy) August 4th 2011

EFA- Energia da Fonti Alternative srl, the Italian Company through which the rights for the production of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat were granted to Praxen Defkalion Green Technologies LTD, publicly announces that the License and Technology Transfer Agreement between the two companies has been recently terminated. All business relationships with Praxen , the Cyprus based company that owns the Greek company Defkalion Green Technologies S.A., have been cancelled and asof today neither Praxen nor Defkalion, nor any other Greek company whatsoever holds any rights for the production of the E-Cat or for any other exploitation of Andrea Rossi’s technology.

Furthermore Andrea Rossi and EFA announce that no information, nor industrial secret, nor any technology whatsoever has been neither transferred, nor disclosed, neither to Praxen, nor to Defkalion, nor to any other Greek company whatsoever and currently Andrea Rossi and EFA are not planning to deal with any other project in Greece.

Not one single test, of the many demonstrations of the E-Cat technology held around the world, has ever been done in Greeceand no E-Cat has ever been brought, produced, or assembled in the territory of the Ellenic Republic: so not only the technology is still fully owned by Andrea Rossi’s company, Leonardo Corporation, but it still remains a well preserved industrial secret.

Any declaration or public announcement of third parties claiming possession of rights on the E-Cat technology and/or indide knowledge of said technology, as well as any statement of third parties in conflict with the above facts shall be considered a fake and treated as misleading information.

Andrea Rossi is the inventor of the “Method and Apparatus for carrying out Nickel and Hydrogen Exothermal reactions” (known to the general public as E-Cat) for which international patent demand no. WO2009/125444 is pending and Italian Patent office has already been issued on April 6th, 2011 the final patent no. 0001387256.

EFA Energia da Fonti Alternative s.r.l. is incorporated in Italy.
Leonardo Corporation is incorporated in New Hampshire, USA.
EFA srl- Via Marsili 4- 40124 Bologna- Italy

Andrea Rossi also have added on his blogg that “- Defkalion never got any information about our technology, for what concerns the reactors.”



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"Andrea Rossi Terminate Relation With Defkalion" | Login/Create an Account | 12 comments | Search Discussion
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Saw this one a mile away. (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Sunday, August 07, 2011 @ 20:06:06 UTC
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Once a fraud, always a fraud; once a thief, always a thief.   The same sinister forces that suppressed Tesla's great inventions are the same forces at work here; the only difference is, Rossi was in on it this whole time!

I can't say that I know what the purpose of this deception serves, other than to maybe desensitize the public to foreign concepts such as overunity devices, and even that doesn't really make any sense.

If Andrea Rossi was the end-all-be-all saint that he makes himself out to be, then he would release this technology to the world for free.   Just imagine the advances in technology that would ensue - and just imagine what would happen to the human condition if that came to pass: no more pointless wars over oil or resources.   But no, this man has made one thing very clear - he intends to serve himself, instead of the world.  And that, my friends, speaks volumes.

Re: Andrea Rossi Terminate Relation With Defkalion (Score: 1)
by nanotech on Sunday, August 07, 2011 @ 22:33:27 UTC
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Rossi stole the basic ideas and concepts from the original: William Lyne, author of Occult Ether Physics and Pentagon Aliens. Bill Lyne laid out the workings on the Atomic Hydrogen Furnace and he discovered Cold fusion long before Pons and Fleischmann and the Infinite Energy magazine crowd did. They all took from his work. This is proven by the material in Bill Lyne's books. They are plagerizers.

The work of Joseph Papp and his atomic helium engine is also worth redeveloping. Helium is listed as an inert gas and yet this system is able to produce powerful propulsion reactions. The energy interaction with the ether is obvious.

Re: Andrea Rossi Terminate Relation With Defkalion (Score: 1)
by dobermanmacleod on Sunday, August 07, 2011 @ 22:54:07 UTC
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Rossi was right on.  I have the full formula for the LENR Ni-H reaction, and a US government commissioned report that proves "anomalous heat" from the experiments.  By the way, that US government report explains in detail the experiments, so they are repeatable by any competent lab.  Rossi is a modern demigod Prometheus!!

NyTeknik article (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, August 08, 2011 @ 23:30:33 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/energi_miljo/energi/article3228376.ece [www.nyteknik.se]

Rossi's reply to Koen on his blog: (http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=501&cpage=10#comment-59986)

Dear Koen Vandewalle:

Yes, it is a sad day, because I have been betrayed with lies. I am sad mainly for my friend Christos Stremmenos, the Greek Scientist who made the tests in Bologna for the [w]eeks: he always believed in this, made a titanic effort to bring this in Greece, and now all his work too has been betrayed, but I am sure that we will work again together, maybe in Greece with other organizations: it would be a pity to throw away the baby with the dirt water. But the tech must go on, we signed a tremendous contract in the USA. The Customer has already made plans for 1,000 plants in the USA, and has the financial dimension for this.
By the way: it was already foreseen from me this USA plant, if you remember, I told months ago that we were preparing also a plant for the USA.

Warm Regards,


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