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Media Ignores Energy Breakthrough: Worry-Free Nuclear Power
Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011 @ 14:25:50 UTC by vlad

Devices From The Center for Media and Democracy's PR Watch, article by Anne Landman

The mainstream media has all but bypassed a truly remarkable development that could potentially be the biggest breakthrough in energy production since the discovery of fire: the Low Energy Nuclear Reactor, also called the Energy Catalyzer, invented by Italian engineer and inventor Andrea Rossi and his colleague, Sergio Focardi.

The Energy Catalyzer, or E-Cat, is essentially a small-scale cold fusion nuclear reactor about the size of a large suitcase that generates huge amounts of power very inexpensively, and without significant environmental drawbacks.

How does it work?

Full article: Media ignores energy breakthrough, worry-free nuclear power



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Mistake #1: Patents (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Saturday, April 30, 2011 @ 17:14:54 UTC
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The greatest lie of them all is that patents and intellectual property laws are there to protect the inventor -- this is a total fallacy.   The REAL purpose of patents is that the government, and the shadow government, can see how the technology works beforehand to see if it is a threat to the control infrastructure.  If it is a threat, the patent will be denied, and the inventor will be either killed or neutralized in some way.   Using patents in this way is also a means for them to understand and create better technology without anyone knowing about it.

In other words, by filing a patent, you are giving the control system the service manual to the said invention.   This was Tesla's greatest mistake - if he would have released his inventions to the world without filing a patent, the Illuminati bankers would never have been able to suppress his technology, nor would they have been able to get away with their present day advances, such as H.A.A.R.P. and hidden UFO propulsion technology.   This would not have been possible for them, simply for the fact that everyone on the planet would have known about the technology in some form or another.

In order for the control scheme to fail, all new technological advances must be shared and understood by the common man -- if it is not, the only outcome is tyranny.


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