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The role of the plasma with a heterodyne resonance mechanism in overunity device
Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2010 @ 11:23:59 UTC by vlad

Science by Stoyan Sarg of http://www.Helical-Structures.org
Sept. 17, 2010 /via peswiki.com

The statement of Nicola Tesla is not understood by many because according to the physics textbooks the Ether does not exist and the space is empty. However, this is not proved (Michelson-Morley experiment is inconclusive). Even Einstein in his monograph “Sidelights on relativity” (1920) says that “without Ether the General relativity is unthinkable”. The truth is that the Ether concept has been abandoned, because working Ether model have not been suggested at the beginning of 20th century. As a result, mathematical models were adopted and still in use at the present. They impose postulates and rules with many assumptions and approximations; however, they do not describe thoroughly the physical reality. They may work for one field but not for others. As a result the contemporary physics is plagued with unsolved problems. This causes stagnations in advancement in some fields including the space travel and space energy.

The author of this article and the BSM – Supergravitation Unified theory (BSM-SG) [1] approached the problems from a physical model of space called a Cosmic Lattice (CL). This is an Ether-like model that has never been investigated before. It exhibits all the features of Ether predicted by Faraday, Maxwell, Ampere, Lord Kelvin and advised by Nikola Tesla. The CL model of the Ether works quite well in all fields of physics while explaining experiments and observations with clear logical understanding.

The scientific analysis based on the new Ether-like model reveals the existence of two types of space energy: Dynamic one and Static one. The Dynamic one, known as Zeropoint energy, is envisioned by the Quantum Mechanics but it is quite small. Its signature is the cosmic background temperature of 2.71K estimated by the cosmic background radiation. The Static space energy is enormous but it is not of EM type and therefore not envisioned by Modern Physics today. In BSM-SG it was estimated by the Cosmic Lattice pressure exercised on the impenetrable structure of the elementary particle. Its calculated value is in the order of 1.37 x 10E26 (J) in one cubic meter of space (Chapter 5 of BSM-SG). In fact it is related to gravitational and inertial mass of elementary particles and is the primary source of the nuclear energy. The fission and fusion nuclear reactions in which the atomic mass is changed is just one way for extracting a fraction of this hidden space energy (see section 13.4, Chapter 13 of [1]). However, this energy could be accessed also by other methods. This makes the search of the so called “free energy” theoretically feasible. The most important issue is understanding the physics of this hidden energy (its storage mechanism) and the process of its extraction...

More: Article:_The_role_of_the_plasma_with_a_heterodyne_resonance_mechanism_in_overunity_devices



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"The role of the plasma with a heterodyne resonance mechanism in overunity device" | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: The role of the plasma with a heterodyne resonance mechanism in overunity device (Score: 1)
by Koen on Sunday, October 10, 2010 @ 12:10:20 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla

"The physical mechanism is called Heterodyne Resonance Mechanism (section 2.3 of [2]). It can be invoked in properly activated neutral plasma. It involves ionization of a neutral gas and creation of oscillating ion-electron pairs that move as clusters. The ion of the individual pair moves reversibly, while the bound electron moves in a helical trajectory around the ion. When the oscillating electron [3] moves with a velocity of 13.6 eV its reversible motion leads to spin flipping. This is a necessary Quantum mechanical interaction in which a fraction of energy from the physical vacuum could be extracted."

The term  ion-electron pair (the electron is bound)  is very confusing, because the ion consists of all its protons/neutrons and ALL its bound electrons !   I would say this is an incorrect notion: ion-electron pair.

Heterodyne mixing is the mixing two frequencies which results into a beat frequency.  Now, What is the second frequency, except for the 'oscillating electron' (that has a frequency)?  This is not explained, despite of the title of the article.  Why does spin-flipping occur with a "velocity" of 13.6 eV  ( eV is an amount of energy, but it can be related to velocity via  E=½mv² , if m is the electron mass).

Why is it that the mechanism of spin-flipping is tapping some zpe? The author writes that the gigantic static energy of the vacuum is non-electrical in nature. Then, how is the non-electrical zpe tapped by a spin-flipping electron?  The obvious dynamical parameter of a spin-flipping electron is its magnetic field (this is electrical in nature).  Another contradiction.

But wait!, quote:

"This assists the rotation, since the oscillating ion-electron pairs invoke also a gravito-inertial effect as discussed in [2].

So now all of a sudden the oscillation ion-electron pair "invokes a gravito-inertial effect", as discussed in [2], and we have to buy [2] first in order to "understand this gravito-inertial effect". The spin-flipping has anything to do with this as well?  If you ask me, this is just another pile of nonsense.

Re: The role of the plasma with a heterodyne resonance mechanism in overunity device (Score: 1)
by anilkumar on Monday, October 25, 2010 @ 16:13:49 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
This seems to be an interesting topic which can be explored. regards Anil Kumar, Developer  Mobile Development [www.kryptonsoft.com]


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