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Can eletron have negative mass ?
Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2010 @ 14:57:56 UTC by vlad

Science WGUGLINSKI writes: The physicists believe that electron can have negative mass, and they believe that such conclusion is proven by a new experiment, published by Phys. Rev. Letters:

Coherent ballistic motion of electrons in a periodic potential
W. Kuehn, P. Gaal, K. Reimann, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser, R. Hey
Physical Review Letters
Vol.: 104, 146602 (2010)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.146602

In the experiment, electrons have been accelerated with velocity 4.000.000km/h along a period of time of 100 femtoseconds (0,000 000 000 000 1 second).

As the electron's mass is positive, its acceleration must occur always in the same direction of the force applied on it.

However, after been accelerated in the direction of the applied force, the electron suddenly stops,  and then it moves against the direction of the force.

As the electron is accelerated against the direction of the force, the physicists believe that there is only one intepretation for such strange behavior of the electron:  its mass becomes negative.

Nevertheless, it makes no sense to consider that electron's mass becomes negative. 

Actually the correct interpretation for this experiment is another one:  it shows that the physicists have NOT yet an entire understanding of the laws that rule the behavior of the elementary particles.

The strange electron behavior can be explained by another hypothesis:  in that condiction of the experiment, a repulsive gravity starts up to actuate on the electron, and it constrains it to move backward.

The existence of repulsive gravity can be also the answer for the strange behavior of the electron into the hydrogen atom.  The physicists claim that they already understood the hydrogen atom, however it is not true, because they had to adopt strange solutions for explaining the electron's motion into the atom, as for instance to suppose that the electron does not travel the space between two points in the electrosphere (a belief disproved by Dehmelt experiment, whcih showed that the electron actually travels the space between two points into the electrosphere).

A new explanation for the electron behavior into the hydrogen atom is proposed in Quantum Ring Theory, where the repulsive gravity actuates on the electron:

Repulisove gravity within the hydrogen atom:


In the hydrogen model proposed in QRT, the electron travels the space between two points into the electrosphere, which is according to Dehmelt experiment.

It's possible that the condition of this new experiment published by Phys. Rev. Letters reproduces the condictions under which the electron is submitted to repulsive gravity into the hydrogen atom.



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Re: Can eletron have negative mass ? (Score: 1)
by Koen on Thursday, September 09, 2010 @ 04:41:18 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla
The question is good,  and as a matter of fact we cannot be sure even if any electron has negative or positive mass.

If an electron falls in the earth gravity field,  then it has a positive mass, and its charge is negative with respect to electric fields and electric forces.

Suppose an electron has a negative mass,  then it should 'fall up' in the earth gravity field,  and then its electric charge is positive:  it is actually repelled by another positive charge, but the acceleration direction is the exact opposite of the electric force direction.

Thus another question might be:  is the charge of an electron negative (and its mass positive)  or is the charge of an electron positive (and its mass negative).
This depends on which direction an electron falls in a gravity field.

Does negative mass also represent negative energy:
annihilation of an electron and positron  is not a nullifcation:  an energetic photon is created.
The question is then:   is  E = mc²  also true for negative mass,  or should the expression be  E = |m|c²  ??

According to Santilli  it is the positron that has 'negative mass'  (isodual mass), not the electron,  so I emailed him long time ago, that it might be as well the electron that has negative mass,  and that one should do the fall-experiment also for electrons.

Standard physics, for instance, has no description for the gravitation effect involving macroscopic objects of anti-matter.  Only Santilli's theory of isodual mass  describes the gravity effect of anti-matter:
a matter galaxy and anti-matter galaxy should repel each other,  maybe explaining the exponential expansion of the universe on the biggest scale ??


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