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An Engineer's Solution for Sustained Economic Growth
Posted on Monday, October 05, 2009 @ 23:24:09 UTC by vlad

General By Steve_Morra/ The Market Oracle

...All throughout history, very rarely have true technical breakthroughs occurred.  Such breakthroughs are the Golden Goose upon which our modern economy actually depends, as that is where significant and sustained growth originates.  Such true technical breakthroughs have historically led to major step increases in overall economic growth and societal well-being.  This is their distinguishing hallmark...

 Obvious examples have been the discovery (pure science) and development (early engineering) of fire, writing, the wheel, currency, credit money, gunpowder, iron, bronze, concrete, printing press, calculus, electricity, motor, engine, electrical and optical communication, psychology, aviation, plastic, steel, aluminum, nuclear power, transistor, laser, computer, and the Internet.  Examples do not include a better cell phone, computer or software with more features, WiFi in every city, “green” energy, the electric or hydrogen car, and many other marketed modern products or publicized ideas proclaiming technical breakthrough.  While nice or useful, they merely re-package previous true technical breakthroughs and are examples of late engineering.  They do not and cannot provide significant step increases in overall economic growth and societal well-being.  Such products or ideas can only provide growth and well-being to a small portion of society, usually easily traceable to those who paid for the marketing.

There were enough breakthroughs in the last century to fuel the capitalist system until now.  The necessary and inevitable rise of corporations and credit/banks and where gold was replaced by fiat currency has run its course.  They have inadvertently killed the Golden Goose along the way.  The capitalist system is now failing because there are no true technical breakthroughs left to move toward public benefit.  Further, corporations have placed technical individuals into intellectual prison through one-sided pre-employment agreements.  In simple farming terms, society has eaten its seed corn.

The following “Golden Phoenix” solution addresses these two problems with breakthroughs and intellectual freedom...

Full article: http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article13953.html



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"An Engineer's Solution for Sustained Economic Growth" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: An Engineer's Solution for Sustained Economic Growth (Score: 1)
by Prophmaji on Tuesday, October 06, 2009 @ 06:09:39 UTC
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It never fails to surprise me, for some reason. What? Well, it never fails to surprise me that some people are unaware that active and well directed/controlled suppression of  ideas and High technology have taken place, that I am aware of, since about the 1930 to start...then increasing to the point today where groups today (within and without governments) actively hunt down, kill, suppress and destroy (by any means, ie, taxes, insanity, accidents, fire, falsified evidence, all and any given things that can seem 'reasonable' to outside views are utilized to create a logical premise that can be seen as 'plausible') any group or individual who may be involved a releasing advanced technology to the world. When you take the entirety of all types of research in these areas by given groups or individuals and view the results, in total, then the level of improbability of them all meeting the same type of end is so far off the scale  and into implausibility.... that it becomes impossible to escape the understanding that there is systematic methodology of destruction of such intrepid explorers--of that it cannot be doubted. One merely has to do the research and look into it.

It is not a single group committing the destruction and suppression, but a methodology of destruction employed as a 'standard' for keeping the given various hands as hidden as possible, when it comes to potential public awareness of their existence.

So, we have a minimum EIGHTY YEAR long suppression of advanced technology through violence, murder, and outright destruction and of people and groups who might be successful in bringing something new to the world. The information and histories of the discoveries have been removed from libraries and other places by stealth..whenever and wherever they are found.

However, the advance is becoming impossible to stop as it is pouring out of every known corner of technology. Every advanced (public) technology in use today is bumping up against the SAME solutions and problems, and all point to the same area of technology-the sciences of matter and energy in the practical sense of Tesla, Gerlacht, O.C. Hilgenberg, Gabriel Kron, Karl Fredrick Krafft, T. Henry Moray, James Clerk Maxwell's original proper treatise on electromagnetism, and Einstein's full and working 1927 torsion-tensor Unified Field theory.  Plus numerous others who's works  have been purposely relegated to the dustbin through various means. Private and government black ops groups have been very active in suppression by whatever mans they may employ (brutal or otherwise), and for over 60 years of evidence to the effect shows this to be abundantly true.

Thus the rise of fascism in the western world via the world's elite......as a more involved attempt to overrun mankind's desire to further itself.

To be fair, having the power of atomic (and beyond) dynamite in the hands of each and every  intelligent but angst filled (and basically run by their emotions! Like most of us....) 15 year old is a ~SERIOUS~ issue, make no mistake about it!

So we have a ~very serious~ corner to turn, this human race does. That corner is in front of us now...today. Our brightest and best are being killed, culled, subverted or controlled in order to keep these technologies out of the hands of individuals, to keep the power of the individual subservient to the hidden and faceless few.

It really is an actual war out there.

The front and the actions are nearly silent..but you can see them--- if you bother to look hard enough and well enough.

Taken for Granted: Is a New Model Needed for Breakthrough Science? (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, October 06, 2009 @ 20:47:08 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
By Beryl Lieff Benderly

 Meeting today's biggest challenges--climate change and energy independence, for example--will take major scientific breakthroughs. To accomplish them, the nation needs research organizations that are far more mission-focused and collaborative than the current principal investigator (PI)–centered model of academic research. That's the opinion of physicist Eric Isaacs, the new director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois.

Speaking to reporters at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on 15 September, Isaacs echoed a theme enunciated in congressional testimony and elsewhere by Energy Secretary Steven Chu, who has presented a detailed proposal for eight mission-oriented research centers that he calls "innovation hubs." Today's great tasks are "as important as the Manhattan Project or getting a man to the moon," said Isaacs, citing two technical triumphs achieved at high speed by large, goal-driven organizations...

Full article: Is a New Model Needed for Breakthrough Science? [sciencecareers.sciencemag.org]

Re: An Engineer's Solution for Sustained Economic Growth (Score: 1)
by mattjohn on Thursday, October 15, 2009 @ 23:36:33 UTC
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Economic growth is an increase in activity in an economy. It is often measured as the rate of change of gross domestic product (GDP). Economic growth refers only to the quantity of goods and services produced; it says nothing about the way in which they are produced. Economic development, a related term, refers to change in the way goods and services are produced; work from home [www.thebizvault.co.uk] positive economic development involves the introduction of more efficient or "productive" technologies or forms of social organisation.

Economic growth can either be positive or negative. Negative growth can also be referred to by saying that the economy is shrinking. Negative growth is associated with economic recession and economic depression.

Gross national product (GNP) is sometimes used as an alternative measure to gross domestic product. In order to compare multiple countries, the statistics may be quoted in a single currency, based on either prevailing exchange rates or purchasing power parity. Then, in order to compare countries of different population sizes, the per capita figure is quoted. To compensate for changes in the value of money (inflation or deflation) the GDP or GNP is usually given in "real" or inflation adjusted, terms rather than the actual money figure compiled in a given year, which is called the nominal or current figure.

GDP per capita is not the same thing as earnings per worker since GDP measures only monetary transactions for all final goods and services in a country without regard to who receives that money.


Re: An Engineer's Solution for Sustained Economic Growth (Score: 1)
by pulsed_ignition on Saturday, October 10, 2009 @ 01:48:12 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com
The answer is "Increase Efficiency" which can now be done because of a scientific breakthrough of a "Universal" lubrication that protect parts from wear, and reduces friction. Just think what it actually means when you do not have to rebuild and replace a part 10 times, but keep the original one. Not only do you not have to pay for the part 10 times, you don't have to spend the time to replace it 10 times, and you do not have down time.

A secondary benefit of this breakthrough is the increase in efficiency, especially when it is used to replace GREASE, which robs any system of power through its breaking action provided by high viscosity.

To see the difference - search on youtube.com for NanoLube, and you decide. The discovery was written up in Chemical Engineering Aug. 2009.

It increases fuel efficiency in cars and trucks up to 30%, and because it is synthetic diamond - it does not wear out - so you only need to treat it once.

www.quickenlube.com [www.quickenlube.com] for arthritis sufferers 


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