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An Urgent Open Letter To The Prime Minister Of Australia
Posted on Wednesday, September 09, 2009 @ 22:33:29 UTC by vlad
Philip Hardcastle writes: Please,
Please, Please, for the sake of mankind, to avert climate disaster, to
save millions from starvation, read this letter and act upon it. A
Scientific breakthrough of such importance has been made that needs the
attention of your Government.
PRLog (Press Release) –
Sep 08, 2009 – Dear Prime Minister, many months ago I wrote some
letters seeking an audience with the appropriate Ministers of your
government but despite my best efforts
Peter Garrett refuses to talk to me.
Penny Wong refuses to talk to me.
I sent a letter to you complaining of their conduct, your dept said you would reply, but you never did.
I have tried many times to get a meeting with Minister Kim Carr, but to no avail.
Senator John Williams wrote to Minister Carr, but that failed to get an audience.
Other members of the Liberal party have made representations on my
behalf believing in what I was doing, but time after time it falls on
deaf ears. I wrote to Bob Brown of the Greens but he never even
acknowledged receipt of my letter.
I have a breakthrough in science that can provide almost limitless
no emission energy at a low cost. This may sound like a silly claim or
it might make some think I am a crank but...
The Chief Scientist of Australia, Professor Penny Sackett and her
physicist advisor Dr Sarah Pearson have reviewed the scientific papers
supplied and the Chief Scientist has declared that the papers
demonstrate a device that could directly convert heat to power (without
The Chief Scientist was provided with supporting documents
(including photos of a supporting experiment carried out by a respected
Chinese Professor) and scientific papers. The Chief Scientists advice
is for me to seek assistance from Ausindustry etc. Prime minister this
advice is worthless as such bodies offer nothing and are irrelevant to
the issue. What this needs is escalation to the CSIRO, to a scientific
panel and to a special review by the Government. Referral to a standard
program will lead to the best idea to save the climate being lost
May I simply state, this breakthrough could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50%.
So Prime Minister, how does a caring Australian, Philip Hardcastle
of Glen Innes, manage to get the attention of those in Power? Surely
the trust of Australia people is that good ideas from citizens should
get a fair hearing! If not then what was the purpose of the 20 20
conference? You told the people of Australia that the Government did
not have all the ideas and that you sought good people with good ideas
to make a contribution.
I say, with my hand on my heart, that the one idea you need to
consider is being stifled by a system that believes that breakthroughs
only come from the USA or big business.
Do I have to take out full page newspaper ads?
Do I have to go on a hunger strike outside parliament.
Surely the people demand that the Australian Labour Party should
investigate any options available, faliure to do so suggests that we
must be slaves and victims of coal, gas and oil, and that the
government, for the sake of money, will encourage more fossil fuel
I was a senior geophysicist for Esso, I was a leader in the coal
industry, but now, as a concerned physicist with a solution that the
Chief Scientist has in writing acknowledged as good science, I can get
no hearing from your team.
What if this is the only solution that ever comes along to create
100% clean and cheap energy? Do we apologize to the next generation, to
a million starving kids, do we say oops?
This has been so hard for me, 10 years without pay pursuing a
solution and then when I make a verifiable breakthrough no one in power
will listen!! Surely I can get a 5 minute hearing.
If you find my request to be in any way a con or a waste of time
then I promise by this open letter to donate $10,000 to a worthy
charity of the Goverments choice. P J hardcastle 8-9.09
Prime Minister, prior to the election I met the now leader of the
opposition, Malcolm Turnbull, and he gave me his direct email and said
“lets get this rolling”, then the Liberals lost and labour won, and I
thought, no problem Peter Garrett is a good man that cares about the
environment, but as I said at the start of this letter he refuses to
talk to me.
Again Prime Minister I ask, Please Please help!
Yours most Sincerely
Philip Hardcastle Source: http://www.prlog.org/10335181-an-urgent-open-letter-to-the-prime-minister-of-australia.html
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Re: An Urgent Open Letter To The Prime Minister Of Australia (Score: 1) by russellcunning on Thursday, September 10, 2009 @ 00:39:26 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Dear Philip,
It would seem that you are unaware of the tradition which has held in Australia for the last hundred years or so. An Australian who invents something is ignored until such time as they take their invention overseas for development. Only then will the Australian Government (regardless of flavour) cry foul and don sack-cloth and ashes, gnash their teeth, and talk about 'lost opportunities'.
On a personal note, I know how disappointing it is to be ignored by people in power. When I was shot last year in Ukraine, the Consul refused any help beyond five telephone calls to me, and advising me that if I needed a lawyer, they could recommend several. I wrote to politicians asking why I received no help. I received no answers. Finally I wrote to the PM, and received a non-answer (by which I mean a letter wich did not answer any of the five questions I had asked) from a bureaucrat. Four further letters to the PM go unanswered.
Publish a web site with your results, and try to get private backing. Unless you can guarnatee a trip away from Australia and a picture opportunity with a world leader, Rudd isn't interested.
Russell Cunning |
The letter to the Chief Scientist of Australia (Score: 1) by vlad on Saturday, September 12, 2009 @ 23:00:02 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Philip sent me his letter to the Chief Scientist of Australia that led her to issue a statement as disclosed in the open letter to the Prime Minister. I wish my proposed Xtreme Science Foundation (XSF) was already up and running, and a proper scientific validation for such a breakthrough device can be immediately performed, so such technologies do not take a generation to become real. But people are still asleep ... The letter is reproduced below with Philip Hardcastle's permission:
Office of the Chief Scientist c/- Science and Research Division Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research GPO Box 9839, CANBERRA ACT 2601
Dear Professor Sackett, Please help me!
What I am about to say is probably what many a well meaning and misguided amateur has said;
“I have a robust scientific theory and a design / invention that can save the World”
However differing from the usual I have prima facie proof, a high resolution video of an experiment carried out by Professor Xin Yong Fu and Zi Tao Fu, of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The video shows what most physicists would say is impossible, it shows power (electricity) from a device in an isothermal bath.
At University many years ago, I am now 54, my professor told me that all who tried to produce power without having a temperature differential were doomed to failure etc. However can we ignore proof of a breakthrough?
The video is simple and clear and the author of impeccable character. A device known as FX1-1 is connected to an ammeter and the meter is seen to be zero, then a magnetic field intersects the valve and it is shown that the device produces a stable current, the magnetic field is reversed and the current flow reverses. It is repeated 2 more times and then the camera, without stopping, zooms to the Valve contained in the copper box and a hand compass on the table confirms the magnetic field alignment with the device. The Professor has agreed to attend any university or facility to repeat his experiment, to date I cannot get any authority to take it seriously.
Failing to make any progress as an advocate for Professor Fu’s experiment I applied to the ARPA-E program of the USA Department of Energy for funding, they are offering $400 million for ideas that would be transformational if proved correct. Despite my best efforts I have failed to get registered due to being a non USA entity (the forms do not allow for Australian postcodes or phone numbers). I copied to you my last email to USA DOE complaining about the bureaucratic barrier but I do not expect any joy from that letter.
The Australian government does not, to my knowledge, have an equivalent to ARPA-E and a senior officer of the NSW government told me to make the application because, in his words, he felt that my concept had merit and that he regretted that the NSW government had no practical offering.
Having failed I am at my wits end to make progress, I tried to use my own funds to get a wafer made through the Australian Nano Fabrication program, but they advised that they had no experience in making such a device, also the use of AG.O.Cs coatings was a problem due to contamination of their foundry equipment.
The real issue is that Science is so sceptical of a claim against the Second Law of Thermodynamics that it refuses to look or listen. I ask that you might be able to facilitate or recommend that the evidence supporting the claim be tested. I would suggest that a verified experiment be performed using either the FX1-1 Valve or a local made replica (I could bare the cost of the valve to the extent that my own personal funds would allow).
The verification test, by say ANU or CSIRO, could be witnessed by yourself and the head of the testing body.
If, and when, that replication of the experiment meets with full approval and the results are agreed to tally with the new theory, then the idea of a device, the Curlitron, could be properly assessed free of scientific prejudice.
I look forward to your earliest advice on this matter
Yours Faithfully
Philip Julian Hardcastle 2 / 74 Manns Lane Glen Innes, NSW, 2370 Ph 0408 705 666 3rd August 2009
Attachments; images of Fx1-1, Professor Fu and a pdf of Professor Fu’s original paper.