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Precursor Engineering
Posted on Saturday, January 31, 2009 @ 15:39:53 UTC by vlad

Science From Tom Bearden's recent correspondence: Dear Dr. (deleted)

Here is some somewhat unusual physics information that is of the utmost importance to science and to our nation.

By a simple technique pointed out long ago by Paul Dirac, one can easily "tickle" the local vacuum into containing not only positive energy/positive probabilities, but also negative energy/negative probabilities. With the combination, one then can directly engineer physical reality itself.

A glimpse of this ability so startled and panicked the scientific leadership in the late 1920s and very early 1930s, that they arbitrarily ripped out negative energy in physics, insofar as possible, in absolute fear of what it portended.

Today, some leading physicists such as Dan Solomon (Rauland-Borg Corporation, Skokie, IL), have published very rigorous papers in the hard literature, pointing out that ripping out negative energy arbitrarily WAS NOT following scientific method. And their papers clearly show -- rigorously -- that such an action is in total error and totally violates the very creed of science itself. [vlad: see http://zpenergy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1969]

Klimov's work at Los Alamos National Laboratory, independently replicated by another large lab, published widely in the hard literature since 2005 and now migrated into the standard nanocrystalline community, proves conclusively that real systems can be built which deliberately extract and use excess EM energy directly from the seething virtual state vacuum. With the laboratory proof and several independent replications, this has now been proven to the full requirement of the scientific method.

We presently have at least five operating processes that (inadvertently) are using this negative energy process to directly do "unhappening" in physics of actual ongoing observable phenomena. One is a watergas process, one is a cure for cancer (100% success in phase one animal trials), one is an energy-from-the-vacuum process by Mills (the hydrino process), one is the Soviet technology of "cold molding" whereby lattice bonds of a material (specifically, titanium) are "unhappened" by the tickled vacuum, thus liquifying the titanium at room temperature so that it can be simply poured in very thick molds (submarine hulls). Waiting a bit until the vacuum resumes normalcy as the Dirac Sea negative energy holes are filled by random electrons, the vacuum returns to normal and the lattice bonds resume.

If you can give this subject a little thought, hopefully you will see the vast implications of it -- entry into the final physics by the ability to directly engineer observed physical reality itself. Indeed, one may argue that the final purpose of science anyway is to be able to engineer physical reality rather much at will! so if we can learn to do so easily and without "brute force", letting the more complex vacuum contain both positive and negative energy, it revolutionizes present chemistry and physics and all of science.

And it allows our scientists to do beneficial things previously inconceivable. As a single example, we have more than 1300 large pools of carbon wastes from coal-burning power plants in this nation -- waiting to be "sequestered" on some vague day and in some vague way. This is the type of rather terrible contamination that recently had a large "spill" in Tennessee when one of the retaining dams crumbled. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to "pattern the Dirac vacuum-tickling" precisely so as to completely neutralize those carbon wastes by actual transmutation of offending elements and compounds? Or to quickly and cheaply render the rapidly increasing present nuclear wastes absolutely safe again by directly transmuting the offensive radioactive elements involved?

It appears that precursor engineering is a scientific fact whose time has come, and which can now be recognized, developed, and utilized by our organized professional scientific community.

The good that it can do is mind-numbing -- such as (1) eventually cure any disease quickly, easily, and cheaply; (2) take our needed electrical energy directly from the vacuum cleanly, cheaply, and efficiently, and (3) transpose even desert sand into nourishing biological food to feed the present starving peoples in so many parts of the world, etc. These are but three of the thousands and thousands of future applications that can -- and hopefully will -- be developed.

Very best wishes,

Tom Bearden,
member AAAS

The Data from Modern Physics and Modern Physicists: Tom Bearden Explains:

This year we will be accenting the astonishingly simple underlying vacuum mechanism for directly engineering physical reality at will. It turns out (as per Paul Dirac) that it is very easy to "tickle" a local vacuum region with little sharp gradient pulses of positive energy so that the tickled vacuum region also contains negative energy/negative probabilities in its ongoing vacuum virtual particle reactions, in addition to the normal positive energy/positive probabilities usually considered.

Here is a magic little formula (that only took me 35 years to write):

[space-time] ≡ [virtual particle flux of vacuum] ≡ [energy]

With this little formula, we suddenly have a completely unified physics, and we have totally eliminated any idea of "empty" space. This formula is engineerable by using an extraordinarily simple process: Dirac's local vacuum tickling.

Notice the deltas of each term in the little "identity equation" also identify the same way. So at long last we have finally found a resolution to one of Feynman's stated major problems of physics: previously we have not really known what energy itself identically is. E.g., quoting Nobelist Feynman: "It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is." [Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, and Matthew Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, Vol. 1, 1964, p. 4-2].

And it is notoriously false to state that "energy is the capacity to do work", as is so commonly stated. Even the Physics Teacher folks could not stand that gross error any longer, and they published the following article on it:

R.L. Lehrman, "Energy is not the ability to do work," Physics Teacher, Vol. 15, 1973, p. 15.ri. The rigorous definition of work is this: work is the changing of the form of some energy. And when the form of 100 joules of energy in Form A is changed to 100 joules of energy in a different form (Form B), then 100 joules of work has been done and the energy is still there but in a now-different form, Form B. We do not and cannot "consume" or "destroy" energy in any special relativity situation. There is no conservation of work law; there is only a conservation of energy law that holds in any special relativity situation (one fixed frame).

In the virtual state vacuum, THERE IS NO EMPTINESS filled with its incredibly energetic virtual particle flux -- instead, there is only that virtual particle flux. THERE IS NO EMPTINESS. We have completely erased the very notion of "empty space".

The common positive energy/positive probabilities "vacuum" is just the "additive" bubbling particle flux resulting in a statistical "positive probabilities" ensemble of ever-higher energy interactions on into in the observable state and upwards in it. Such a statistical ensemble of ongoing additive "bubbling" vacuum virtual particle flux reactions, for example, continually creates every "observable" in the universe. I.e., instead of the old mechanical view of an observable object that "it just is and it concretely exists", we have the more advanced understanding that "it is continually being created and 'happening' at an incredible rate".

Quoting Dirac on the arbitrary "removing" of negative energy from physics:

"One gets over the difficulty on the classical theory by arbitrarily excluding those solutions that have a negative E. One cannot do this in the quantum theory, since in general a perturbation will cause transitions from states with E positive to states with E negative." [Dirac, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Vol. 117, p. 610.].

Note that in this quotation Dirac reveals the extraordinarily simple mechanism for making negative energy in a selected region of vacuum. Simply hit it with some tiny-energy sharp-gradient pulses -- as the little RF pulse "ticklers" that Kanzius uses in his watergas process -- and also in his cancer cure, which in phase one lab animal experiments has had sensational results of curing 100% of the tumors in the lab animals.

We point out the fundamental mechanism directly seen and included by Dirac: a sharp little pulse gradient of positive energy in the local vacuum pops out some electrons from the Dirac Sea, leaving behind their "Dirac Sea holes". Such a hole is a negative mass-energy electron (the "dark matter" our astrophysicists are so desperately seeking), which as a special kind of source charge continually emits negative-energy photons, so that the associated EM fields are negative-energy EM fields (the so-called "dark energy" our astrophysicists are also so desperately seeking).

So these negative mass-energy electrons and their associated negative energy EM fields there in the "tickled" Dirac Sea constitute adding negative energy (both mass-energy and EM energy) to the vacuum.

With this more advanced understanding of what an "observable" actually is, then when we now introduce a bit of "sharp little gradient tickling" the vacuum in a local area, per P.A.M. Dirac, that tickling will produce negative energies in that tickled vacuum as well. And that means that we are adding in "negative probabilities" into that bubbling structure (say, a container of water, in each water molecule structure) so that the entire bubble structure for the water molecule starts "backing back down" its ongoing creation chain -- in short, it starts "unhappening" at its "highest positive energy end".

If we just use a gross pattern of tickling, we get "overall" unhappening, so the last and highest positive energy thing that made the water molecule possible -- i.e., the OH bond positive probability -- now has much-reduced overall probability. The net probability is the summation of (1) the usual positive probability and (2) the added negative probability due to tickling.

Hence statistically the water molecules in the tickled area start "falling apart" as their OH bonds now have much less probability, and so they just start "unhappening" statistically as their OH bonds start vanishing statistically.

So intermixed bubbles of H2 and O2 gas (from those molecules whose OH bond "unhappened") begin appearing throughout the vacuum-tickled "water". But these mixtures are not very combustible or explosive because in that altered (tickled) region now it is very difficult to form the OH bond.

Aha! But if we then pipe the resulting gas bubbles out of that local tickled-vacuum region -- i.e., out of the water container itself-- and a few inches away and into the combustion chamber of a nearby combustion engine, then the vacuum in that combustion chamber is "normal" and not being "tickled". Hence the OH bond is back in its full normal probability, and so the mix of O2 and H2 will burn and power the engine, giving no exhaust except water vapor.

This is the real secret of watergas, as rigorously shown by Dr. John Kanzius and the results verified by a renowned water chemist. But neither of them seem to realize the actual mechanism involved. This is also the secret of Dr. Kanzius tremendous new cancer cure, now proceeding toward human testing by a leading cancer research institute.

In the late 1920s and very early 1930s, the physicists glimpsed the startling characteristics introduced by negative vacuum energy, and were scared right out of their minds. Negative energy occurs in the Schrodinger equation and in Dirac's relativistic electron theory, and so there it is in the very foundations of physics. But in abject fear, the leaders of the scientific community such as Pauli and Heisenberg figuratively beat the daylights out of Dirac, and ruthlessly ripped negative energy out of all of physics possible to do it in. (As Dirac pointed out, you cannot get negative energy out of quantum mechanics, because it occurs easily and naturally by mere sharp little gradients).

Tickling the local vacuum with little pulses of sharp gradient sound energy -- as in sonofusion -- also pops out electrons from the local Dirac Sea and produces the same type negative mass energy holes and their associated negative mass-energy fields in the tickled vacuum.

So the ability to (1) "unhappen" things like the OH bond in water molecules, (2) "unhappen" the cancerous growth in a region of normal flesh, (3) "unhappen" the lattice bonds in titanium so that the titanium liquefies at room temperature without heating and can then be "cold-molded" in very large and thick forms such as submarine hulls (a Soviet production process for some decades), and (4) produce certain nuclear fusion bonds in a fluid by use of tickling by sonobubbles so that sonofusion occurs, etc.

The eventual startling applications are unlimited, as comprehensive research develops and extends the technology. We shall be able to "unhappen" essentially any disease quickly and cheaply, by assembling the exactly required "tickling pattern" to "unhappen" that specific disease in the diseased body. We will also be able to turn anything into anything else (such as turning the present hordes of carbon wastes from coal plants directly into gasoline with no intermediate processing, etc. We will be able to clean up the present horrendous nuclear wastes and the vast amount of carbon-containing wastes from coal-burning plants.

The ability to directly engineer any and all "happening" bubble-sets, or any particular part of any of them, is the "final physics" because it leads to the final goal of physics and science itself: the ability to directly engineer observable physical reality itself, at will. The fact that we are radically departing from the accepted notions of "brute force tearing things apart" such as electrolysis, and instead we are letting the all-powerful and all-pervasive vacuum do all the functioning for us, is a very radical and total departure from the present "mechanical energy based" physics concepts and practice of physics and chemistry.

So in abject panic at their glimpse of this "monstrous" and unthinkable portent, in 1934 the leaders of the physics community brutally mutilated and murdered physics by ripping out negative energy vacuum effects, totally arbitrarily.

As Hotson stated:

"I think if one had to point to a single place where science went profoundly and permanently off the track, it would be 1934 and the emasculation of Dirac’s equation." [D. L. Hotson, "Dirac’s Equation and the Sea of Negative Energy," Part I, New Energy, Issue 43, 2002, pp. 1-20. Quote is from p. 1.] Available at http://openseti.org/Docs/HotsonPart1.pdf . See also D. L. Hotson, "Dirac’s Equation and the Sea of Negative Energy", Part II, New Energy, Issue 44, 2002, pp. 1-24. Available at http://openseti.org/Docs/HotsonPart2.pdf .

Well, as their horrifying glimpse had revealed to the scientific leaders in the late 1920s and very early 1930s, if one uses a mix of positive and negative energy in a local vacuum, then one can easily and directly engineer physical reality itself in that local region -- any observable physical reality at all. Literally (eventually) one will be able to do whatever one wishes with physical reality of any kind.

To give it a name, I call this process "precursor engineering" since one is directly engineering the ongoing creative bubble-set of an observable entity, by not only "happening" the statistical processes involved in it but also by selectively "unhappening" the entire set or selected parts of it.

Today, thank goodness, some very fine physicists -- most notably Dan Solomon (Rauland-Borg Corporation, Skokie, IL), have published very rigorous papers in the leading physics literature, pointing out that negative vacuum energy indeed does occur irrevocably, and it cannot be just "discarded" from physics if one is to follow scientific method rather than pure dogma. Simply Google the appropriate references, or check out a typical reference such as Dan Solomon, "Some new results concerning the vacuum in Dirac’s hole theory," Physica Scripta, Vol. 74, 2006, p. 117–122. Also check out the many other references at:





So if the scientific community will at long last act scientifically, and remove its previous absolutely erroneous removal of negative energy from physics, humankind will have at last entered into the "final physics" and the direct engineering of physical reality itself, at will.

Hopefully "precursor engineering" will be born this year in our universities and scientific community, and at long last we will be able to fuel our cars, clean up the biosphere, clean up nuclear wastes, clean up carbon wastes supposedly to be "sequestered" somewhere and somehow, etc. And we will begin to be able to cure any and all diseases that presently so ravage humankind.

And if we can also begin to avoid the typical "man's inhumanity to his fellow human", then we shall enter into a new and truly golden age of plenty, and of freedom from poverty, illness, [and the] pollution of our biosphere, etc.

Thomas Eugene Bearden
(January 12, 2009)

Source: http://www.cheniere.org/correspondence/011409.htm



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Casimer effect inventions (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, January 31, 2009 @ 15:45:44 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Submitted by Gary Vesperman (e-mail): Converter of Zero-Point Electromagnetic Radiation Energy to Electrical Energy. The existence of zero-point electromagnetic radiation was discovered in 1958 by Dutch physicist M. J. Sparnaay. Zero-point electromagnetic radiation is the same as the electromagnetic waves radiated from radio and television antennas except that the frequencies are random, incoherent, are present everywhere in the universe, and vary from zero cycles per second to infinity. Other names include “zero-point energy field”, “vacuum field energy”, “etheric energy field”, and “ether”.

Mr. Sparnaay had continued the experiments carried out by Hendrik B. G. Casimir in 1948 which showed the existence of a force between two uncharged parallel plates which arose from electromagnetic radiation surrounding the plates in a vacuum. This force has since been named the “Casimir effect” to honor the discoverer. (See “Casimer Effect Self-Charging Energy Cell” below.)

Mr. Sparnaay discovered that the forces acting on the plates arose from not only thermal radiation but also from another type of radiation now known as classical electromagnetic zero-point radiation. Mr. Sparnaay determined that not only did the zero point electromagnetic radiation exists in a vacuum, but also that it persisted even at a temperature of absolute zero. Because it exists in a vacuum, zero-point electromagnetic radiation is homogeneous and isotropic as well as ubiquitous.

In addition, since zero-point electromagnetic radiation does not vary, the intensity of the radiation at any frequency is proportional to the cube of that frequency. Consequently the intensity of the radiation increases without limit as the frequency increases. The result is an infinite energy density for the radiation spectrum. (See “Etheric Weather Engineering” above for additional discussion.)

The special characteristics of the zero-point electromagnetic radiation of having a virtually infinite energy density and that it is omnipresent even in outer space make it very desirable as an energy source. However, the high energy densities only exist at very high frequencies. These large energies can be collected with small antenna-like structures (frequency is inversely proportional to size). But the frequencies are so high that they are unusable for practical energy uses.

With two antennas of very slightly different sizes, the converter collects zero-point electromagnetic radiation of two very slightly different frequencies. The converter then superimposes the two frequencies which results in a far lower beat frequency. The energy contained in the beat frequency is then transformed to practical electrical power which can be made available in any location on earth or in space. Applications include transportation, heating, cooling as well as many others.

WIN Zero Point Electrical Energy Converter. Extracts AC current with an output power over input power gain as high as 268.6%.  It generates electricity by collecting electrons between E-dam cermets in a vacuum. A charge of electrons is oscillated in a tank circuit, and energy is collected or added to that charge from the vacuum. The mechanism is believed to be the Casimer effect. Solid-state with no moving parts and no size restrictions, individual units can be built to power a 15-kilowatt home or a 20-megawatt arc furnace without outside energy input.(I used to be in communication with inventor Wingate Lambertson by snail mail some years ago. Does anybody know what ever happened to Dr. Lambertson?

Casimer Effect Self-Charging Energy Cell. In the above article on etheric weather engineering, the force of gravity is described as the ether weakly pushing two objects such as a book and the earth into each other’s shadow. Gravity can also be thought of as the long-range version of the Casimer effect. The Casimer effect predicts that two metal plates close together will attract each other.

Consider the plates set at a certain distance apart. In the space between the plates, only those ether (vacuum) field fluctuations for which a whole number of half-waves just spans the distance can exist, just like waves formed by shaking a rope tied at both ends. Outside the plates, the fluctuations can have many more values because there is space. The number of modes outside the plates, all of which carry energy and  momentum, is greater than those inside. This imbalance PUSHES THE PLATES TOGETHER.

The proprietary Casimer effect self-charging energy cell contains many extremely thin layers of carbon, magnesium, chromium oxide, and a couple of other elements and compounds. The result is analogous to a boat that has some rather large leaks. More water pours into the boat as fast as water is bailed out. Likewise, as electromagnetic energy is drawn out of the Casimer effect self-charging energy cell when inserted in an electrical circuit, energy is drawn in from the surrounding ether. Physically and functionally, the Casimer effect energy cell is like a solid-state battery that recharges itself with some valuable features such as simplicity and compactness.

Switched Reluctance Motor.  The switched reluctance motor is a motor design that has been around for many decades but has never been commercialized. The inventor of the Casimer effect self-charging energy cell is also developing an efficient commercial version of the switched reluctance motor specifically designed with modern switching components. The intended end use is for powering electric vehicles. The switched reluctance motor has the key advantages of ease of manufacture, simplicity, and allowing complete vehicle motion control. No claims are being made that it is capable of over-unity power conversion.

Most self-powered electric vehicle power train concepts involve combining an over-unity motor (to extend the range between battery charges) with an on-board battery charger and a pack of batteries or super-capacitors. The Casimer effect self-charging energy cell offers some important advantages such as much simpler mounting of one to several battery-like cells in the vehicle’s engine compartment and greatly increased maintainability and dependability. With the cells’ self-charging capability, the efficiency of the vehicle’s electric motor thus becomes less of an issue. Electric motor features such as controllability, manufacturing cost, simplicity, and reliability can thus be given much greater consideration.

This particular self-powered electric vehicle power train combination may be the best one. If plugged into the electric grid while parked in the owner’s garage, the revenue from running the electric meter backwards could eventually pay for the vehicle’s purchase cost.


Gary Vesperman

Re: Precursor Engineering (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, January 31, 2009 @ 16:00:41 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Jon "Free Energy 'R Us" Noring writes: ...it does pay to keep an open mind on this subject for the ramifications are great. 

For example, Dr. Puthoff theorized that the nature of the vacuum energy is highly randomized electromagnetic energy, and the source is the motion of all the charge carriers in the universe. 

If this is true, then the next step in the train of hypotheses becomes very interesting.  What if we consider the vacuum energy to be a conduit, rather than a source, to this motion of matter in the universe? - we just convert whatever non-random or directed motion of these charge carriers into useful work which will ultimately end up (or dissipate) as a more random motion of matter. 

The First Law is not violated since energy of the Universe is conserved (you have to draw your thermodynamic boundaries correctly), and the Second Law is not violated since the energy extraction and dissipation resulted in an increase in the entropy of the Universe.  One could half-jokingly say that the kinetic energy of earth's orbit was very slightly reduced!  As long as there is non- random motion of mass in the Universe, there is the potential for us to use this "energy source" - I suggest the vacuum energy may be the the conduit to do this.

A lot of hypotheses and theories strung together, but sort of fun to speculate about it all - the ramifications of being able to "tap" the vacuum energy are so enormous that we should explore every avenue to see if it is possible.

Re: Precursor Engineering (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Monday, February 02, 2009 @ 11:16:17 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
All quite true, but the Laws of Thermodynamics all point to the fact that this only occurs below the scale of equipartition of thermal and vaccum energy.
Thats at about .0013mm.

Labs seek clues after 3,000 birds die in Arkansas (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, January 09, 2011 @ 20:57:50 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
From Tom Bearden's site: Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2011 12:49:07 -0600

(Slightly edited)

Hi Tony,

Actually it's probably unintentional precursor engineering.

The normal environment now is filled with EM pulses, sound pulses, etc. Simply consider, e.g., all the car and truck engines running etc., with all those spark plugs flying. And then add all the rest of the "tremendous pulse environment".

All that is of course random coupling with some deterministic individual pulsing areas. Ha! That's continually producing PATTERNS of Dirac sea vacuum pulsing, and thus modified vacuum "creation structures" (precursor structures) into everything, since anything and everything is being continually created from its active virtual state vacuum (a "static physical thing" is instead like a "static" waterfall—continually being created and destroyed by the active patterning and flow and interaction of its constituent water molecules).

Well, randomly certain patterns will form—some much more likely than others. But hit just the right patterning in the air (sky) in an area, and boom! a flock of birds going through will be killed and fall out of the sky.

Or a particular brand of automobile with increased solid state controls and "helpful intervention" in driving and steering will suddenly have a acceleration output appear in it, and just "of itself" just suddenly accelerate. Yet when recall is applied and the autos are examined in the lab without that "altered Dirac sea vacuum tickling" environment, their precursor creations remain the same and so the effect is not detected in the lab. (It would require ALSO reproducing the causative local vacuum tickling patterning by Dirac sea vacuum pulsing of the lab environment).

There are thousands (even trillions) of other aspects of precursor engineering, which is in fact the final goal of physics itself—to be able to easily and directly engineer physical reality at will.

So far, we can now explain such things as:

(1) miracle workers such as are in the Old Testament—we don't have many today because for about 200 years there has been an organized, secret, world wide Control effort to find them and kill them, regardless of cost. My own rather astounding experience beside Doyle Noyes in Kansas City, Missouri totally confirmed what a true miracle worker (born with deviant EXTRA ability to control the PATTERNING of the spikings of his body's nerve dendrite endings). At high noon Doyle turned the clear, cloudless sky as dark as darkest midnight, formed huge boiling clouds with tremendous lightning bolts and torrential rain, right out of nowhere since no weather had been moving in at all). I also was beside him as he destroyed more than a dozen cars with riders carrying machine guns under their coat and speeding at him to kill him). They did succeed in killing Doyle about a couple years later.

(2) Jack Houck's astounding success in several hundred metal-bending classes, wherein he was able to achieve metal-bending by more than 80% of his attendees;

(3) The tiny little jellyfish that circa 1990 became immortal against death by aging; it's totally proven and accepted in biology now, but they have not a hint as to the actual causative mechanism;

(4) How Brenda's little odd body is able to "unhappen" and cure invasive diseases,

(5) The proven Kanzius cancer process (which uses Dirac sea vacuum tickling and thus precursor engineering) is able to simply "unhappen" the cancer by adding NEGATIVE energy from the vacuum to the precursors creating the POSITIVE mass-energy of the cancer, so that it just "slowly vanishes away". In the Phase one animal experiments completed several months ago, astounding results were achieved: 100% (that's right! ONE HUNDRED PERCENT!) of all the terminal tumors in the lab animals were cured (yep; they simply faded gradually away as they "unhappened").

(6) Why they viciously tore negative energy out of Dirac's theory, in 1934 (only one year after he and Schrodinger were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize), and why a severely threatened Dirac kept his mouth shut for the rest of his life. Today, there is finally a strong movement (headed by Dr. Daniel Solomon and his colleagues) to remove that ARBITRARY mutilation of Dirac's theory by deliberately removing its negative energy.

This is why in the coming months etc. my main effort will be to write a book or booklet on Precursor Engineering: The Direct Engineering of Physical Reality Itself.

Note that Bedini has been using negative energy on the bench for about 35 years! So it can definitely be used, and it can definitely produce results. Its patterning use allows the cure of any disease or malcondition of the body, producing any kind of material matter (remember how Christ fed the multitude starting with only a few fish?) etc. Kanzius's cancer process [www.cheniere.org] is already a working example, as is his watergas process—tested rigorously by one of the great water chemists and proven conclusively to work, although neither Kanzius nor the chemist knew the actual mechanism being used.

Hope you and Pat and family had a very nice Happy New Year! and that 2011 will be a great year for us all.


Source: http://www.cheniere.org/correspondence/010311.htm [www.cheniere.org]


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