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IEA World Energy Outlook
Posted on Sunday, November 16, 2008 @ 12:46:12 UTC by vlad

General The International Energy Agency has made a new comprehensive forecast of world energy from now until 2030.  The conclusions are:

Current energy trends are patently unsustainable —socially, environmentally, economically
- Oil will remain the leading energy source but...

> The era of cheap oil is over, although price volatility will remain
> Oilfield decline is the key determinant of investment needs
> The oil market is undergoing major and lasting structural change, with national companies in the ascendancy

- To avoid "abrupt and irreversible" climate change we need a major decarbonisation of the world’s energy system

> Copenhagen must deliver a credible post‐2012 climate regime
> Limiting temperature rise to 2°C will require significant emission reductions in all regions & technological breakthroughs
> Mitigating climate change will substantially improve energy security
- The present economic worries do not excuse back‐tracking or delays in taking action to address energy challenges

Read full article here: http://nextbigfuture.com/2008/11/iea-world-energy-outlook.html

Note: Yes, that may be true for an "Evolutionary" technology development scenario. A "Revolution" in the energy science can change all that. Read the two posts below to see what I mean and what we need to do Now.



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New Energy Security Journal (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, November 16, 2008 @ 13:06:44 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
The Institute for the Analysis of Global Security announced that it has created the Journal of Energy Security [www.ensec.org].

Quote from Ann Korin, (one of the founders): 

"AGS and its supporters have long been dedicated to exploring the nexus between energy and security, the economic implications of oil dependence, the use of energy as a foreign policy tool, critical energy infrastructure protection, the need for alternative fuels development, and many other issues that cut across the energy security grain. The Journal of Energy Security will provide an important portal for energy professionals, security and foreign policy specialists, defense and security analysts, academicians and students to bring their message directly to a global audience."

How about supporting/trying the XSF path, ladies & gents at JES? A "close mind" during these times is anything but safe and smart!

Re: IEA World Energy Outlook (Score: 1)
by Koen on Sunday, November 16, 2008 @ 22:49:19 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla
Even without turning to eXtreme Science,  the developments in PV technology are so good that we can solve our energy problem with this technology alone.

Big problem is: hardly  any money is invested in new silicium factories and PV pannel factories. The main reason for the current high solar-grade silicon prices  is the lack of production capacity and out-dated manufacture methods.  New companies like RSI  promise to produce solar-grade silicon that is 1/3 the price of 'traditional' made solar-grade silicon. Every country in the world should have a few solar-grade silicon factories (construction of RSI type silicon factory costs about 50 million dollar).  The raw material for silicon is everywhere on the planet, which means the trillion dollar military budgets to secure strategic energy rich areas can be used as well for the solar PV economy (every city on the globe a silicon & PV factory?). The total amount of money needed to setup the solar PV economy is down to nothing compared with the current military budgets. This gives new meaning to the word "security".

Actually our only problem are the bankers and their puppets: the politicians and industrial leaders. They (and their front organisations like the IEA) deliberately over-estimate the costs of the solar economy, in order to centralise power and control. Just look at their figures and energy prognosis,  it shows they don't want a PV revolution.


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