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Longitudinal waves
Posted on Friday, April 18, 2003 @ 01:40:21 UTC by vlad
From: "dclmt" Subject: Longitudinal waves
Hi all , Longitudinal waves vs. Lateral waves?
Standard electron theory taught in schools (as of 1978 at least) consists of a current carrier, usually copper wire with a magnetic fields encircling the wire as the electrons pass, and electric fields emanating out at 90° from the same wire, and end to end. Electrons pass from end to end -to+ in one direction, holes in the opposite direction +to- ...
Longitudinal waves turn this scenario 90° such that electric fields encircle the conductor, magnetic fields traverse the length, and emanate 90° out from the sane conductor, and electrons and holes travel in circles around the circumference in place on the wire. Copper can be used, being paramagnetic it will conduct the magnetic field, however, a ferrous or niconel wire would conduct magnetic fields much more densely. Inductance and capacitance formulas for the Lateral waves paradigm would translate into their complement for the Longitudinal waves paradigm. Longitudinal waves based coils would have pos/neg poles rather than north/south. Therefore a pancake coil of bailing wire sandwiched between two copper plates, would increase a Picofarad cap into a micro farad cap.
Food for thought~
~Dan Chadwick
From: Koen van Vlaenderen Subject: Re: Longitudinal waves
The usual transversal wave is induced in a wire with alternating current. This is a dipole antenna.
Of course the electric field is pointed in the direction of the wire (it is the gradient of the electric potential at the endpoints of the wire).
The point is that the electromagnetic wave direction is transversal to the wire (90° angle to the wire), therefore the electric field along the wire is transversal to the wave propagation direction. The magnetic field is indeed transversal to the wire (= direction of electric field) and the wave propagation direction itself.
The longitudinal wave, as discovered by Tesla, is induced by a /monopole/ antenna. This is simply a metal sphere, such that the electric field is perpendicular to the sphere, and also the wave propagation is perpendicular to the sphere. According to my theory there is no magnetic field, but instead there is a scalar field that alternates with the longitudinal electric field, such that the powerflow is always in one direction. Usually the Coulomb field is a near field (falls of as 1/r² ) but in combination with the scalar field it might fall of as 1/r.
The mainn reason these longitudinal waves were not described by Maxwells equations, are the artificial /gauge conditions, /for which there is no experimental ground. These assumed condition actually say: there is no physical scalar field. For longitudinal waves one needs this scalar field in order to define a power flow of longitudinal electro-scalar waves. It is easy to add scalar field terms to the Maxwell equations, for instance in order to decouple the potential wave equations.
The monopole antenna also induces a scalar field, if the frequency is high and the electric potential amplitude is very high. This was the case in Tesla's generators. Also divergent/convergent currents can induce a dynamic scalar field, just like rotating currents induce a magnetic field. Any source of current, or sink of current, from were currents diverge or converge, is a potential source of scalar fields, according to my theory.
See http://home.wanadoo.nl/raccoon/scalarfieldeffects.pdf
Regards, Koen
From: "Trans-world" Subject: Re: Longitudinal waves
Longitudinal waves, aren't induced by a /monopole/ antenna. They're electric waves created by variations of voltage, same as EM waves are created by variations of current. And Tesla's magnifying transformer (MT) didn't have a monopole antenna, the Earth was the second pole. It's as simple as that; current creates a magnetic (EM) field, while voltage creates ELECTRIC field. Oscillate either one, and you get EM or electric waves.
EM waves are a function of a conductor, therefore they're radiated out by conductors. Longitudinal E waves are a function of capacitance (potential), therefore they're radiated out by capacitors. You could replace the earth connection of the MT with another metal sphere, and the MT would keep radiating E waves just fine (you'd want to do that in outer space where you couldn't ground it). Or you could replace the two spheres with two parallel metal plates, and you'd keep radiating E waves, except your transmitter would now be directional.
Also, current is what provides work, so EM waves radiate that work, which of necessity must be diminished with distance. But unlike current, voltage doesn't provide work, it provides POTENTIAL (to work). And potential is mass-less, that's why longitudinal E waves don't diminish with distance.
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Re: Longitudinal waves (Score: 1) by vlad on Monday, April 21, 2003 @ 16:35:34 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Message: Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 20:31:53 -0500
From: "dclmt"
Subject: Re: Longitudinal waves
The magnetic field is never really cancelled only apparently cancelled. Magnetic and electric fields can be separated every bit as much as Heat is a separate energy form... a magnet exhibits a purely magnetic field hence the name, and a capacitor which btw used to be called an electret exhibits a purely electric field. Inductance is a function of moving charged particles, both forms. When a single end of a wire is connected to a single pole of a battery, instantly along the length of the wire it becomes charged to the same polarity and value of the terminal it touches, the same way a mild steel wire becomes polarized with the same polarity and value of the pole of the magnet it touches. All of this is even before any charge carriers are moved along the respective wires. An E-field by itself will not and can not induce a magnetic field, Nor can a magnetic field induce an electric field. Inductance is relative. Motion is key to both. A charged particle moving in a magnetic field will try to move in a very specific path. The same with a magnet in an E-field. And a conductor set up in a certain way will carry charge carriers when the appropriate field is passed through it. Look at the face value, and work with that, because any thing else will either reveal itself in due course or prove inaccessible, thus irrelevant.
Subject: Re: Longitudinal waves
isn't magnetic field a function of current AND INDUCTANCE? If you cancel inductance, like for example in a bifilar or caduceus coil, then you've cancelled magnetic field and what you've got left is ELECTRIC field ONLY. Wouldn't you agree?
Of course there's still a question if you've cancelled the magnetic field to nothingness, or if the two opposing magnetic fields got locked into each other, and created a scalar field. Or maybe the scalar field is the electric field? Obviously there are a few possibilities here, but the fact remains that you can cancel magnetic field, and be left with a scalar and/or electric field.
And regarding LC resonant circuits like Tesla's magnifying transmitter (MT), these circuits also cancel out magnetic fields in them (at resonance), that's why a resonant LC circuit would continue to resonate forever, were it not for the resistance losses.
In other words, both the bifilar coils, and resonant LC circuits cancel out their magnetic fields, which leaves ONLY longitudinal E waves or scalar waves.