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Genepax unveils water energy fuel cell system
Posted on Sunday, June 15, 2008 @ 22:45:26 UTC by vlad

Devices solaris writes: FuelCellToday writes: It is claimed the Water Energy System (WES) developed by Genepax can generate power by supplying water and air to the fuel and air electrodes. The basic power generation mechanism of the system is similar to that of a standard fuel cell. The main feature of the new system is that it uses a membrane electrode assembly (MEA), which contains a material that breaks down the water to hydrogen and oxygen.

Though the company did not reveal any more detail the company president said that they had "succeeded in adopting a well-known process to produce hydrogen from water to the MEA", similar to the mechanism that produces hydrogen by a reaction of metal hydride and water. However the company claims that compared with the existing method, the new process produces hydrogen from water for a longer time.

Genepax unveiled a fuel cell stack with a rated output of 120W and a fuel cell system with a rated output of 300W. The 300W system is an active system, which supplies water and air with a pump. In the demonstration, the company powered the TV and the lighting equipment with a lead-acid battery charged by using the system. In addition, the 300W system was mounted in the luggage room of a compact electric vehicle "Reva" manufactured by Takeoka Mini Car Products Co Ltd, and the vehicle was driven by the system.

In future Genepax intends to provide 1kw-class generation systems for use in electric vehicles and for residential applications. The production cost is presently about ¥2,000,000 (US$18,522), it estimated that it can be reduced to ¥500,000 ($5000) or lower if the company succeeds in mass production.



Source: Fuel Cell Today



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"Genepax unveils water energy fuel cell system" | Login/Create an Account | 7 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Genepax unveils water energy fuel cell system (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, June 15, 2008 @ 22:55:31 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
A comment from Slashdot [science.slashdot.org]. Nethemas the Great writes:

" What is in these membranes? How long do they last? What does it cost to renew the membranes? ..."

It may be related to a 2005 discovery [www.sciam.com] [sciam.com] published in the Scientfic American [www.sciam.com] [sciam.com] that combine organosilanes [en.wikipedia.org] [wikipedia.org] with water in the presence of a rhenium [en.wikipedia.org] [wikipedia.org] based catalyst to produce hydrogen.

Engine Runs With Water (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, June 15, 2008 @ 23:40:50 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com

(KAAL) -- Thanks to one local high school senior's invention, we may one day find relief at the pump.

The Alden Conger senior just received international awards for his work.

It's taken him two years of work, but it's finally here. His invention could lower your fuel bills by 30%.

He built a battery-powered device that can actually turn water into energy and lower the amount of gas you need by about 23%.

"It'll lower emissions, clean up the environment, and it will save you money." (soli)...

More: http://kaaltv.com/article/stories/S461001.shtml?cat=10226 [kaaltv.com]

Via: http://www.keelynet.com/#whatsnew [www.keelynet.com]

GenePax water car Patent Info (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, June 19, 2008 @ 23:03:38 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
From http://www.keelynet.com/#whatsnew [www.keelynet.com] : Genepax Co., Ltd. revealed an epoch-making technology "Water Energy System (WES)" which is capable of generating electric power from water. WES stably generates electric power with no aid of any external energy and without any emission of green house gas, e.g., carbon dioxide and methane. The electricity generation module and the prototype generator system, which are based on the WES technology, were disclosed on June 12, 2008, in Osaka. The company has not disclosed the details of the WES technology. The company said that "Genepax's propriety technologies are packed in the MEA of the WES", and also said that the principle of "WES resembles that of the battery charger for mobile phones, developed by Aquafairy Corporation, which is now in cooperation with NTT DoCoMo for its development". / System Animation Illustrating Operation [www.genepax.co.jp] - 1) Publication number: 2006-244714 - WATER ENERGY SYSTEM - The water energy system 1 has a cell in which a fuel electrode 3 and an oxygen electrode 4 are faced with each other through a catalyst 2 same as a general fuel cell. The fuel electrode 3 is formed by carrying platinum on a sintered body of fine powder of zeolite, coral sand, and carbon black, the oxygen electrode 4 is formed by carrying ruthenium on the sintered body of fine powder of zeolite and carbon black. Electric power is generated under normal temperature by supplying pure water 5 to the fuel electrode 3 and air to the oxygen electrode 4. / 2) Publication number: 2007-157405 - POWER GENERATION MODULE, POWER GENERATOR, AND POWER GENERATION SYSTEM - The power generation module 4 of a power generation system is formed by laminating gaskets 43, partition plates 44, and current collector plates 45 at both sides of an electrode assembly 42 as a center, between a pair of clamp plates 41. Pure water is supplied to an anode-side electrode plate 47 from a pure water supply groove provided on the surface of the partition plate through pure water supply holes 41c to 45c from outside of the clamp plate 41, and air taken in from an air intake formed at outer peripheral end surface of the separation plate is supplied to a cathode-side electrode 48 from an air supply groove provided on another surface thereof. A desired power generation capacity can be obtained by adding and connecting in series electrode joint bodies 42 and partition plates 44. - Source [www.fcpat-japan.com]

Re: Genepax unveils water energy fuel cell system (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, June 21, 2008 @ 23:10:51 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
From: http://www.keelynet.com/#whatsnew [www.keelynet.com] :Lipstick-Sized Fuel Cell for Mobile Phones - Using Pure Iron? Aquafairy developed the generation cell and hydrogen generator. The firm was established on June 30, 2006 by a technician involved in developing fuel cells at Nitto Denko Corp. He has worked on generation cells since 2002 and hydrogen generators since 2004, beginning joint development with NTT DoCoMo about one year ago. Details of the hydrogen generator have not been disclosed, but in October 2004 Nitto Denko filed for a patent on a method of generating hydrogen using pure iron made by reducing hydrogen oxide into pure iron, pressed into a porous shape. The new development is thought to use this pure iron. The developed fuel cell can turn its water supply on and off to match power on/off, and power generation is stable regardless of altitude. The problematic output fluctuations of DMFCs can be ignored, said NTT DoCoMo, because of the high 2W output. This means that the compensatory capacitors and other components are no longer required, so that a standard electrical circuit can be used. - Source [techon.nikkeibp.co.jp] / Docomo, Aquafairy develop water-powered fuel cell - Based on thin-film power unit technology from Aquafairy (Osaka, Japan), the polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) contains 10 cc of water and a hydrogen-producing catalyst. It is connected using a power unit that includes an anode, solid electrolyte and a cathode. In the fuel cartridge, water is injected onto the catalyst to generate pure hydrogen which is then channeled to the anode in the power unit. There, the hydrogen separates into H+ ions and electrons. The electrons flow from the anode to the cathode through an external circuit, producing electricity. The hydrogen ions move through the solid electrolyte to the cathode and combine with oxygen to produce water. - Source [techon.nikkeibp.co.jp]

Re: Genepax unveils water energy fuel cell system (Score: 1)
by harold33 on Sunday, April 04, 2010 @ 08:30:38 UTC
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