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Is mathematical pattern the theory of everything?
Posted on Saturday, November 17, 2007 @ 16:26:15 UTC by vlad
10:00 15 November 2007/ NewScientist.com news service/ Zeeya Merali
GARRETT LISI is an unlikely individual to be staking a claim for a
theory of everything. He has no university affiliation and spends most
of the year surfing in Hawaii. In winter, he heads to the mountains
near Lake Tahoe, California, to teach snowboarding. Until recently,
physics was not much more than a hobby.
hasn't stopped some leading physicists sitting up and taking notice
after Lisi made his theory public on the physics pre-print archive this
week (www.arxiv.org/abs/0711.0770).
By analysing the most elegant and intricate pattern known to
mathematics, Lisi has uncovered a relationship underlying all the
universe's particles and forces, including gravity - or so he hopes.
Lee Smolin at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI) in
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, describes Lisi's work as "fabulous". "It is
one of the most compelling unification models I've seen in many, many
years," he says.
"I think the universe is pure geometry - basically, a beautiful shape
twisting around and dancing over space-time," says Lisi. "Since E8 is
perhaps the most beautiful structure in mathematics, it is very
satisfying that nature appears to have chosen this geometry."
Full article: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn12891
Video: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-xHw9zcCvRQ
From: Jack Sarfatti
Date: November 16, 2007 3:44:51 PM
Subject: Fwd: Lisi E8 theory
animation on New Scientist
Lisi getting major media
coverage despite Lubos Motl calling him a "crackpot". I have my doubts about the
claims of E8 with regard to gravity, but I do not know having not yet studied
the paper - only Lubos Motl's remarks on it. It's clear E8 is real physics, i.e.
testable out on the limb even if it turns out to be partially wrong. String
theory is not real physics. I mean most of the "string theory" papers on the
archive at best are good math papers having no connection to real phenomena.
Lee Smolin has some very interesting things to say about Alain Connes's
non-commuting geometry. Note this gives quantized area trivially. Smolin says
the standard model with Higgs-Goldstone macro-quantum vacuum ODLRO fields pops
out of Connes's theory - important, indeed startling, claim.
Note on "spin networks" - I have them in my theory quite literally. The
"nodes" of the 3D spin networks are my GMD field quantized "monopoles" (second
homotopy group ~ integers) and the "edges" are simply GMD field quantized vortex
filaments (first homotopy group ~ integers) for 2 world hologram Goldstone
phases with 3 real Higgs scalars contracted down from 8 Goldstone phases with 9
real Higgs scalars giving the M-Matrix where c-number ODLRO curved tetrads ~
diagonal part of 4x4 M-Matrix, spin connections ~ anti-symmetrized off-diagonal
part of M-Matrix.
One real Higgs scalar for each boson "dimension of space" in order to have
stable topological defects in the post-inflation single-valued vacuum condensate
ODLRO Higgs-Goldstone order parameters.
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A Theoretically Simple Exception of Everything (Score: 1) by vlad on Saturday, November 17, 2007 @ 18:35:03 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | On Nov 17, 2007, at 5:25 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
On the algebraic
level the problem is that fermions are defined through the fundamental representation [en.wikipedia.org] of the gauge group, whereas the gauge fields transform
under the adjoint representation [en.wikipedia.org] . Now I learned from Garrett that the five
exceptional Lie-groups [math.ucr.edu] have the remarkable property that
the adjoint action of a subgroup is the fundamental subgroup action on
other parts of the group. This then offers the possibility to arrange both, the
fermions as well as the gauge fields, in the Lie algebra and root diagram of a
single group. Thus, Garret has a third way to address the fermionic problem,
using the exceptionality of E8.
from the back-reaction blog - good
clear writing, so perhaps Lubos Motl's refutation is bogus? Too soon to
See: http://backreaction.blogspot.com [backreaction.blogspot.com]
Re: Is mathematical pattern the theory of everything? (Score: 1) by RBM on Saturday, November 17, 2007 @ 18:42:30 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | A commenter from the source (Doc Searls) where I first read about E8:
Well, now, this is all pretty interesting stuff, but I’m not convinced
that the gravitational spin connection can be written using the six
Clifford bivector generators, or that it’s quite “kosher” to redefine
six real coefficients into the spatial rotation and temporal boost
parts relating to the left and right-chiral parts of the spin
connection. Seems like a stretch to me, but I’m willing to be proven
wrong on that. |
Re: Is mathematical pattern the theory of everything? (Score: 1) by Koen on Monday, November 19, 2007 @ 13:03:07 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla | Maybe this super symmetry based on E8 is beautifiul mathematics, but it is a useless beauty. ZPE engineering will be done by gauge symmetry breaking of electromagnetism U(1) , "the only explicit remaining gauge symmetry". This will lead to new technology. It requires a violation of the charge-current density continuity relation (often mistaken for charge conservation) which has been done by Podkletnov's impulse "gravity" device. This device shows collective tunneling of many electrons through several superconductive layers during an abrupt discharge.
What can we do with anti-particles or susy symmetric particle partners? Zip, nada, nothing.
Have we sealed the universe's fate by looking at it? (Score: 1) by vlad on Wednesday, November 21, 2007 @ 23:09:36 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | HAVE we hastened the demise of the universe by looking at it? That’s
the startling question posed by a pair of physicists, who suggest that
we may have accidentally nudged the universe closer to its death by
observing dark energy, which is thought to be speeding up cosmic
Full story: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2007-11/ns-hws112107.php [www.eurekalert.org]
Re: Is mathematical pattern the theory of everything? (Score: 1) by Zephir on Thursday, March 20, 2008 @ 17:20:03 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Mr. Garett's work is a sort of geometric mysticism in its current state indeed, but it still doesn't mean, it CANNOT have robust physical meaning. The most important point (which wasn't mentioned till now) is, the Lie group is not just void geometrical structure. It's root system is describing the tightest structure of kissing hyperspheres, where the kissing points are sitting at the centers of another hyperspheres, recursively. The Aether Wave Theory proposes at least two dual ways, how to interpret such structure.
The cosmological one is maybe easier to realize: it considers, the current Universe generation is formed by interior of giant dense collapsar, which behaves like black hole from outer perspective. This collapse was followed by phase transition, which proceeded like crystallization from over-saturated solution by avalanche-like mechanism. During this, the approximately spherical zones of condensing false vacuum have intersect mutually, and from these places the another vacuum condensation has started (a sort of nucleation effect). We can observe the residuum of these zones as a dark matter streaks. The dodecahedron structure of these zones should corresponds the E8 group geometry, as being observed from inside.
The second interpretation of E8 is relevant to Planck scale, i.e. to outer perspective. The dense interior of black hole is forming the physical vacuum, which is filled by spongy system of density fluctuations, similar to nested foam. Such structure has even a behavior of soap foam, because it gets more dense after introducing of energy by the same way, like soap shaken inside of closed vessel. Such behavior leads to the quantum behavior of vacuum and particle-wave duality. Every energy wave, exchanged between pair of particles (i.e. density fluctuations of foam) is behaving like less or more dense blob of foam, i.e. like gauge boson particle. Every boson can exchange its energy with another particles, including other gauge bosons, thus forming the another generation of interacalated particles.
Therefore the E8 Lie group solves the trivial question: which structure should have the tightest lattice of particles, exchanged by another particles? And such question has even perfect meaning from classical physics point of view! Such question has a perfect meaning in theory, describing the most dense structure of inertial particles, which we can even imagine, i.e. the interior of black hole.