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Demand Exceeding Supply
Posted on Saturday, November 10, 2007 @ 18:52:59 UTC by vlad

General Extract from EV World Insider -- Basic Edition 7.41/ Insider Commentary by Bill Moore: ... Here's a great story I couldn't help including.

It seems that demand for renewable energy power -- wind and solar especially -- is starting to exceed supply and that according to a NREL report by 2010 "clean-energy demand will outpace generation by at least 37%."

A growing list of states with Renewable Energy Portfolios -- now at 25 and counting -- along with consumer concern over global warming is forcing more businesses and governments to start buying green power, so much so that demand is outpacing industry's ability to produce the necessary wind turbines and solar panels.

By 2015, New England will face a gap of 1,500 megawatts — enough to power 1.1 million homes — between green-energy resources and what's needed to meet standards...

As might be expected, all this demand is driving up the price of renewable energy.

"Partly as a result, renewable-energy prices have doubled the past couple of years in Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Plains states and have risen up to 50% in the West...

In the Mid-Atlantic, wind-price increases bumped the average monthly premium on utility bills for green-energy consumers to $10.50 from $6.30..."

Which leads to this story out of Florida.

Renewables Competitive with Coal?

Power generation from low-carbon energy sources like wind, solar and nuclear should soon become competitive with electricity generated by coal, the cheapest of fossil fuels.

That is a pretty dramatic prediction by Lew Hay, the chief executive of FPL Group Inc., whose company is the largest wind power producer in America and is now planning $1.5 billion solar thermal plants in California and Florida.

So, how does he justify his view? Perhaps not surprisingly, Hay is now evangelizing the idea that despite its cheap price, coal comes with huge social and environmental costs.

In an interview with Reuters, he states...

"The thing we've got to make customers understand is that any fossil fuel has a hidden cost that society is paying every day, and that is the cost of carbon.

"We need to put a price on carbon, by doing so the illusion that coal-produced energy is low-cost will go away."

Of course, what Hay is going is working hard to get FPL ahead of the political curve where carbon taxes will someday in the not-too-distance future be imposed on utilities and other fossil fuel energy producers, forcing them to start pricing their fossil fuels more realistically, instead of internalizing the profits and socializing the costs...



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