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The Charge of the Ultra-Capacitors; Terabyte Storage
Posted on Monday, November 05, 2007 @ 19:55:54 UTC by vlad

Devices Spectrum Online, November 2007

MIT scientists plan to replace the activated carbon of current ultracapacitors, which can can store more charge than a capacitor, with a dense, microscopic forest of carbon nanotubes grown directly on the surface of the current collector.

This would create a device that can hold up to 50 percent as much electrical energy as a comparably sized battery, while being more effective at rapid, regenerative energy storage than chemical batteries and with longer life.

This feat would allow ultracapacitors to supplant batteries in a number of mainstream applications.

Original article: http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/print/5636  (Via KurzweillAI.net.)

Also interesting: Terabyte Storage for Cell Phones

A nanotech-enabled device could replace the flash memory used in portable electronics.

By Kevin Bullis

A new type of memory technology could lead to thumb drives or digital-camera memory cards that store a terabyte of information--more than most hard drives hold today. The first examples of the new technology, which could also slash energy consumption by more than 99 percent, could be on the market within 18 months...

Full story: http://www.technologyreview.com/Nanotech/19643/



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"The Charge of the Ultra-Capacitors; Terabyte Storage" | Login/Create an Account | 1 comment | Search Discussion
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Re: The Charge of the Ultra-Capacitors; Terabyte Storage (Score: 1)
by Veryskeptical on Tuesday, November 06, 2007 @ 11:02:16 UTC
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With regard to the ultracapacitor it seems very much a ho hum sort of thing to spend such massive engineering sophistication upon producing a storage device with half the capacity of an available battery. No matter how much faster the charge-discharge cycle over a true battery the limitations are painfully obvious. Perhaps one day they will even get the device to store as much energy as a typical battery. Woudn't that be great?

If only these efforts could be transferred to something of greater promise (perhaps the fifth force work of Randell Mills mentioned on this site today) we all might be much better off. Why try to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse when one can go buy a silk purse?


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