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AERO Announces Award Program
Posted on Thursday, November 01, 2007 @ 22:54:16 UTC by vlad
AERO Award Program/ November 1, 2007
Advanced Energy Research Organization, LLC (AERO) announces an up-front $200,000 licensing award and minimum $5 million two year royalty program for a qualifying new energy breakthrough.
The Charlottesville, VA energy research company is leading a world-wide search for promising, out-of-the-box inventors and scientists who have provable energy generation inventions that need support, further development and widespread public exposure.
AERO CEO Steven M. Greer MD notes that, "Over the past 100 years, many major energy breakthroughs have withered on the vine, died with the inventor or been absorbed into secretive corporate or government programs. It is AERO's mission to see that these new technologies are protected, supported and massively disclosed to the public so that we can go beyond our current addiction to oil, gas and coal and begin a new, sustainable era in human history.
AERO is uniquely qualified to see that such technological innovations make it to market. Our network includes 'A-list' celebrities, Nobel Prize winners, current and former heads of State and millions of people who follow our work. The inventor or team that has a qualifying system for energy generation will have the full force, support and protection of this unique, global network."
The criteria for the Award program are:
* The invention must be already built, robust and running reliably, with a net exportable (usable) power output of at least 1 kilowatt or greater.
* The system must use no power from the power grid and if batteries or capacitors are used, they must remain fully charged.
* The system must create no greenhouse gases or other polluting emissions and must be a closed loop system (that is, the output energy is sufficient to run the energy needs of the system and also provide the minimum 1 kilowatt of usable net power.)
* If it is a water-to-fuel system, the system must be able to electrolyze water into hydrogen and oxygen to create enough on-demand fuel to run the system (again, closed-loop) and create the minimum 1 kilowatt of net usable power.
* Solar, wind and geothermal are excluded from the system, as these systems already exist.
* The inventor must be willing to license the system to AERO, LLC.
* The system must be able to pass performance and efficiency testing by three independent scientific groups and be fully reproducible from plans by an independent third party (AERO will sign a non-disclosure agreement with the inventor(s) as needed to assure confidentiality.)
* The system must not use radioactive materials or other materials that are an environmental hazard or biohazard.
* The inventor must be willing to bring the system to Virginia to be tested and this testing must be transparent and open (no hidden "black box" tests).
The winning inventor or team will receive $200,000 up-front as a licensing award (see our sample licensing agreement (http://www.AERO2012.com/en/documents/AEROLicenseAgreement.pdf) and will be guaranteed a minimum of $5 million in royalty payments within two years of the creation of a manufacture-ready, beta-tested system. If the current prototype needs further R and D to attain manufacture, UL listed readiness, AERO will provide the support to reach this state-of-the-art.
To apply for this award program or for further information, contact AERO at www.AERO2012.com.
Please feel free to pass this message on to any individuals, mailing lists or discussion boards where there may be interest. Thank you.
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Average Score: 4.75 Votes: 4

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Dear AERO Award Program (Score: 1) by Randy on Friday, November 02, 2007 @ 20:04:59 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Dear AERO Award Program,
Due to poor health, I am unable to travel, and you should not expect that someone would hand over to you a working model of such a revolutionary and valuable energy system such as meets your description. If you want true free energy, you will have to do your homework. If you really want free energy, here is a simple experiment to prove it is possible.
Go out and buy a piezoelectric quantum dot and two strong magnets. The quantum dot should be as large as you can find. Attach the two magnets along the yx axis. A crystal has three axes (x the electrical axis, y the mechanical axis, and z the optical axis). Due to the piezoelectric effect and the converse effect, the crystal will change shape and vibrate. The magnets will move closer and farther apart producing electromagnetic waves, and some of those will fit the confinement of the crystal. So, these waves will be amplified due to resonance, and they will charge the faces of the crystal. The crystal will discharge repeating the process.
I must warn you however to wear gloves, put up shielding, and be prepared to remove the magnets after the emission has been metered and the experiment proven. This experiment will produce x-ray, so this is not a practical form of energy conversion, at least not in this exact form but you will have your simple proof.
However, if you make a soap bubble thin dielectric sphere with purified material, then attach your magnets, you can imitate the properties of a piezoelectric crystal without the expense of the rare materials that these crystals are made from and without the energy intensive process of growing a crystal. When a dielectric charges and then discharges, it too vibrates so you will have a working energy system requiring only ambient energy. The device requires only manufacturing energy.
As for your prize, this information is free. The dielectric sphere is not patented, but registered by the Department of Energy with their invention submission program in the early 1990’s. So this is practical. The reviewer would not have approved the registration of this device if he did not recognize this device as practical.
For further information, read the articles on this site, "Why We Have Energy in the Universe", and "A Second Look at Dielectrics and ZPE". This is a fuller description. Our physicists have the answers wrong. Atoms do change shape, and the piezoelectric effect and the converse piezoelectric effect prove this. If you would like to contact me, leave a message in my private message box here on this site. "Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" and there is proof of free energy available to us.
Ralph Randolph Sawyer
AERO Award - Feedback from the I-net (Score: 1) by vlad on Saturday, November 03, 2007 @ 17:49:51 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Read the PESN coverage of the news and the feedback at: http://pesn.com/2007/11/02/9500455_AERO_Award/ [pesn.com]
Bill Alek (Intalek) writes: ...It looks to me like financing came through for Steven Greer's group! Excellent!
Now, the only caveat I see is a minimum 1 kilowatt of net usable power for how long? Unless I missed something, I didn't see for how long because power is regarded as instantaneous. To run an average house on a daily basis, for example, a requirement of about 50 Kilowatt-hours would be specified. Given the proverbial back of the envelope calculation, we're looking at about 2 kilowatts of instantaneous power use for a 24 hour period.
Perhaps Steven didn't want to get too complicated?
Bill ----------------
A. Frolov writes: Interesting news. It is quite good proposal.
AKOIL was started in Russia but now their technologies are developing in Germany and Emirates. Director Alexander Kochurov said they have 2billion Euro to support and develop such technologies. At the same time he said that development in Russia is impossible due to political reasons. He wrote to me about 5 different free energy technologies of 10-100KW power level. One of the technologies is high voltage Tesla device, another in related with magnets, also they are developing devices buoyancy forces, gravity wheel and others.
I think that political reasons will play important role to stop these technologies before 20011 since in 2012 we can estimate serious climate problems.
Alexander V. Frolov --------------
Sterling Allan interviews Dr. Steven Greer (Score: 1) by vlad on Monday, December 03, 2007 @ 22:11:49 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Dr. Greer is the founder of the Disclosure
Project and a leading expert on UFO suppression and associated advanced,
clean energy technology sequestration. Greer also founded AERO to protect
and launch a revolutionary energy technology that meets the screening
criteria of 'self-running with at least 1 kW of usable electricity.'
Link: Greer Interview [pesn.com]