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Atomic Battery News
Posted on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 @ 20:31:06 UTC by vlad

Devices Anonymous writes: Nuclear Accelerated Generator (NAG) Harvest Isotope Beta Minus Electrons

Welcome to the Executive Engineering webpage on Atomic Batteries (NAGs)

This is the only page that is accessible to the Public for viewing of NAG information


This page is set up exclusively for readers of Defense Electronics magazine and you have presumably come here through a link from there. Our purpose here is to give you a brief, plain language overview of the Nuclear Accelerated Generator (NAG) and then give you the means to get further, detailed information.


At its heart, the NAG is a fully scalable device designed to provide years of trouble-free electrical power for any application, large or small. It is the result of years of experimentation as well as the application of newly-developed industrial materials and technology. As a result, we can confidently state that we have achieved an unprecedented milestone in the production of electrical power.

Powered by nuclear isotopes, the NAG is fully capable of generating both exceedingly large and exceptionally small amounts of electrical power and to do it more efficiently, over a longer period of time and with fewer breakdowns than any conventional technology currently in use. Because of the unique traits of the NAG, Executive Engineering feels that it has a wide range of uses in the military, civilian and industrial sectors. For instance:

More: http://www.exec-eng.com/eenag/



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"Atomic Battery News" | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Atomic Battery News (Score: 1)
by mach946 on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 @ 12:06:18 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Sounds like Betavoltaics industry. Are they the same or just another company persuing the same concept. ?

Re: Atomic Battery News (Score: 1)
by NAG on Monday, October 29, 2007 @ 08:34:36 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.exec-eng.com
No the NAG is NOT Betavoltaics and NOT a RTG device. Anyone that sends us e-mail will be sent a link to a full web site on how Isotope Power is calculated how much isotope we have in storage in the united states. DARPA info on the NAG. Cost of the device and what the goverment is look for. 

The goverment has tried for 6 years now to produce an atomic battery through normal goverment contract channels and has failed.  

NAG power conversion rate is between 60-85% far more than anything the nuclear guys have now.

Be prepared to read a lot of pages this is not a little site.

Patent Control by the Government (Score: 1)
by vlad on Friday, February 27, 2009 @ 21:19:38 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Submitted by Anon to the main page: Nuclear Accelerated Generator (NAG)  / Patent
It turn out that filing a patent is just a first step, but what happens when that patent is ground breaking technology? 

Well if your Executive Engineering with a new energy source that is Nuclear Powered technology it goes into limbo.   They have examined the patent several times.

Oh yes, we waited the 18 months then another 6 months then another 90 days.  Now we have no idea what the hold up is and there are no answers forthcoming from the patent office or government.

Does this sound strange to you, it sure does to us.  

And just how much do we estimate its worth, well that depends on how much energy is worth, but our best guess is in the order of 50 Billion Dollars. 
If you’re the government do you want to pay that kind of keep it a secret price tag?

Again these are pit falls that were totally unexpected in filing a patent.

At this point only Congress can force the patent through the patent office.

It seems that the patent office can sit on a patent as long as they like.


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