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Energy Invention Suppression Cases August 28 2007
Posted on Thursday, August 30, 2007 @ 07:57:26 UTC by vlad

Gary Vesparman writes: Dear Friends,
Attached is my August 28, 2007 compilation of energy invention suppression cases. One link to a copy of the file has been provided at the bottom of

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Gary Vesperman

[The article is in our Downloads section as well -Vlad]



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Re: Energy Invention Suppression Cases August 28 2007 (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, August 30, 2007 @ 08:04:41 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com

many people on the "suppressed" list were just crooks like Dennis Lee, Meyers and Newman. Others I have dialogged with on list like Marinov and DePalma were obvious whack jobs. I think most of these people had no more than Tilley or Perendev and just hid behind the "powerful forces are stopping me" excuse.

Please consider posting the following rejoinder to the free energy conspiricists from me:

I've heard at least 100 stories of "quirky inventor comes up with FE (free energy) or 100 mpg carburetor, but gets suppressed and secret somehow gets lost". Some of these stories date from 100's of years ago and come from all over the world. My big question is "how could a planet-saving technology worth trillions invented by dozens of people from all over the world be kept from humanity for more than a century?". Why would thousands of people and all world powers go along with it for generations?
, and the press be silent? with no defectors? Because I'm a leading internet skeptic of FE who debunks free energy con men like Dennis Lee, Tilley, and Newman, etc - I'm just accused of being part of a big conspiracy. But why would I, a backpacking, tree hugging, environmentalist boy scout leader want to keep us choking on planet killing carbon poisons which we pay trillions for from countries that absolutely hate us? The vast majority of the economic empires in the world are energy consumers, not producers so they should be able to fund a counter conspiracy to get free energy so they can instantly be big way in the black. All the companies producing energy sucking raw materials or needing to heat buildings or power airplanes could be instantly way profitable if they didn't have to hemorage huge funds for energy. Why would Japan and Germany who fought wars to keep their energy supply open want to continue to pay huge sums for poison? Why would Israel agree to cover up secrets that could strangle the money supply to countries that want them wiped off the map? For that matter, most all the powerful countries also including China, England, France, Australia, India - all of Europe pay way more money than the make for dirty energy from belligerent countries - why would they want to keep doing that?

But lets just assume that there is a conspiracy to stop free energy and the many inventors are scared they will be killed for letting it out - actually it would only make sense to wipe out someone BEFORE they could let it out, and conversely they would only be safe IF someone would mass publish a design: So here is my offer to help save the lives of those who have a real free energy device and care about saving the planet: Just scan the design of a proven working device and send it through an anonymous email address from a library computer to me at erickrieg@verizon.net - I will post it onto an email list that goes worldwide to over 1000 people - then over night, it would be too hard for the FE MIB's to put the cat back in the bag, and it would no longer make any sense to kill anyone to stop to free energy. This FE MIB's could just be reassigned to cover up UFO's. Then the inventors live, the environment is saved - humanity enters a new golden clean age and if I'd get killed for releasing it - no biggie, I'm a big skeptic of free energy anyhow and have already lived a good enough life and I'll eventually die anyhow.

Actually the strange irony of my skepticism of an FE information conspiracy is my being victimized by the real thing. I have been long threatend and now sued multiple times because of my information on the web concerning free energy. Ex convict Dennis Lee (who has been promising FE "in a few month" for over 20 years) has launched multiple SLAPP lawsuits against me in order to try to shut down my pages about his criminal history at

It is only my sincere belief in a fundamental human right of free expression that has kept me fighting rather than folding. As sincere honest seekers of free energy have told me, "Eric your exposing the crooks and lunatics can only clear the way for anyone with the real thing"

Eric Krieg

Historical Precedent for Suppression of the New Thing
On Aug. 30, 2007, NEC member, Sterling D. Allan wrote:

While indeed there is such a syndrome as an inventor or group reverting to claims of suppression in order to make excuses for why their technology is not making it to the marketplace, that alone does not mean that all claims to suppression are bogus. History, ancient and modern, gives us plenty of examples of the "powers that be" balking at the new thing that threatens their status quo with something better. Indeed, it might even be argued that such a response is naturally embedded in human nature, as part of the ego. "New wine cannot be put into old bottles," is how it is described in one ancient text of wide respect.

Prison Planet (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Thursday, August 30, 2007 @ 09:06:09 UTC
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Basically, any inventor who is trying to profit from his/her invention in regard to free energy is a fraud. A true inventor in this field would bypass the patent system and reveal the invention and the blueprints to the world for free - and if the inventor truly feared for his/her life, he/she could simply release everything anonymously.

These technologies are not suppressed because of their undesirable effects they would have on our fake economy, but because they would ultimately free us from any dependancy, whatsoever. The people in power do not desire money - they desire control - and this is what all of the suppression cases are about. If the entire world had access to free energy, there would be no wars, people would be able to go anywhere they wanted and would be able to do anything they desired. We would literally be gods, in every sense of the word - and it is this birthright that is being hidden by our overlords because we wouldn't be able to be controlled like cattle in such a state.

Take a hard look around you and see for yourself that it's all about control - and it isn't just limited to energy, either. This is why we have zoning laws, building laws and stupid laws in general - they are designed to impose limitations on the human experience and to protect the corporations who administer them.

Re: Energy Invention Suppression Cases August 28 2007 (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, October 03, 2007 @ 23:30:00 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Sepp Hasslberger writes: Gary,

thank you for the copy of your compilation of instances of new energy suppression. I have read a good part of it and scanned some, and have come to the decision not to re-publish the collection, and I suppose you'd like to know why.

I am certain that there have been, and there are currently, real instances of intentional and well targeted suppression of new energy inventions that are about to disrupt the market. You have put a lot of work into compiling many instances, where suppression possibly played a role in keeping the technology from reaching the market. It makes depressing reading. But in my mind, we're going in the wrong direction to advertise the fact of possible suppression without offering a solution.

Where suppression does occur, it should be documented meticulously, and that should be done with a view to possibly turning the situation around, where the perpetrators can be put behind bars and the men in the background can be attacked and eventually publicly shamed. Get the facts and expose the perps where possible.

To dwell on the suppression in a general way is not going to help very much. It will discourage rather than entice inventors to go on and - yes - risk their lives and well being, to bring their revolutionary gadget to market. I know you want to establish the fact that there has been suppression. For me, we can take that as a given. A few well documented instances will suffice to make the point.

But for a good outcome, for promoting progress, we should look ahead rather than back. To really help new energy achieve the breakthrough we all hope for, I think we must concentrate on positive developments and help, where we can, to get them widely known and duplicated. We must provide encouragement and protection, and help inventors bring their technology to market.

Kind regards



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