and the press be silent? with no defectors? Because I'm a leading internet
skeptic of FE who debunks free energy con men like Dennis Lee, Tilley, and
Newman, etc - I'm just accused of being part of a big conspiracy. But why would
I, a backpacking, tree hugging, environmentalist boy scout leader want to keep
us choking on planet killing carbon poisons which we pay trillions for from
countries that absolutely hate us? The vast majority of the economic empires in
the world are energy consumers, not producers so they should be able to fund a
counter conspiracy to get free energy so they can instantly be big way in the
black. All the companies producing energy sucking raw materials or needing to
heat buildings or power airplanes could be instantly way profitable if they
didn't have to hemorage huge funds for energy. Why would Japan and Germany who
fought wars to keep their energy supply open want to continue to pay huge sums
for poison? Why would Israel agree to cover up secrets that could strangle the
money supply to countries that want them wiped off the map? For that matter,
most all the powerful countries also including China, England, France,
Australia, India - all of Europe pay way more money than the make for dirty
energy from belligerent countries - why would they want to keep doing
But lets just assume that there is a conspiracy to stop free energy
and the many inventors are scared they will be killed for letting it out -
actually it would only make sense to wipe out someone BEFORE they could let it
out, and conversely they would only be safe IF someone would mass publish a
design: So here is my offer to help save the lives of those who have a real free
energy device and care about saving the planet: Just scan the design of a proven
working device and send it through an anonymous email address from a library
computer to me at
erickrieg@verizon.net - I will
post it onto an email list that goes worldwide to over 1000 people - then over
night, it would be too hard for the FE MIB's to put the cat back in the bag, and
it would no longer make any sense to kill anyone to stop to free energy. This FE
MIB's could just be reassigned to cover up UFO's. Then the inventors live, the
environment is saved - humanity enters a new golden clean age and if I'd get
killed for releasing it - no biggie, I'm a big skeptic of free energy anyhow and
have already lived a good enough life and I'll eventually die anyhow.
Actually the strange irony of my skepticism of an FE information
conspiracy is my being victimized by the real thing. I have been long threatend
and now sued multiple times because of my information on the web concerning free
energy. Ex convict Dennis Lee (who has been promising FE "in a few month" for
over 20 years) has launched multiple SLAPP lawsuits against me in order to try
to shut down my pages about his criminal history
It is only my sincere belief in a
fundamental human right of free expression that has kept me fighting rather than
folding. As sincere honest seekers of free energy have told me, "Eric your
exposing the crooks and lunatics can only clear the way for anyone with the real
Eric Krieg
Historical Precedent for Suppression of the New Thing
On Aug. 30, 2007, NEC member, Sterling D. Allan wrote:
While indeed there is such a syndrome as an inventor or group reverting to claims of suppression in order to make excuses for why their technology is not making it to the marketplace, that alone does not mean that all claims to suppression are bogus. History, ancient and modern, gives us plenty of examples of the "powers that be" balking at the new thing that threatens their status quo with something better. Indeed, it might even be argued that such a response is naturally embedded in human nature, as part of the ego. "New wine cannot be put into old bottles," is how it is described in one ancient text of wide respect.