Extract from the site http://changingpower.net/: Changing Course
A peaceful prosperous future is more possible than you may realize. You
can help it to begin in this decade. Plenty of non-polluting power to
run our vehicles, homes and factories is proven to be available. The
oil lobby, nuclear lobby and other vested interests made sure that
you’ve neither heard about it, nor taken it seriously. Now you can
learn about the potential abundance of clean energy.
Imagine a more-enlightened civilization, here, in our time. Picture
brilliant blue skies over a productive landscape swept clean of dirty
coal-fired power plants. There are no diesel smokestacks. Trucks,
railroad engines, cars and aircraft run on hydrogen, and their only
exhaust is a puff of water vapor. The hydrogen comes from electrolyzed
water. Electricity is made by watermills, like upside-down windmills,
planted in caissons on the beds of swift rivers or in strong tides off
our seashores. Fish safely swim past the caissons, while above them
millions of watts of electricity are generated by the movements of
water (which is 832 times denser than air and therefore can flow at a
slower speed than wind and still move the blades powerfully).
Tidal power, hydrogen fuel cells and other emerging energy
technologies can create countless new jobs. When you have plenty of
cheap clean power for heat, greenhouses of all sizes can be growing
food anywhere. Recycling all metals is now possible, and cleaning up
polluted waterways and soils. Starving people could irrigate their
deserts with desalinated sea water. With as much electricity as you
want, what peaceful uses can you think of, to create satisfying jobs?
Why fight oil wars and oil spills, and pollute our water, soil and
air with radioactive wastes from nuclear plants, when we as a society
have clear alternatives? The answer is that we, the people, just
haven’t bothered to learn about the powerful new alternatives and
support them. It’s time we changed course.
Link: http://changingpower.net/changing-course/