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Advanced Energy Research Organization (AERO), LLC
Posted on Monday, August 27, 2007 @ 20:42:45 UTC by vlad

General From their site http://www.aero2012.com/: Advanced Energy Research Organization (AERO), LLC is a new research and development group formed to develop and strategically protect new energy and propulsion technologies. It is our goal, utilizing a unique strategic approach, to bring forth these new environmentally sound technologies to replace virtually all fossil fuel, internal combustion and ionizing nuclear technologies within 20-30 years.

About AERO

Advanced Energy Research Organization (AERO), LLC was founded by Steven M. Greer, M.D., in July 2007. AERO is a new research and development group which will develop and strategically protect new energy and propulsion technologies that will completely replace oil, gas, coal, and nuclear power

AERO is the group that is most strategically ready to develop, disclose and establish the long-suppressed technologies that will enable us to establish a truly sustainable civilization on Earth.

It is time that humanity move on to its next level of development. This cannot happen with the internal combustion engine and fossil fuels. Time is short. Indeed time - and obscurity - are elements that must be overcome for success to occur.

Why AERO? An Overview for Inventors

An historical overview of over-unity electric generators and other unconventional energy innovations shows that for at least 75 years, human society could have had a replacement for fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine. The fact that such energy breakthroughs are not in use today is ample evidence that the hurdles to the widespread use of such technologies is less about inventing such a system - or even about adequate funding - and primarily about 'something else'. Since the time of Tesla, inventors have been discovering ways to extract energy from the space around us. And yet we all still drive cars using gasoline, and live in homes powered mostly by coal-fired public utilities.

Such a device - assuming it is robust, commercially viable and putting out real usable power - is less than 10% of the solution to this problem. And all of the money on Earth is less that 10% of the solution. The other 80-90% lies in this 'something else'.

The special interests, cartels, power centers and the like that do not want a replacement for oil, coal, centralized public utilities and the internal combustion engine have enormous power to block the release of such a new energy technology. These interests have done so by subterfuge, abuse of so-called national security provisions, buying the rights to such a system and then burying it on a 'black shelf', threats, intimidation, assassination, etc.

AERO and its core leadership have a 12 year track record of taking on very controversial, suppressed areas of knowledge, and credibly moving them into the public arena of support and disclosure (see www.DisclosureProject.org).

AERO has a deep and wide area of expertise in dealing with so-called black and suppressed technology and information. AERO has a vast network of consultants, advisors, supporters and contacts from a wide range of disciplines, including the most senior levels of the scientific, financial, governmental, military, international, media and diplomatic communities.

With literally millions of people who follow the work of AERO and our CEO, Dr. Steven M. Greer, AERO is a company that can quickly bring a billion watt spotlight to a new technology, thus averting the usual suppression that can only occur in the darkness of obscurity. In the work of The Disclosure Project, we were able to bring a controversial subject to the attention of hundreds of millions of people, and garner the support of international leaders, 'friendlies' within the national security arena, leaders in Congress, key scientists and many others.

Dr. Greer and his staff have conducted briefings for senior scientists at the National Science Foundation, NASA and major universities, where there is substantial support for our efforts. We have met with the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the head of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a sitting CIA Director, a former head of the British Ministry of Defense, most-senior UN officials, leaders of both the Senate and House of Representatives, and many senior officials in the government. There is significant - even surprising - support now for the release of these new energy solutions.

We even have identified key support within the oil industry amongst a select group of enlightened individuals who know that the time has come for the internal combustion engine to be phased out.

And we have world class manufacturing support in the US and elsewhere who stand ready to mass- produce any viable new system brought to them by AERO.

The average - even the exceptional - inventor simply cannot marshal the enormous power, public support, political support, clout and protective services needed to successfully move an over-unity system from prototype to the world market.

AERO can.

The key to success is a vast network of powerful supporters who want these technologies out - NOW. AERO has this network. And AERO has the bold and courageous leadership needed to withstand the usual attempts at suppression. How do we know we can withstand such pressures? Because we already have - through our successful execution of The Disclosure Project.

Neither threats nor financial inducements of any size will deter the AERO leadership from the course of releasing these Earth-saving technologies to the world.

This combination - bold, courageous leadership along with a vast network of powerful financial, public and government support - makes AERO unique in the world today and the only really effective means of bringing these new energy technologies to the world.

This is that other 80% - that 'something else' - that has been missing for the past 75 years. Now there is an opportunity for you to work with the AERO team to at last bring to humanity the next level of sustainable civilization on Earth.

We welcome your inquiries and participation.

Strategic Overview


Research shows that over the past 75 years a number of significant breakthroughs in energy generation and propulsion have occurred that have been systematically suppressed. Since the time of Tesla, T. Townsend Brown and others in the early and mid-twentieth century we have had the technological ability to replace fossil fuel, internal combustion and nuclear power generating systems with advanced non-polluting electromagnetic and electro-gravitic systems. The open literature is replete with well-documented technologies that have surfaced, only to later be illegally seized or suppressed through systematic abuses of the national security state, large corporate and financial interests or other shadowy concerns.

Technologically, the hurdles to achieve what is called over-unity energy generation by accessing the teeming energy in the space around us are not insurmountable. Numerous inventors have done so for decades. What has been insurmountable are the barriers created through the collusion of vast financial, industrial, oil and rogue governmental interests...

More: http://www.aero2012.com/StrategicOverview.htm

Note: Greer also founded SEAS (Space Energy Access Systems, Inc.) in 2001.



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"Advanced Energy Research Organization (AERO), LLC" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Advanced Energy Research Organization (AERO), LLC (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Monday, August 27, 2007 @ 21:12:28 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
So why is he founding a new organization? Whats wrong with the way SEAS is running?

Violation of the "Patriot" Acts 1 and 2 (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, August 30, 2007 @ 21:58:19 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
At 05:36 AM 8/29/2007, William Alek wrote:
>Hello all,
>The buzz at the Expo this last weekend was that Steven Greer's group was in
>process of receiving $43 million in funding? This is a rather substantial
>amount of change, as they say. Their intent, they say, is to distribute this
>funding to certain "qualified" inventors that have "working" energy related
>Now, Steven lectured at both the Tesla Tech Conference and the Bay Area UFO
>Expo, but I heard nothing from him about him "gladly taking bullet" like he
>said on C2C radio a few years back. Perhaps Steven had a change of mind
>about this sort thing?
>We'll see what happens here...
>William S. Alek, INTALEK, INC.
>7760 E. State Rte 69 Ste C5-381
>Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
>PHONE: 928.255.0198
> URL: http://www.intalek.com/ [www.intalek.com]

Dr. Patrick Bailey, INE, writes:

I have access to Steven Greer's UFO Expo workshop DVD where he described all of this last Saturday; As well as all of the other workshop DVDs... www.thebayareaufoexpo.com

I will find out what I can about what is going on with Greer's new LLC, and let you all know.

In all of my efforts in this area, I know of several fundors who will write 6 digit checks after seeing a video of any device working that they like. After 20 years of effort, no such video has ever made the cut.

If any device does come into existence, or into my sphere of knowing, the public publication of it will now (after 9-11-01 and 9-11-91) be in direct violation of the "Patriot" Acts 1 and 2, and the inventor as well as those who made it public would probably be immediately arrested and put in jail with no lawyer and no appeal. Read the Acts.

This is why I have not updated either the INE website or any other new energy websites since the passage of those Acts. This is not a game. This has to do with why the Euro was formed, why Iraq was invaded, and why Iran is probably next

So - any such device development will probably have to be done in a private corporation atmosphere, without public disclosure, using non-disclosure agreements and dedicated people with high integrity.

Then, when the device prototype is fully working, then the units can be made available to selected users as trade-secret units, not copyrighted, and protected under USA Gov. law, and profit can be made by a royalty or percentage of the energy it produces. I would say that USA and USA approved users should be the first customers. The best selected first users would be the US nuclear utilities, who would receive this "black box", and use their already in place security forces to guard and protect it, and then use it to slowly shut down their aging nuclear reactors and nearly full spent fuel rod storage tanks. All other units would be similarly securely guarded, and none would be allowed to be released to anyone else, and certainly not to the US gov., Israel, or any other country (or bank). That would come later, under the protection of the PFNAC, CFR, and the UN.

It remains to be seen if Greer's new LLC has such integrity, or indeed if they have anything of value at all to be interested in. Look at their company officers and technical advisors... http://www.aero2012.com/officers.htm http://www.aero2012.com/technicaladvisors.htm

Also, what ever happened to SEAS Power? http://www.seaspower.com/officers.htm http://www.seaspower.com/technicaladvisors.htm

Oh, look! The officers are all exactly the same... Well, maybe they just needed to add the LLC structure....

It's easy make a website...

Unfortunately, at this point I am reminded of all of Greer's talks on CTC radio and at conferences, as well as all of O'Leary's and other authors books and talks on free energy and such devices, where they have stated that: "Oh, we have the devices. We have FE. We have ZPE transducers. You can throw away your grid, gas, and electricity... " Sure...

We shall not forget the blatant and ego-centric over-marketing in the past, nor in the future.

Those with clarity, strength, and integrity will endure and win in this great quest.

For the USA Corporation, the choice is now really very simple: Either help us develop and implement these new technologies; or Get ready to attack Iran and make new deals with the Saudis and the Chinese. Otherwise, the dollar will continue to fall against the Euro... and the economics of the dollar (and the USA) will then probably get much, much worse...

Dr. Patrick Bailey,
PhD, MIT President,
Institute for New Energy


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