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Free Energy, the Lobby or the Family?
Posted on Sunday, August 26, 2007 @ 22:43:59 UTC by vlad
A man who learned and is now sharing a way to rejuvenate 12-volt
batteries to keep from having to buy new batteries, which is helping third world
denizens survive, bemoans the request that has come from the copyright holder to
remove this information.
by Fredo Strando, aka M.D.G./ for PES Network News
Hello, as webmaster of http://waterfuel.100free.com, I'm confronted by a
disturbing problem of consciousness in my quest to locate solutions to problems that the world is facing.
I want and try to help the poor, those who have almost nothing, and to
help the planet that is quite illiterate now, to make a better world to
live in, for everybody.
My Family, those who are suffering from neglect and lack of means, the
poor and miserable, need cheap energy, food, education, and cheap
construction material. The planet can not support all of our pollution
and destructive rejects any longer.
Actually many solutions have been discovered already, to produce cheap,
renewable electricity, to pump water with little power from deep wells,
to desalinate or purify water at cheap cost, to heat or cool simply, or
to produce more yields in the fields. But this knowledge is in the
hands off powerful persons or companies that don't authorize us to use
That's the Lobby, the greedy, the smelly side of the problem.
I write this article today because I have been one more time confronted
by the Lobby while trying to help the Family, and this time from a
source I would not have expected
A few months ago I found on an honest and friendly website, a diagram
of a 'free energy generator' that seems actually not to be able to
deliver so much 'free energy', but that can be used to answer a big
problem that faces the Familly, and the Planet also.
It's the 'solid state oscillator/generator' from John Bedini, published by Thomas Bearden
cheniere.org company, divulged in their latest book 'Free Energy Generation'. I posted it on my website at
We found this system could regenerate a 'dead' car battery within one
night, by pulsing 'high voltage cold electricity pulses' in the
battery. After 12 hours under this diet, a battery showing 1 or 2
volts, that wouldn't keep any charge, will then 'work' again, and hold
a mighty 12 volts or more -- for weeks! ...
Full article here: http://pesn.com/2007/08/26/9500494_Energy_Lobby_v_Family/
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Re: Free Energy, the Lobby or the Family? (Score: 1) by Xels on Monday, August 27, 2007 @ 01:45:41 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I personaly built and currently own/operate one of John Bedini's motor/generators. It uses radiant scalar energy that causes the batteries to charge themselves. In the meantime you receive free mechanical work from the collapsing magnetic fields. Tesla was the one who first discovered the type of energy that Bedini's devices produce. It's all very cool stuff. |
Re: Free Energy, the Lobby or the Family? (Score: 1) by Koen on Monday, August 27, 2007 @ 10:33:04 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla | Forget the lobby for a while, focus on the family. It is possible for anyone to order a radiant battery charger:
The radiant battery charger charges a battery (bank) with voltage pulses rather than with a charging current, according to John Bedini. An extraordinary claim for which standard electrodynamics theory has no explanation.
Only my extended theory of electrodynamics with scalar field seems to explain much of its operation.
Most batteries show a leak current, some a big one, some a small leak current, that is slowly discharging the battery. I think Bedini's trick is to induce an inverse (charging) "leak" current that is totally internal and which is not flowing through the external charging circuit at all.
By applying a voltage pulse on the charge that is already inside the battery, one delivers also a scalar field type of power equal to P = dV/dt Q, where dV/dt is the change in voltage per second and Q is the static charge in the battery. The bigger the voltage change per second and the bigger the battery charge, the bigger the induced scalar field power. John explained that the voltage pulses, characterised by dV/dt are some sort of 'radiant' scalar field, and that is absolutely correct. The static charge Q is extra potentialised by the voltage pulse V.
Inside the battery this 'cold' type of energy is converted into a 'hot' type of power which we know as P = IV (the product of current and voltage). This means that the voltage of the 'over-potentialized' charge drops back to the nominal battery voltage (slightly above 12 volt), and meanwhile the battery charge is electrically polarized by an internal (unmeasurable) reversed leak current I. This energy conversion is called 'regauging' by Tom Bearden, but this physical gauge process has nothing to do with the 'formal' gauge conditions of electrodynamics theory.
John Bedini's radiant charger uses voltage pulses with peak voltages much higher than conventional battery chargers. Secondly he shows that it is better to charge many batteries (that contain much Q) simultaneously with one radiant battery charger. This is in perfect agreement with power term P = dV/dt Q.
Static electric energy is equal to E = VQ, so electric power is equal to P = dE/dt = d(VQ)/dt = dV/dt Q + V dQ/dt = dV/dt Q + VI. Official science has shunned power term dV/dt Q because of the Lorentz gauge condition. But since this condition is totally artificial and theoretical, one should doubt it in favour of further experiments that prove or disprove the physical relevance of scalar field expression dV/dt.
The radiant pulse energy flow, associated with dV/dt (abrupt voltage change per second), is simply proportional to dV/dt grad(V) which is the "Poynting" vector of a longitudinal electro-scalar wave travelling from charger to the battery bank. If we call S = -dV/dt the scalar field, and E = -grad(V) the electric field, then the energy flow vector is simply ES, quite similar to the energy flow vector ExH for transversal electromagnetic radiation.
I also assume that the ZPE background energy field can have the form of longitudinal electro-scalar waves (as shown by E.T. Whittaker), and that static charge is always in energy balance with the ZPE vacuum.
My simple theory shows that much of the terminology used by John Bedini can be expressed in exact mathematical terms.
The proven fact that the radiant battery charger also restores the battery 'health' is a wonderful extra bonus. Just order the radiant charges, and begin experimenting.
ENERGENX Inc. - Battery Charging Solutions That Make A Difference (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, August 26, 2007 @ 22:47:18 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | ENERGENX, INC. has developed core technologies based on an electromagnetic
hybrid motor/generator, and on a new methodology for an improved charging process for
batteries. This technology is used for the development of new energy supply systems,
battery charging systems, and a new generation of electrical motors/generators. The hybrid
motor/generator utilizes a scientific concept which has been named Back EMF Permanent
Electromagnetic Motor/Generator by the inventor, John Bedini...
Site: http://energenx.com/about%20us.htm [energenx.com]