Gary Vesperman (NEC member) writes: Monday I finished the fourth version of my compilation of energy invention
suppression cases. It is now being reviewed by a dozen scientists, etc. I expect
to publicly post it in a week or two.
I respect Nora's thoughts concening
the need for alternative energy technologies. Unfortunately, as my compilation
so lamentably shows, there is ongoing viciously thorough suppression of new
energy inventions to ensure that the energy monopolies can continue to make a
few bucks. These are the statistics listed on the compilation's front
Energy Invention Suppression Case Statistics Number of Energy
Invention Suppression Incidents – 96
Number of Dead, Missing, or Injured
Energy Inventors, Activists, and Associates – 20
Number of Energy
Inventors and Associates Threatened with Death – 31
Number of Energy
Researchers and Associates Imprisoned or Falsely Charged – 5
Number of
Incidents of Energy Invention Suppression by the United States Government,
Patent Office, Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation,
U.S. Marshals, Army, Air Force, Navy, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms,
Defense Intelligence Agency, S.W.A.T. Teams, National Security Agency, U.S.
Postal Service, Department of Energy, Department of State, Securities and
Exchange Commission, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Defense,
Department of Homeland Security, Internal Revenue Service, Rural Electrification
Administration, White House, Consumer Product Safety Commission, and Small
Business Administration – 58
Number of Inventions Classified Secret by
U.S. Patent Office – 5000
Number of Incidents Involving Oil Companies –
Names of Companies, Banks, State Agencies, Private Groups, and
Universities Involved with Energy Invention Suppression – Standard Oil, Zapata
Petroleum, Atlantic Richfield, Exxon-Mobile, Shell Oil Company, General Electric
Company, Yakuza, California Air Resources Board, Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries, Wells Fargo Bank, Ford Motor Company, General Motors
Corporation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Henry Ford, Kollmorgan,
World Bank, Rockefellers, Carlyle Group, and Bush Family
These energy
invention suppression statistics ought to sober anybody have giddy thoughts
about alternative energy technologies meainingfully reaching the commercial
marketplace during the next few years.
Gary Vesperman