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Advanced energy technology review/presentations in Bethesda, MD
Posted on Friday, August 24, 2007 @ 07:56:12 UTC by vlad

Testimonials NoraMaccoby (NEC) writes: Since reviewing the U.S. Army National Ground Intelligence Center's report on zero point energy research, Captain Todd Hathaway chose to conduct an independent investigation of advanced energy technologies that do not fall into conventional alternative energy fields of research and development. This independent investigation culminated in an event held in Bethesda, Maryland on August 20, 2007, hosted by New Energy Congress member Nora Maccoby. Results of CPT Hathaway's independent investigation have been made available online at:


Based on the interviews and presentations over the past month, it is clear that advanced energy technologies commonly identified as zero point energy technologies are not only real but are being brought to full scale production in real time.

The difficulties to bring advanced energy technologies to the public have compromised our nation's ability to liberate itself from our collective dependency on foreign fossil fuels. All hydrocarbon-based energy production devices are obsolete, including hybrid cars, since they have conventional battery banks and high replacement cost. Even the hydrogen cars using the new fuel cell technology fall into the same category, as hydrogen production only shifts the problem around but does not solve the real problem of our dependency on oil -- imported oil to be more precise. Advanced alternative energy technologies have many advantages over fossil fuels and conventional alternative energy technologies. The volume of fossil fuels imported to the United States could be drastically reduced to a level that would eliminate the need for global hegemony in order to protect our energy and material demands by shifting a small fraction of either private or government research and development funding to advanced energy technologies. The economics of advanced alternative energy systems are considerably less expensive then the present multi- trillion dollar fossil fuel based energy and transportation infrastructures. These newly developed advanced alternative energy technologies preserve the integrity of the planet's ecosystem at the same time.

If the advanced alternative energy technologies mentioned in the presentations provided via the link above were adopted worldwide, the impetus for oil wars could be eliminated within the next five years. Every person on the planet could have access to an unlimited supply of electrical energy and the means of producing clean water. All nations could fully embrace the Kyoto Protocols, as these advanced energy technologies minimize environmental pollution. Cost savings is also an attractive feature of these technologies when you consider the total cost of our nation's dependency on fossil fuels. In effect, we could change the world as we know it by 2012, as energy scarcity would become a thing of the past. The hurdles are many and the technical solutions are by no means simple; however, current research findings have shown that they are all solvable given sufficient time and research funding.

Follow-on events are scheduled in Washington D.C. as early as this fall, similar to events listed online at www.green-salon.com, to include National Press Club briefings and meetings with members of Congress. Next August, the 14th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science will also be held in Washington D.C., hosted by Dr. David Nagel and sponsored by the International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (www.iscmns.org).

Mankind can no longer afford the luxury of maintaining the status quo in the realm of energy consumption. It is time for massive change on a global scale; and supporting advanced energy technology research and development is our last and best hope to avoid a cataclysmic transition to world peace by overcoming energy scarcity scenarios. Failure to do so will inevitably result in regional and world wars within the next five years.

Source: NEC-Forum



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Re: Advanced energy technology review/presentations in Bethesda, MD (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, August 25, 2007 @ 12:33:07 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Gary Vesperman (NEC member) writes: Monday I finished the fourth version of my compilation of energy invention suppression cases. It is now being reviewed by a dozen scientists, etc. I expect to publicly post it in a week or two.

I respect Nora's thoughts concening the need for alternative energy technologies. Unfortunately, as my compilation so lamentably shows, there is ongoing viciously thorough suppression of new energy inventions to ensure that the energy monopolies can continue to make a few bucks. These are the statistics listed on the compilation's front page:

Energy Invention Suppression Case Statistics
Number of Energy Invention Suppression Incidents – 96

Number of Dead, Missing, or Injured Energy Inventors, Activists, and Associates – 20

Number of Energy Inventors and Associates Threatened with Death – 31

Number of Energy Researchers and Associates Imprisoned or Falsely Charged – 5

Number of Incidents of Energy Invention Suppression by the United States Government, Patent Office, Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Marshals, Army, Air Force, Navy, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Defense Intelligence Agency, S.W.A.T. Teams, National Security Agency, U.S. Postal Service, Department of Energy, Department of State, Securities and Exchange Commission, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Internal Revenue Service, Rural Electrification Administration, White House, Consumer Product Safety Commission, and Small Business Administration – 58

Number of Inventions Classified Secret by U.S. Patent Office – 5000

Number of Incidents Involving Oil Companies – 9

Names of Companies, Banks, State Agencies, Private Groups, and Universities Involved with Energy Invention Suppression – Standard Oil, Zapata Petroleum, Atlantic Richfield, Exxon-Mobile, Shell Oil Company, General Electric Company, Yakuza, California Air Resources Board, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Wells Fargo Bank, Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corporation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Henry Ford, Kollmorgan, World Bank, Rockefellers, Carlyle Group, and Bush Family

These energy invention suppression statistics ought to sober anybody have giddy thoughts about alternative energy technologies meainingfully reaching the commercial marketplace during the next few years.

Gary Vesperman


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