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Dr. Jack Sarfatti on Coast to Coast Talk Radio
Posted on Wednesday, August 22, 2007 @ 21:37:04 UTC by vlad
Doc Savage writes: Jack Sarfatti on Coast to Coast Talk Radio Aug 26, 2007 10:30PM Pacific
Time/ Clear Channel Radio Network.
Colin Bennet writes: Hi Jack, Congratulations - thumbs up here from the UK! This is the breathrough, plus the STAIF paper - down with the Victorian Station Masters and Railing Painters who have tried to put you down! Now thrive the armourers! Colin
Jack Sarfatti writes: Colin, check C2C webpage, there is a free way for you to call in from UK - also to others in Europe, even Russia? - it will be I think 7AM Monday morning UK time - it's 10:30PM Pacific Coast time. I am supposed to be on for 30 minutes (my initial request as it's late), but I told George I would stay longer if they like and there are a lot of phone calls in.
Colin, if you are the Michael Savage of the Internet, I must be the Michael
Savage of the Physics World that you describe here ;-)
>> Very little criticism is extant concerning the social-psychology of >>
scientists and science. The majority of them are earnest meritocrats
>> from the lower middle-class
COLIN BENNET, Oxford educated military historian, playwright ... wrote
from London:
>> >> Hi Bob, >> Yes I know I
am known as Mr. Nasty. Larry Dicken, Jerry Pippin’s >> Director called
me “the Michael Savage of the internet.” In this case >> I took a pop
at these scientists who stroll around the world as if >> they bloody
well own it. Science is a culture. It is a particular way >> of
looking at things. It has to take its place alongside other kinds >>
of perception, such as Literature and the Arts which have the moral >>
view of “reality” (the scientist’s favourite word). ... > >> For
the most part they are emotionally undeveloped, rather like >>
well-scrubbed school boys who are desperate to please mum and dad.
Alas Colin, I know them well.
>> Unlike the genius Sarfatti few are
risk-takers yet they are always >> described as brilliant! Well – the
majority of them are not. 99% are >> time-serving corporate
conformists who hate people like Sarfatti >> because he dares to put
his way-out ass on the line! His mission is >> much the same as mine
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The Real Physics of UFOs this Sunday on Coast to Coast (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, August 26, 2007 @ 22:08:47 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | On Aug 25, 2007, at 4:33 PM, David Ring wrote:
> Hello
Jack, > > Thanks for posting this. I look forward to hearing the
> presentation. > > The material at the link included
with this message was > definitely helpful
background. > > I'd like to slip in a couple of questions that
I think the > interviewer might not develop on his
own. > > What were the clues that led you to postulate that
dark matter > might be ZPE that seems like > quite an
intellectual "Eurekah!"
Good question. I got both dark energy and dark
matter as two sides of the same coin - the two faces of Janus instantly as
soon as I looked at pp 25-26 of John Peacock's Cosmological Physics. I
picked up that book at Cal Tech Book Store when I went to the KIPFEST (Party
for Kip Thorne) in 2000 but did not open it until 2002.
> Your
other questions are all answered here
> > > > Could an experimental protocol be
developed around the Casimir > force that would
satisfactorily > demonstrate the existence of negative
Not relevant to my theory. Casimir force is a blind alley. That's
QED not zpe induced gravity. Lots of people very confused on
that. > > If your theory is eventually verified, does that
mean we might > eventually be able to travel both > backward
AND forward in time?
Yes. ET already is doing it.
> I mean
that in a way that doesn't involve playing game's > with the twin
paradox by simply accelerating the one twin close > to the speed of light
(if we > could) for a short period of time so that time slows down
for him > which leaves him "in the past," > but for the other
twin, his sibling returns at some point in the > future.
that's not what i am talking about.
Re: Dr. Jack Sarfatti on Coast to Coast Talk Radio (Score: 1) by vlad on Friday, August 24, 2007 @ 21:40:03 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2007/08/26.html
On Aug 24, 2007, at 4:38
PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
http://tinyurl.com/yrpxlc [tinyurl.com]
Also Richard
Dolan "UFOs and the National Security State" is on. I think I am first guest as
they are calling me at 10:30 PM Pacific time Aug 26 Sunday, Richard comes on
On Aug 24, 2007, at 4:08 PM, Amara D. Angelica wrote:
> Thanks, and I
appreciate the exclusive. I checked Seth Lloyd's > Programming the
Universe last night and noticed that he says "the > cosmological
computer [within the current horizon] could have > performed 10^122
operations over the 14 billion years of the universe, > based on the The
Margolus-Levitin theorem (h/4E = 10^105 operations > for the energy of
the universe, multiplied by seconds in 14 billion > years).
does he compute E?
h/E has dimensions of time, so how can it be a pure
> Wondering if that relates to the 10^122 BITS you cite
(source?) vs. > the 10^92 bits Lloyd calculates for the data that could
be stored in > the cosmological computer (within the current horizon). I
assume the > 10^20 ratio between those values is the ratio of the bits
in the > future universe at Omega Point vs. the current
Let's see. If you do not believe in world hologram then there
(10^28 cm)^3/(10^-33 cm)^3 ~ (10^61)^3 3D volume cells ~ 10^183
so how does he get 10^92?
If you believe in world hologram
(10^28/10^-33)^2 ~ 10^122 BITS = N
Now, according to Jack Ng,
the "size" of the 3D quantum gravity foam bubble hologram image = N^1/6Lp ~
10^-13 cm (there were some attempts to measure this with high energy
cosmic rays which came up negative, but I am not sure if those papers were
really correct - something to check).
Therefore, the number of 3D
bubbles is N^3/2/N1/2, = N i.e. each 2D world hologram PIXEL projects one
3D bubble!
But the 2D PIXEL is on the future de Sitter horizon Omega
Point created by positive constant ZPE dark energy density ~ 10^-29
grams/cc ~ (hc/10^-2cm)^4 in cgs hence BACK FROM THE FUTURE
> > This is probably total word salad, so
forgive my ignorance, just > trying to orient myself, now that you've
made me obsess about this > stuff :) >
Sarfatti: Re: Review of Dean Radin's "Entangled Minds"
A very clear review of an important sober book which challenges the
self-proclaimed skeptics of the Committee to Investigate Claims of the
Paranormal. http://www.fourmilab.ch/fourmilog/archives/2007-08/000884.html [www.fourmilab.ch]
Entanglement is necessary but not sufficient because in the paranormal the
mind gets a clear image that is only confirmed later. With entanglement alone
the mind would only perceive random white noise - at least according to orthodox
micro quantum theory that really is only good for ensembles of simple objects
like electron beams. One needs to violate micro-quantum theory with a new idea
of "signal nonlocality" made explicit in papers by Antony Valentini now at the
Perimeter Institute in Canada. More general theories alway violate some
predictions of the more special theory because there are new parameters and the
violated prediction is seen to be simply an artifact of some parameter vanishing
i.e. "->0". For example Einstein's special relativity reduces to Galilean
relativity when v/c -> 0, Einstein's general relativity of gravity reduces to
his special theory when the curvature of 4D spacetime -> 0. Similarly,
consciousness and paranormal remote viewing telepathy and PK vanish when the
complexity of the system tends to the vanishing point including thermal
equilbrium. All living systems are open system out of thermal
Re: Dr. Jack Sarfatti on Coast to Coast Talk Radio (Score: 1) by vlad on Thursday, August 23, 2007 @ 20:50:12 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | I encourage you all to call Jack on the show, ask him tough questions and keep him awake all night ;-) [Vlad]
Amara D. Angelica wrote: I'll do a news item tonight. Any physics breakthroughs I can mention?
Jack Sarfatti: Yes 1. Sarfatti explains both antigravity repelling dark energy and
gravitationally attracting dark matter in a unified extremely simple way using
only elementary battle-tested Einstein's theory of general relativity
supplemented by the Russian torsion field research of Gennady Shipov in Moscow
and Heisenberg's quantum uncertainty principle. Dark energy is zero point vacuum
fluctuations with positive energy density and negative quantum pressure. Dark
matter is the same but with negative energy density and positive pressure.
Nothing can be simpler really! The zero point energy is 96% of all the "stuff"
in our visible universe. What controls the sign of the zero point energy density
at a given place and time and at a given scale of resolution? That is the 64
trillion dollar question whose solution is the key to the metric engineering of
weightless warp drive and star gate wormholes that allow time travel to the past
and that explain the alien ET UFOs and the Skinwalker invasion at Robert
Bigelow's Utah Ranch and other places. 2. In addition to the visible
universe that we see using telescopes that capture retarded electromagnetic
signals from the past, there is the invisible universe from the future that
retrocausally creates the visible universe in what Moscow physicist Igor Novikov
has called a "globally self-consistent loop in time". This also explains why we
age in the same direction as the expansion of 3D space out of the past
inflation. This expansion is accelerated by the universally repelling dark zero
point vacuum energy that forms the future "world hologram" technically called
the "future de Sitter horizon" that is Teilhard de Chardin's "Omega Point" that
Stephen Hawking and Paul Davies call the "Mind of God" and that Sir Fred Hoyle
called "The Intelligent Universe". The Cosmic Trigger of inflation leading to
the hot Big Bang whose effects we clearly see in the NASA WMAP probe data is
retrocausally created from this infinite future Omega Point. The Vatican will be
very happy since Teilhard was a Jesuit. Furthermore the information
capacity of the Hologram Mind of God is ~ 10^122 BITS and this also explains WHY
the constant dark zero point energy density is 122 powers of ten smaller than
naive quantum field theory without gravity predicts. 3D space is really a
holographic projected image from the future 2D Omega Point. I call this the
Destiny Matrix Principle. In a sense our reality is like in the Matrix movies
and The Thirteenth Floor. John Archibald Wheeler has called this IT FROM BIT. In
addition recent work by Jack Ng has shown that Wheeler's quantum gravity foam
bubbles are 10^-13 cm across and their size depends upon the information
capacity of the future Omega Point. It should also be said that our visible
universe is only one of an infinity of parallel universe whose Omega Point IQ's
as it were are all over the place in what my former Cornell collaborator Lenny
Susskind calls "The Cosmic Landscape" - see his book. Another good book on
modern theoretical physics is Peter Woit's "Not Even Wrong" as well as my book
"Super Cosmos". All of these books are on all the on-line book stores.
Re: Dr. Jack Sarfatti on Coast to Coast Talk Radio (Score: 1) by Koen on Thursday, August 23, 2007 @ 04:44:30 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla | Sarfatti combines Bohm's microphysics with Hilbert's GR (known as Einstein's GR). He also uses my own idea of Goldstone-Nambu symmetry breaking mechanism for vacuum enineering (scalar fields), in stead of the scalar Higgs field.
I proposed a new scalar field based on symmetry breaking of the classical electrodynamics. Jack did not adopt this idea, although Podkletnov provided evidence of a new type of radiation with at least an electric field component, but equal to TEM waves. Collective tunneling of many electrons can induce electro-scalar waves, as predicted by my theory, and indeed during the discharge from a superconducting surface many electrons tunnel through an energy-barrier.
I think it is a shame Podkletnov's discharge-from-superconducting-surface experiment does not trigger world wide interest among physicists with enough budget for repeating this experiment. It is a very original idea.
Jack shows there can be (at least in theory) possibilities of vacuum engineering that are related to superconduction effects and tunneling. He shows this vacuum engineering can be used to create an artificial geodesic (warp-drive) effect. This is more or less observed by Podkletnov: pendulums of various material were all deflected in the same way by the "inertial force" beam which (in terms of GR) is not a force at all but is a distorted geodesic of the pendulum, like gravity.
So why does Jack ignore Podkletnov? It beats me.