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Welcome to the Idiocracy
Posted on Wednesday, August 15, 2007 @ 23:27:04 UTC by vlad

General yru4 writes: From KeelyNet.com: We live in a generation of citizens hanging on to the poor speech patterns of a president, while eating freedom fries and waiting with bated breath for the subsequent news update about Anna Nicole Smith or Paris Hilton. The general populace is now too tired and dull to stand up for their rights; simply because if they do, they will miss out on the new installment of American Idol or Fear Factor. Stupidity and ignorance, it seems, has become a prevalent problem of epidemic proportions. We are becoming an idiocracy.

Mike Judge, creator of Office Space and Beavis and Butthead, identifies and understands this syndrome only too well: it was the subject material of his most recent film, Idiocracy. The premise is simple: take an average individual, cryogenically freeze them, and witness hilarity when they thaw out five hundred years later. However, in Judge's film, human advancement has taken a startling turn, transforming society into a population of idiots that have become dumbed-down in the course of the ages.

More: http://www.the-trukstop.com/articles/2007/idiocracy.html



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Re: Welcome to the Idiocracy (Score: 1)
by Archer on Sunday, August 19, 2007 @ 08:17:25 UTC
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     Hear, Hear! Finally, someone concisely identifies perhaps the greatest problem now facing American inventors, especially those like myself who are striving to develop the means to harness something as intangible and esoteric as vacuum energy (in my case, through exploiting the properties of electric discharges). Yes, the work I am doing with the Electrodynamic Field Generator is very complex and involved, and proceeding somewhat slowly - why would anyone with a lick of common sense expect it to be otherwise?

     But, given that Americans now have about the poorest academic standing of any civilized country, and even currently have a certifiable idiot for a president, I've finally had to accept that it does little if any good to provide my typical academic-style explanatory material about this critically important work, because these people all need and expect something that's "so simple a cave man could do it"!

     Christ help you all - because I'm starting to get pretty tired of trying to . . .!


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