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A Second Look at Dielectrics and ZPE
Posted on Sunday, August 12, 2007 @ 21:07:41 UTC by vlad

Science Randy writes: For hundreds of years, inquisitive minds have experimented with storing and discharging electricity with capacitors. One of the first of these capacitors is the now familiar glass Leyden jar.

Originally, experimenters charged the jar by an electrostatic generator, sometimes referred to as a frictional generator. Some early inventors experimented by charging glass spheres using friction, sometimes even by rubbing them with their bare hands. Friction is nothing more than vibrations. The effect of charging a dielectric and separating the charges is the same no matter what the method. The design of nature offers us a better way to charge the dielectric surface of glass.

Nature may indeed provide a universal design for tapping zero point energy by utilizing dielectrics.

We recognize the infinitesimal vibration of everything in the universe. Yet, we do not recognize the simple design.

On glass capacitors, the electrostatic charge is stored on the surface. The thinner a dielectric, the greater amount of charge can be stored at a given voltage, and the greater the vibration possible.

To make an electrical storage device or dielectric one does not need a thick glass. A thin glass sphere with two attached magnets, or poles is a vibrational energy conversion device consisting of two electrodes, a dielectric, and a resonant chamber. This design is used by nature over and over. We just may have not recognized this. To understand the design of nature, one only needs to know this simple truth.

Such an assembly generates electromagnetic waves since the thin dielectric sphere is squeezed and displaced by the magnetic forces of attached magnets. This is a practical form of vibrational energy conversion. The dielectric sphere charges and then discharges. When it discharges, it vibrates.

The displacement of the magnets on our sphere changes the strength and direction of the magnetic field because the magnets are first moving closer and then farther apart relative to each other. So, the fields of the two magnets are interacting. This displacement might be very small and we may not visually observe the vibrations, but they do exist.

Instead of producing a static charge and storing that charge, the attached magnets are producing a magnetic field changing in direction and strength thus producing alternating current.

By vibrationally sending high frequency waves into the chamber, the frequency of these waves would be numerous, but only the waves that actually fit the confinement would be amplified by the principle of resonance. It is the midpoint of the wave, or "zero point", where the transfer of energy takes place from the wave to the dielectric material where it is temporarily stored.

So, only the odd numbered nodes or half waves would be amplified by the vibration of the sphere. Even numbered nodes or what is commonly called "antinodes" would be cancelled out. Instead of constructive reinforcement, the antinodes would suffer from destructive interference.

In essence, this is how masers and lasers work. They are pumped electronically, and utilize resonance, and this is how nature’s atoms, planets, and stars work. They are pumped by the electromagnetic waves in the universe, and they utilize resonance.

We can save the world with a single world, and the word is transfer.

Electronics experts have experimented with crystals and semiconductors for many years. The word transistor is actually an abbreviation for transfer resistance. Experimenting with semiconductors and transistors is good practice and a good way to figure out nature’s mysteries. However, early experimenters knew nothing about semiconductors.

Nikola Tesla, the inventor of alternating current that presently powers our whole planet did not have semiconductors, but he did wonders with dielectrics.

Traditional solar energy will never power the world as we do now by converting fossil energy to AC, because of a shortage of materials. Dielectrics might just do for us what we now consider impossible. We might be able to tap ZPE and convert this amazing resource into alternating current.

If using magnets and dielectrics is an easier way to produce AC, why have we not done so? Perhaps, we are trying too hard and not looking to nature to give us a simple answer. Perhaps this is the answer we need.

Ralph Randolph Sawyer



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Re: A Second Look at Dielectrics and ZPE (Score: 1)
by lanca on Wednesday, August 15, 2007 @ 18:17:10 UTC
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From Tesla to Beaupre, similar with Hector´s transverter:


Re: A Second Look at Dielectrics and ZPE (Score: 1)
by Prophmaji on Monday, August 13, 2007 @ 18:48:12 UTC
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Note the oscillatory ringing tied to the Myers Fuel Cell,and similar devices, when deemed to be working correctly.

Re: A Second Look at Dielectrics and ZPE (Score: 1)
by Randy on Monday, August 20, 2007 @ 13:51:43 UTC
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Some of the larger Leyden jars can self-charge.  The source of this free energy is yet undetermined.

Re: A Second Look at Dielectrics and ZPE (Score: 1)
by sterlingda on Sunday, August 26, 2007 @ 21:14:00 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://PESWiki.com
I asked Moray King [peswiki.com] what he thought of this article.  he responded: "Discussion reminds me of Frank Meads US Patent 5,590,031 (1996). The big energy is in the high frequency modes of the ZPE. Typical operating frequencies in todays electronics are too low. Mead's approach is to have microscopic nonlinear oscillators interact with the ZPE and then grab the lower beat frequency energy which can interact with today's state of the art components."

See Moray's model at http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Water_Disassociation_Using_Zero_Point_Energy [peswiki.com]

Re: A Second Look at Dielectrics and ZPE (Score: 1)
by Randy on Wednesday, September 05, 2007 @ 13:45:10 UTC
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It is possible to build a hydrogen car that uses an internal combustion engine if the technology described in this article is applied to the production of free hydrogen on demand by electrolysis. We would need to utilize the resonant frequency of about 42 KH. So, the size of the confinement or (resonant chamber) is very important if one desires to use this technology for the purpose of breaking the bond of the water molecule.

There is no really need for a massive outlay of expenses for infrastructure capable of storing hydrogen.

By the way, the proof of concept experiment listed in the article, "Why We Have Energy in the Universe" has been performed independently and proven. This experiment forms the basis of the described magnetic technology.


Re: A Second Look at Dielectrics and ZPE (Score: 1)
by Randy on Sunday, September 16, 2007 @ 06:44:03 UTC
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There has been some discussion here of using radio frequency to improve the efficiency of electrolysis. According to Wikipedia, there are two mechanisms involved. One is known as electronic conduction where the current flow in the oscillating field allows the material to be warmed to absorb energy as heat." This is the essence of microwave heating.

The second method involves an actual vibration of a dielectric medium in a radio frequency field. This is called "dielectric heating" and it involves dipole rotation: "Molecular rotation occurs in materials having an electrical dipole moment, which will align themselves in the field by rotating; as the field alternates, the molecules reverse direction and accelerate the motion of individual molecules or atoms."

So, the basic method of "burning seawater" is simply the placement of the seawater in a real physical vibration of radio frequency. This can be achieved by attaching magnets to piezoelectric quantum dots and choosing the dimensions so that they oscillate at radio frequency. This will burn seawater. Also, a manufactured hollow dielectric sphere with attached magnets and the dimensions chosen to vibrate or "oscillate" at radio frequency will cause seawater to combust and continue to burn as long as this real physical vibration continues.

Computer simulation is needed to confirm the results of such a device before it is built so that one’s efforts are not wasted. This would save a great deal of time in the development stage. Dielectrics naturally polarize themselves in the presence of an electric field.

There is really no need for fossil fuel at all for powering an internal combustion engine if natural radiant energy is converted to actual radio frequency physical vibrations. Hydrogen on demand through dielectric heating assisted electrolysis may be the basis of a new generation of hydrogen cars. Hydrogen on demand is a real and plausible solution to global warming. We just need to put the plan in place.

What we need is new leadership and common sense science.


Re: A Second Look at Dielectrics and ZPE (Score: 1)
by BeanahVulgaris on Sunday, September 06, 2009 @ 17:36:35 UTC
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Ok... very interesting...

First, i would like to say that it is very hard to mix any scientific heuristic developments after about 1920.... I have to say that some have forgotten that math can approximate an observation, and that this quantum fractal world is definately strange but temporary as it can only occur in special circumstances.

I agree in the comments here that some research should be done on past experiments to make sure we have not skipped a step in our description of the universe.

However, Tesla's research has caused scientists and experimenters to take huge assumptions similar to what happened to poor Einstein.

In the most basic aparatus of wireless telegraphy, tesla shows over and over and over the basic structure of the envrionment we lived in. Aether skeptics thought tesla was talking about a photon carrier... no he was talking about charged masses.

It is well known that high energy protons enter the earth's electromagnetic circuit and induce energy in and out of it every day. The majority of the particles are protons, and there is electron interaction as well.

The ground however seems to be abundant with electrons and can be used as an electron sink.

Tesla's experiments point to this gradient and suggest harnessing it using two methods. 1. Create an ion beam from a grounded tesla coil (not sparks!!! ions!!!). This reduces the resistance in a column of air.  After this, the mode of recieving and transmitting energy through the ionosphere and ground capacitively similar to charge distribution in a coaxial cable.

2nd method is simply raising an insulated conductor of a large surface. This acts like a large insulated capacitor plate immersed in a positive electrolyte. This end is then attached to one end of a mica capacitor (for low leakage) And the other end is connected to ground. The purpose of the capacitor is to restrict the current flowing from the raised plate (smooth surface antenna) to the ground. The small EMF builds up as a displacement current forms through the capacitor. After sufficient charging the capacitor can be discharged.

the problem with most setups for both seems to be the necessary insulation required so that no ions are created anywhere in the circuit (sharp corner on an un insulated wire for instance).

Another idea is to use a gas filled bulb for the raised terminal.
another improvement would be using a smooth mylar baloon or baloon with conductive paint and then insulative paint on the conductive layer.

Gulf Reclamation Plan by Randy Sawyer (Score: 1)
by Randy on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @ 03:50:44 UTC
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I recently wrote to The President about the environmental remediation needed to reclaim the gulf.  This is what I wrote: 

May 8, 2010

President Barack Obama

1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Washington, DC 20501

Dear President Obama,

The loss of vital fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico is a serious and unprecedented problem that will soon require government action to prevent widespread disruption of the economy and the food chain. The oil spill in the gulf may become our worst environmental disaster in the upcoming months. I have a proposal to deal with the disaster that is also unprecedented. Here is the proposal.

The Federal Government owns a dry and drained dredge disposal area that is no longer used located between Galena Park Texas and Jacinto City. This area could be turned into a fish nursery as a first stage in a reclamation plan. The area could be cleared and lined with pond and river rock, and the small retention dam reinstalled just west of Holland avenue and south of Jacinto City. There is already a dike build around the area and the area can be served by rail. There is a rail line just south of the dredge area and we could add a siding to bring in rock, fish, and corn to feed the fish.

On the southwest side of the dredge area there has been installed previously a large underground pipe to bring in water from the ship channel to store in our reservoir.

The next step, or step two, is to remove Holland Avenue starting at the northern boundary of Galena Park and the southern edge of Jacinto City and channelize Holland Avenue. We could dig down thirty feet and install pyrex street culverts extending the entire width of Holland. Then add twenty-five feet of pond rock and river rock ballast leaving five feet for water.

There may not be enough river rock available for the project, but glass aquarium stones could substitute for rock. These could be made in a plasmatron from recycled concrete. This would provide the proper environment for fish to live and spawn. The culverts could be topped with glass streets with curbing and many one inch evaporation holes along the sides also suitable for drainage and sweeping in corn.

The water under the streets would need to be cooled and this could be done with a thin coating of gold. (This is such a thin coating that it would cost less than gold leaf.)  Some buildings in London already have this industrial coating to air conditioning bills and cool the insides of glass skyscrapers there. We can alloy the gold with other metals to make different colors of gold and stretch supplies, and apply in a fish scale pattern.

Water cooling could also be provided by glass cooling towers previously described in my ozone repair plan.

There is another more complicated possibility of cooling the water and this is electronic cooling. Although not yet developed, superconductor-semiconductor-superconductor thin films involving bismuth and polymer ultraconductors could make these waters self- cooled. For information on these ultraconductors contact Chava Energy. Solid state ice cubes may be the 21st century’s most important invention.

Channelizing the streets in Jacinto City using the same methods is part of step three along with other streets south of Clinton Drive and north of the ship channel as a possibility. We can turn the entire area into a fish hatchery extending our efforts as needed.

Of course, the population of Galena Park and Jacinto City would need temporary relocation, and we have available plenty of forclosed homes bought by the Federal Government that could be utilized.

We would need to purchase the houses in Galena Park and Jacinto City by giving the occupants of these properties a key to another house and a non-redeemable CD for one hundred thousand dollars. This would put money into the banking system that could be borrowed for business startups and car loans and such. If we do not put money into the banking system in this way, the banks could start to fail because people are pulling their money out of banks now.

There is a small building located between Clinton Drive and the ship channel on what would be and extension of Wolfe Street that could be torn down to provide access to the area from the ship channel and an outlet for the fish that could be opened up later so that the bay could be resupplied with fish. We would need to channelize part of Third Street between Holland and Wolfe Street, and Wolfe Street south of Third Street to the channel in the same manner.

This plan could be extended in the area near the ship channel as needed and as resources became available so that we could spawn all the fish we needed and resupply the gulf.

Our streets are in bad condition and drainage has always been a problem. The Clinton Administration experimented with building roads and bridges out of glass and found it to be practical.

There is an area cleared of trees just west of Beltway 8 East and north of the ship channel that could be used as a staging area and for welding the pyrex culverts to prepare them to be shipped up the channel to Galena Park near the channel and Holland Avenue. Each section of culvert could be capped with glass and welded leaving access holes on the top five feet of the endcaps to allow water to pass through.

This is my plan to deal with the Gulf Disaster. Galena Park is already an industrial area and all needed materials and equipment could be supplied by ship or train.

We have an unprecedented disaster. So, we need an unprecedented plan to deal with the disaster. Galena Park next to the ship channel is an ideal location for this project, and I hope that you will consider this proposal seriously. This is indeed a serious proposal and I am not being flippant about this at all. I hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely yours,
Ralph Randolph Sawyer

Gulf loop current stalls due to BP spill. (Score: 1)
by Randy on Sunday, August 15, 2010 @ 15:59:11 UTC
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Recently, I wrote to my congressman about the gulf loop current stalling due to the BP oil disaster along with a slowdown of the gulf stream. The ocean currents regulate the climate by exchanging heat from the tropics with cold Arctic and Antarctic waters. The ocean temperatures are on the rise and the waters are becoming less salty due to glacial melt. Our heat exchanger is not working properly. This may lead to vast dead zones in the Atlantic.

August 2, 2010

Congressman Gene Green

256 North Sam Houston Parkway East

Suite 29

Houston, Texas 77060

Dear Congressman Green,

After reading some disturbing news about the gulf loop current stalling and the gulf stream, I thought that it was important for me to write you about possible mitigation. I do not know if you are yet aware, but the gulf loop current has stalled due to the BP oil disaster and the stall is starting to effect the Atlantic gulf stream. The physicist reporting on this event has predicted widespread disruption of the climate next year, and possible crop failures. The disaster in the gulf is directly linked to our continued dependence on oil, but an alternative is only a few years from establishing itself.

A new and entirely different methodology has been proven for solar power and the new solar cells are about 80% efficient. The new cells are made up of a thin film of nanocrystalline bismuth ferrite with the crystals being only about two nanometers in size. The cells exhibit a large dielectric displacement called ferroelectricity, and also exhibit ferromagnetism. So, the cells are making use of tiny vibrations developed in the crystals. Ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity is something I wrote about in one of my articles called, "Giant Casimir Force in Quantum Cavities."

The Federal Government is paying farmers to flood their fields through the winter in several gulf states in order to provide alternative habitat for migrating birds. This requires a lot of water, but we now have the ability to extract cold water from the air using a form of solar power involving superconductor and semiconductor thin films. Cooling towers that extract water from the air would be useful for establishing alternative wetlands for birds and fish. This is a much-needed application of technology.

It might be possible to both cool the air and extract cold water from the air by developing a form of cold electricity involving thin nanocrystalline silica glass with the proper nucleating agent, mismatched with superconductor thin films. This would be a self-cooling glass based on a large Leyden jar. Some of the larger Leyden jars will self charge, and dielectric discharge causes tiny vibrations.

I call the new glass PYRX, pronounced pyrock due to the presence of oxygen. I would appreciate it if you would contact the appropriate office. The ultimate development of PYRX glass may be important for the future of our country.

Sincerely yours,

Ralph Randolph Sawyer

In essence, I told Gene Green that the planet is in trouble, and was told to write BP at their suggestion box. I wrote to President Obama and got a form letter and an autograph. That was not quite what I had in mind. I wanted some commitment to action. We have an disfunctional government. It is still business as usual, and politics as usual and no action while the environment is going to the toilet.

If there is any doubt at all, PYRX glass is composed of 2 nanometer oxide dielectric Casimir chambers with ferromagnetic properties. This thin nanocrystalline film of dielectric chambers is supported on a borosilicate substrate. Visible light comes to us at 2 to 5 nanometers in wavelength. So, one of these quantum cavities as they are called will produce visible light since the energy of the universe called quantum vacuum energy manifests itself in our world as vibrations in a vacuum chamber at 2 nanometers. So, because of emerging nanotechnology, we can now have solar cells made from common oxides that are ½ nanometer thick and are self powered. They will produce their own light. If I give away this idea now instead of trying to make a lot of money from a patent, someone may build a glass factory and we will have cheap solar energy soon. Otherwise we keep doing the con game of big oil.

Our government has known about piezoelectric materials since WWI and have known about the natural photoelectric properties of 2 nanometer crystals at least since 1999 when the Department of Energy did a research project.

If you want cheap energy, write the President and we will get out of the recession sooner. Demand a little common sense in Washington.

Where to find my book (Score: 1)
by Randy on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 @ 01:45:12 UTC
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I wrote a book about energy and the environment in 2007 and finished it on December 1st, 2007.  I sent a copy to the Intergovenmental Panel on Climate Change and one copy to Bill Clinton's foundation.  I went up to the Harris County Library on Wallisville in Houston, Texas and used their computer to print a copy and left the book on the computer.  This makes the book public domain.  I was in the library sometime shortly before I finished the book, so you might be able to print a copy.  The book is called, " An Emergency Plan to Repair the Ozone Layer by Learning to Solve World Problems Using the Science of Symbiotics a Basic Plan".

Randy Sawyer

Wrap your shadows in sunshine by Lola Sawyer (Score: 1)
by Randy on Tuesday, September 07, 2010 @ 13:41:16 UTC
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Wrap your shadows in sunshine,

Turn your frown upside down.

End your shadows with rainbows,

and put yourself off the ground.

Make the most of each moment,

The dark clouds will soon pass away.

Wrap your shadows in sunshine

Every day.

Life is too precious to squander,

With worries and sadness and fear.

But don’t let your doubts drag you under

Just put on a smile and watch your blues disappear!

Oh, wrap your shadows in sunshine

Turn your frown upside down.

End your showers with rainbows,

And pick yourself up off the ground.

Make the most of each moment

The dark clouds will soon pass away.

Wrap your shadows in sunshine

Every day.


There’s too much bad weather around us

To run off and hide from life’s storms.

Take heart in sunshine’s returning

And bright beams will soon keep you warm.

Oh wrap your shadows in sunshine,

Turn your frown upside down.

End your showers with rainbows

And push yourself up off the ground.

Make the most of each moment

The dark clouds will soon pass away.

Wrap your shadows in sunshine every day.

Wrap your shadows in sunshine every day.

Steven Hill wrote wrap your shadows in sunshine. (Score: 1)
by Randy on Tuesday, September 07, 2010 @ 15:40:22 UTC
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My mother handed me a piece of paper with words on it that was just what I thought that the world needed to hear while the stock market was collapsing, so I posted them as a comment to my article.  I thought that she had written them because she told me she written a song, but the words were by Seven Hill.  Wrap your shadows in sunshine is Steven Hill"s song.

I used to be a brilliant man. (Score: 1)
by Randy on Sunday, June 10, 2012 @ 18:23:46 UTC
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As I was growing up, I lived a very sheltered life. When my only relationship broke down in 1986, and I was alone in an old house that I spent six years restoring for her, I was determined to try to learn from the experience. So I tried to find love again. I was introduced to another woman who had problems, but I was determined to try to understand her. I did not know what that problem was, but saw a program on PBS about cocaine and the mess it makes of peoples lives. I thought, "Could that be the problem?"

She stole my nice car that I had ordered special and I had to give it to her because she stole it twice. She kept it for thirteen days and was arrested after a drug deal gone wrong and one man dead. So, I lost my car but stayed out of prison.

My mother determined that the relationship had to end and contacted the District Attorney. Mother said that I was dangerous and lied in my best interest on a police report. And I was put in a hospital. But they found nothing wrong with me.

In fact, they tested my IQ and I could recite twenty-five numbers forward and back without missing a beat. They announced to the ward that I had made the highest score that was ever recorded on the IQ test.

The next year I invented a fantastic invention that utilizes the pyramidal proton model. I knew nothing about electronics at the time or what a magnet was. I just invented the simplest perpetual motion machine that I could think of.

It is a model of the earth- a glass ball with two attached magnets. It vibrates and the magnetic fields interact.

I contacted the secret service and hired a lawyer because the government was withholding vital free energy information. I was falsely arrested. My arrest was falsified and they tried to hide the fact that I was ever even at the jail. My property envelope has two "L"s in Ralph and the computer has me down as being at the jail on the 31st of November, 1988. There is no such date. They knew it too.

I was transferred back to the hospital where I drew pictures of my geoconditioning pyramid and my perpetual motion machine and wrote down details. Dr. Randy Sawyer (a different Randy Sawyer) asked me if my mind was racing and I told him that I felt fine. He said that he would give me something for it. He wrote a prescription for Total Saturation of Haldol at 50 MG per day for the rest of my life. I remembering him say to one of the other doctors that I knew too much. Haldol is the strongest drug for schizophrenia and the proper dosage is 15 MG not 50 Mg. Believe you me, I fought them in the hospital but they insisted that it was a doctor’s order. I had no choice.

By the time I was sent home, I was already weak. And I told them so. They sent me home without supervision under the "care" of my mother and told her she would be breaking the law not to administer that drug every day. After two weeks, I was bedridden and near death. I was in bed another two weeks until I could not eat or drink, could not move or swallow.

Mother said it is time for your pill. I said, "It has only been ten minutes". I had been unconscious for 23 hours. I told mother that I could not take the pill because I could not put my hand up to my mouth to take the pill and was too weak to swallow.

So, my mother called my new doctor and the Dr. said I was dying and mother disposed of the pills. I lay in bed another month and when I finally visited the new doctor, I refused to start any new drug. Six months later, the doctor admitted me again. I had spent all that time having nightmares. And that affected me. If you put someone who is not mentally ill on that drug, they become mentally ill.

So that is what started my mental illness. What really makes me mad is the fact that in 2008, the hospital put me on Atavan for three weeks. That is not even a psychiatric drug. It is derivative of GHB and Vallium. They called it an anti anxiety drug. It makes you forget. GHB is the date rape drug.

I could tell you stories that you wouldn’t believe. And some day I will try to remember some of them. My only problem now is that I shake a lot. But that is from the many drugs that I have been put on.

If you check my records, I think that you might find that President Reagan was at the Harris Co. Jail on Nov. 30, 1988, and the Harris Co. Psychiatric Hospital (HCPH) on dec. 1st. Our government may have a good reason for those actions being taken, but I can find no excuse for telling the American people that we require oil and coal for so long. If I were you, I wouldn’t vote for either party if they can not find a way to create new jobs and grow the economy again. Just write in the name "Randy". Any Randy would be a better choice.

You probably will not get this Randy as I have injured myself working around the house, and can not make the trip to Washington, D.C. But I don’t want to go there and become part of the problem anyway. I just want to become part of the answer.

Love, Randy Sawyer

Cover up of Free Energy begun in 1988. (Score: 1)
by Randy on Thursday, June 28, 2012 @ 11:59:08 UTC
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As I stated, the Secret Service and Harris County began a cover-up of "free energy" in 1988. I was falsely arrested on Nov. 30, 1988 when I showed the Sheriff the drawing of my invention with explaination. I have a property envelope with two "L"s in Ralph to prove my claim. The admistration in 1988 of Haldol at 50 MG, and not 15 Mg is what started me down the road of mental illness.

What really makes me mad is the fact that in 2008, the hospital put me on Atavan for three weeks. Atavan is not a psychiatric drug. It is derivative of GHB and Vallium. They called it an anti anxiety drug. A person is not supposed to be administered Atavan but for one or two days.

I could tell you stories that you wouldn’t believe. And some day I will try to remember some of them. My only problem now is that I shake a lot. But that is from the many drugs that I have been put on.

If you check my records, I think that you might find that President Reagan was at the Harris Co. Jail on Nov. 30, 1988, and the Harris Co. Psychiatric Hospital (HCPH) on dec. 1st.

Our Federal government may have a good reason for those actions being taken, but I can find no excuse for telling the American people that we require oil and coal for so long. If I were you, I wouldn’t vote for either party if they can not find a way to create new jobs and grow the economy again. Just write in the name "Randy". Any Randy would be a better choice.

You probably will not get this Randy as I have injured myself working around the house and can not make the trip to Washington, D.C. But I don’t want to go there and become part of the problem anyway. I just want to become part of the answer.

Love, Randy Sawyer


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