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Dr. Zapffe's Flying Interferometer
Posted on Monday, June 25, 2007 @ 07:55:49 UTC by vlad

Science FDT writes: If we plot a diagram of the interaction of the Sun's gravitational field lines with the Earth's gravitational field lines, we will see that these fields lines sweep backwards into a long tail behind the Earth. The picture is identical to that of the magnetosphere. It ought therefore to be as obvious as the continental drift between Africa and South America, that it is the Sun's gravity that shapes the Earth's magnetosphere.

The problem however, is that if we were to admit to this connection between the Sun's gravity and the Earth's magnetic field we would be forcing ourselves to have to admit that the magnetic field is embedded in a physical medium that is gravitationally charged. Since such a medium is totally denied by modern scientists, the long tail on the Earth's magnetosphere is therefore explained away by the solar wind instead of by the solar gravity. Yet everybody knows that a physical wind does not disfigure a magnetic field.

The physical basis for the magnetosphere becomes crucial in solving the mystery of the 1887 Michelson-Morley experiment, and it follows that since this physical medium is entrained with the Earth in the orbital motion around the Sun, then Einstein's theories of relativity should never have come about.

It was the late Dr. Carl Zapffe who first pointed to the magnetosphere as being the relevant context for the Michelson-Morley experiment and its null result. Dr. Zapffe proposed putting a Michelson interferometer into space in order to try and detect an aether wind. See,

The issue of friction at the boundary of the magnetosphere can be successfully addressed if we propose the correct physical composition for the magneto-luminiferous medium. If we choose a dense sea of electron positron dipoles in which electrons mutually orbit positrons, and in which the orbital axes align solenoidally, then the shear lines at the interface between the Sun's gravity and the Earth's gravity will be cushioned in hovercarft style by mutual centrifugal repulsion. See 'Gravity Reversal and Atomic Bonding' at,

The frictionless shear lines offer the path of least resistance for translational motion of planetary bodies. However, the situation appears to be different for rotational motion. As the dipoles in the electric sea are on a scale of magnitude of the order of the gamma ray wavelength (see electron pair production), then the electric sea should be able to pass through atomic and molecular matter just as water passes through a basket.

The convective component of magnetic force vXB is never invoked when a magnet rotates. The Michelson-Gale experiment of 1925 further tends to tell us that the luminiferous medium does not rotate with the Earth's rotation. It would therefore appear that it is easier for the electric sea to permeate a rotating body than for the electric sea to undergo a wholesale rotation with a rotating body.

This matter gets further confused by the fact that a magnetic field does rotate with a rotating magnet and that the inductive ∂A/∂t component of magnetic force is induced. We must however distinguish between the wave like rotation of the magnetic field on the one hand and the physical rotation of the medium in which the magnetic field is embedded on the other hand. The magnetic field is merely a solenoidal alignment of the dipoles in the electric sea.

The topic of ‘Rotation of a Magnetic field’ is yet further complicated still by the fact that the magnitude of the effect of the rotation is a sinusoidal function of the angle between the rotation axis and the magnetic axis. When these two axes are perfectly aligned, the effect of the rotation (∂A/∂t) becomes zero. This leads to the futile question of whether or not a magnetic field rotates when the magnet is rotated on its magnetic axis.

Yours sincerely, David Tombe



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"Dr. Zapffe's Flying Interferometer" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Dr. Zapffe's Flying Interferometer (Score: 1)
by FDT on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 @ 13:40:34 UTC
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It has been suggested to me by Kenneth Prain, that even if Dr. Zapffe's flying interferometer were to be taken beyond the magnetosphere that we may still get a null result due to the electric sea being entrained by the gravitational field of the actual interferometer itself.

This of course would depend on the extent of the entrainment. The gravitational field generated by the apparatus would be very weak.

For example, consider a cricket ball flying through the air. How close does a particle have to be to the underside of the cricket ball for the cricket ball to pull that particle upwards against the Earth's gravity? Those are perhaps the kind of distances that we would be looking at. Nevertheless, a null result might still ensue if magnetospheric type tails were to cover the entire region where we would be examining the two light paths of the interferometer.

Yours sincerely, David Tombe

Re: Dr. Zapffe's Flying Interferometer (Score: 1)
by FDT on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 @ 03:28:29 UTC
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Harry Ricker's link to the article about Dr. Carl Zapffe's flying interferometer has been replaced on the General Science Journal with this link,

The link about gravity reversal has been superseded by this link,


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