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Hutchison Effect caught on tape in High Def
Posted on Monday, June 04, 2007 @ 23:56:45 UTC by vlad
ROB SIMONE writes: Hi Bill,
I was just at John's
apt/laboratory with a camera crew for new TV series i'm
co-producing and hosting. We shot for over 7 hours, in High Def,
and captured some extraordinary footage.
You may ask about the HGH bottle that floated in the air for
the better part of 20 min. It was constant and
It seemed to have
'over-driven' some of the components, I'm not sure if that is a common problem...
Rob Simone
William Alek
Tomorrow night, I'll be having dinner with the legend, John
Hutchison, Terry Brady and Steve Elswick of Tesla Tech, and Gary Voss of
TAP-TEN research. If anyone has any questions they would like to ask of the
group, please send me an email?
William S. Alek,
7760 E. State Rte 69 Ste C5-381
Prescott Valley, AZ
PHONE: 928.255.0198
http://www.intalek.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------
Tim Ventura
writes: Hi Rob -- ### PLEASE READ ENTIRELY ### Your description (below) sounds absolutely remarkable. I would very sincerely ask you to document EVERY aspect of the experience to the best of your ability - in writing would be the best, although if you'd like to schedule some time for an audio interview I could record (you have a show as well, but there might be some advantage to a targeted recording for posterity). For instance, Harold Berndt noticed a buzzing-noise like an over-driven tube-resonance right before the event he witnessed last year - a small detail that may offer us a scientific explanation, and I suspect there may be several things like this that you might not remember noticing even a month or two from now. I'm also incredibly relieved that you got this footage on tape. Historically speaking, the problem with Hutchison has been the following: 1. Skeptics questioning the intelligence & credibility of people witnessing the effect. 2. The claim that Hutchison is "psychic" and the effect is thus irreproducible. 3. The claim that Hutchison is performing a hoax (by tipping the room upside down, hidden wires, etc) The "psychic" or "PK" claim has been the most insidious & pervasive: it was first listed as a possibility by John Alexander, but subsequently picked up by other scientists as evidence to explain away a series of anomalies that appeared to threaten the existing paradigm of many people's scientific knowledge. In reality Hutchison's work threatens nothing, and offers a lot of potential, but psychologically this explanation has become a tool for the scientific community to assuage their guilt at having no ready explanation for the effect. What's REALLY needed (in your documentary, hopefully), are observers who will come forward and sincerely testify about what they've seen in an accurate manner. John Alexander has done this effectively & fairly in past programs, despite never having reportedly seen the effect himself. However, most documentaries are entirely 3rd person, and it would help very much to build public interest if you could speak in a personal manner about your experience studying the paranormal and what it leads you to believe about what you've seen. I'd like to say three things for the record on this: First, there are a number of possible avenues for understanding how the Hutchison Effect works, and I believe all of them will lead us to an array of remarkable new technologies. While many scientists and inventors have explored a few of these in the past, Hutchison has never had the full financial & scientific apparatus to conduct a real research effort. My own belief is that with adequate infrastructure in place, it should be possible to fully harness this effect and integrate it into today's science in a beneficial manner. Second, while John has been the victim of small minds and some irrational fear by agencies like the Canadian EPA, I do NOT believe that he has been the victim of a conspiracy to suppress his work. However, I am completely convinced that nagging doubts and a lack of understanding by the establishment has allowed this remarkable effect to "fall through the cracks" and prevent it from receiving the rigorous study that it otherwise would. Third, Hutchison's work continues to receive interest at the highest levels of government and academia, but several groups that I'm acquaintanced with have expressed fear that they may ruin their own reputations by investing in such an unknown phenomenon. This fear is greatly compounded by several ignorantly skeptical comments that continue to circulate. It is because of these factors that I believe what you've already accomplished has TREMENDOUS value in terms of helping to keep the Hutchison Effect in the public spotlight and encourage public interest in what may one day lead to full-fledged scientific investigation. To date, I've found that everyone with any real knowledge of this effect and it's history does not dispute that it occurs, and while there are many different speculations on the cause, I hope that your work is yet another block in the foundation of credibility that will help John's work to change our world in a positive way. Sincerely; Timothy M. Ventura American Antigravity, Inc http://www.americanantigravity.com Phone: 425-605-0928 Mobile: 425-260-4175 tventura6@comcast.net
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Re: Hutchison Effect caught on tape in High Def (Score: 1) by malc on Wednesday, June 06, 2007 @ 00:38:01 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley | Hang on there, skeptical scientists have just dangled a rope to hang themselves with. On an entirely different subject matter I might add. But nonethles it's there.
They claim that the Hutchison effect is due to Mr Hutchison being a psychic. This therefore means that the scientists who state this are clearly admitting that psychic phenomena can exert a force capable of moving objects.
They have just admitted that paranormal effects are real. HUNG! |
Re: Hutchison Effect caught on tape in High Def (Score: 1) by vlad on Wednesday, June 06, 2007 @ 22:42:23 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | ROB SIMONE wrote: Hi Tim,
When I get some extra time I would be happy to... I'm off in 3
days to shoot 3 more interviews,
When I was at John's I had my own
detection equipment which provided among other things, some interesting
data on the nature of the interaction of the RF fields which seems to
be the catalyst for the effect.
Rob --------------- Richard C. Hogland wrote: Rob,
I overwhelmingly second Tim's assessment and request .... :)
I'm particularly intrigued by your term "controlled." If this is truly on
tape, from beginning to end, it could be a major breakthrough.
What's the air-date -- and when? :)
RCH --------------- ROB SIMONE wrote: Hello Richard, Yes, I confirmed with my camera guy, he was solid on it without a cut. The Television series will take a while, as these things go, but i should be able to do a special edit on the most relevant parts and present it somewhere somehow, along with the other data from the testing equipment. Rob --------- Rob,
Did you happen to notice such "little" things (and record them) ... lik the
"take off?" And, direction of flight (in terms of geographical
Those are VERY important .... :)
RCH ----------------
Re: Hutchison Effect caught on tape in High Def (Score: 1) by johnkhutchison on Monday, November 02, 2009 @ 12:38:20 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://Www.johnkhutchison.com | thanks folks we have some cool upcomeing tv shows cnn fox news on my effects see my you tube channel for details lots of interesting new metals and levitations since then cheers john