Dr. Jack Sarfatti writes: What I am saying is that all the physics is there already.
Dark matter is simply zero point energy with positive pressure w < - 1/3
using Einstein's theory with an additional "Shipov" torsion field so that
Einstein's "constant" Λzpf is a local variable scalar field in
Guv + Λzpfguv = 0 exotic vacuum eq.
I am saying on-mass-shell "dark matter particles" is a wrong idea - it's
qualitatively, wrong. That is, dark matter is an off-mass-shell exotic vacuum
That is all we need in Newtonian limit of Einstein's GR, to keep it simple
Laplacian of V(Newton) = 4pi(G/c^2)(Energy Density)(1 + 3w)
With w < -1/3
Dark matter is (Energy Density) < 0 (fermion dominated in 3+1 ST)
Dark energy is (Energy Density) > 0 (boson dominated)
where for ZPF
w = -1 on the nose
The sign of the ZPF energy density at a given place-time/scale is
controlled by the vacuum ODLRO field.