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ZPE Interpretation
Posted on Wednesday, November 01, 2006 @ 22:16:07 UTC by vlad

Science Dr. Jack Sarfatti writes: What I am saying is that all the physics is there already.
Dark matter is simply zero point energy with positive pressure w < - 1/3 using Einstein's theory with an additional "Shipov" torsion field so that Einstein's "constant" Λzpf is a local variable scalar field in

Guv + Λzpfguv = 0 exotic vacuum eq.

I am saying on-mass-shell "dark matter particles" is a wrong idea - it's qualitatively, wrong. That is, dark matter is an off-mass-shell exotic vacuum effect.

That is all we need in Newtonian limit of Einstein's GR, to keep it simple is

Laplacian of V(Newton) = 4pi(G/c^2)(Energy Density)(1 + 3w)

With w < -1/3

Dark matter is (Energy Density) < 0 (fermion dominated in 3+1 ST)

Dark energy is (Energy Density) > 0 (boson dominated)

where for ZPF

w = -1 on the nose

The sign of the ZPF energy density at a given place-time/scale is controlled by the vacuum ODLRO field.



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Re: ZPE Interpretation (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Saturday, November 04, 2006 @ 06:51:45 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
While I agree that Dark Matter is nothing more than extremely condensed Zero Point Energy, the fact that you came to this conclusion using Einstein's equations is a joke.   Einstein was a fraud in every sense of the word, and his theory of relativity was specifically designed, and released into the open,  by the Illuminati to get rid of the Aether out of Physics textbooks because the Aether is the key to everything from free energy, antigravity, infinite consciousness, and understanding everything there is to know about the multi-verse.

I will never take people who quote Einstein seriously, including you - the only reason I'm even responding to this, is because I came to the same conclusion about Dark Matter and 'Black Holes' being nothing more than condensed Zero Point Energy, which, I might add, actually serve a very important function: they release a constant sound vibration into the galaxy, which like the shuman resonance of our planet, gives shape and form to everything.  Without this sound, which is constantly being released from the dead center of every galaxy, including the 'black hole' that is situated in our own Milky Way galaxy, all matter would be nothing more than 'goo'. "In the beginning was the word, and the word was sound"

I highly advise that you watch this clip - it will blow your mind.  It's not the best quality, unfortunately, because it appears that google got rid of the really good quality one, possibly due to a copyright violation, but this clip will suffice:


Re: ZPE Interpretation (Score: 1)
by Koen on Thursday, November 02, 2006 @ 06:43:50 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla
So Sarfatti's dark matter is off-mass-shell  which is massless matter, not being photons either, since Sarfatti does not agree with ZPE being a TEM wave heat bath model proposed by Puthoff et al. So there is a type of massless "vacuum effect" also called "Dark matter" or "Dark energy" that mimics "positive gravity" or "negative gravity".

A "negative Energy Density" is not an option to me, since the energy density of vacuum in incredibly high.  I suppose "negative or positive" ZPE density is more like lower or higher than "average".

Another vacuum model describes the break down of space on the Planck scale into "Planck particles" that are mini black holes with real particle mass.
I tend to agree with Jack (the off-mass-shell  is correct), so the "break down of space on the Planck scale" probably is just another extrapolation of a model that is not entirely correct. According to QM this is "beyond measurements" anyway, so purely an exotic theoretical concept without direct experimental proof".

To assume the existance of an ODLRO scalar field associated with a massless form of energy involves less far fetched physics, and is also very close to my assumption of the existance of Tesla's longitudinal electro-scalar waves,  see  www.truth.myweb.nl    .
I assume the scalar field Jack writes about, can be expressed simply in terms of a special time-space derivative of the electromagnetic potentials, which means that vacuum density can be manipulated by means of electrical equipement (Tesla).


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