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COFE CONFERENCE: Just returned
Posted on Sunday, September 24, 2006 @ 23:36:18 UTC by vlad
nanotech writes: Hello everyone, I just returned from the Second International Conference On Free Energy, and let me tell you, it was excellent!
Many speakers were there, with posters and presentations, packed full of excellent evidence for overunity technology, antigravity, electromagnetic healing, and more. Tom Valone of Integrity Research Institute did an excellent job of organizing this conference.
Some of the speakers included Dr. Pinto on zero point casimir/van der wall force energy devices, D2Fusion, and many others.
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Re: COFE CONFERENCE: Just returned (Score: 1) by nanotech on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 @ 20:18:40 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Hello again everyone
Well one of the most fascinating speakers we had at the COFE was John A Thomas, the man working with John Searl from England on the Searl Effect Generator; a system of rolling magnets that taps into the background zero point/ether energy field, and produces overunity as well as levitative lift and propulsive thrust. John gave a very in-depth and highly informative presentation, laying out the basics regarding the device, the man Searl, and future directions this can take. If the Searl Effect is for real, which it appears to be, we NOW POSSESS true gravity-manipulation, as well as overunity, a way to cancel inertia within the structure, and more.
The Illuminati and the Jesuits will not allow this technology to happen - period. (Score: 1) by Kadamose on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 @ 21:44:36 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | The Illuminati will not allow this technology to be given to the world because it will do several things which undermine the current system they have worked so hard to put into place:
1) Zero Point Energy coupled with Nanotechnology will destroy the entire money system. And when I mean destroy, I don't mean us becoming a pure cashless society - no, I mean ALL money, whether it be cash, credit, or even gold -- -all of it will be wiped off the face of the earth for good. You can see how these worthless millionaires and billionaries, who have provided absolutely nothing to the benefit and the overall growth of humankind, are basically shitting their pants about this technology.
2) Zero Point Energy and Nanotechnology will destroy all forms of government. Why would anyone even bother with rules of 'society' if housing is free, food is free, and most importanly, energy is free? There would virtually be no crime, since 99.9% of all crime is based on monetary or materialistic gain. Why would anyone follow rules which would potentially prevent them from expressing their creativity?
3) Zero Point Energy will destroy ALL religion, virtually overnight. ZPE will prove that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself, subjectively. Everything in this universe, and the other dimensions beyond, is all connected. The new paradigm will be the understanding that we are all the infinite ocean of consciousness, and that seperation is an illusion.
The Illuminati are the direct source of all the chaos and turmoil in the world -- and, unless people wake the hell up soon, the New World Order will become a reality, and the hell we are all currently experiencing now, will be many magnitudes worse.
The question many of you will probably ask, however, is: How do you know who is an Illuminati, and who isn't? That's easy. If you see anyone who unimaginably wealthy and successful, the chances of them being an Illuminati are ridiculously high - they're either Illuminati...or they're a sell out (i.e. those who serve the Illuminati with absolute loyalty and are simply being 'rewarded' for their efforts). As it currently stands, there is no way one can truly be successful in this world unless one sells their soul, in one form or another, to this ancient, sadistic cult.
Free Energy and Nanotechnology will undermine everything that the Illuminati and the Jesuits have so adamantly strived for -- for over several millenia -- and there is no way that these people will just stand by and watch their precious house of cards fall into nothingness. The only way to stop these psychotic people, is for everyone to wake up and fight back. (I wouldn't expect very much fighting back in America, though, considering the population there has become so dumbed down, it's amazing that they even know how to tie their own shoelaces properly -- this is all by design, however)
REPORT: Conference on Future Energy (COFE II), 2006 (Score: 1) by vlad on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 @ 19:54:13 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Sept. 22 - 24 conference featured scholarly coverage of a wide array of new energy technologies, including cold fusion and zero point energy, but also more conventional and attainable tidal and solar power.
by Sterling D. Allan Pure Energy Systems News Copyright © 2006
WASHINGTON, DC, USA -- The second Conference on Future Energy (COFE), held on the weekend of Sept. 22 - 24 in Washington, DC, featured highly respected leaders in the fields of cutting-edge energy research. Their presence and presentations offered hope for feasible solutions to the grave problems that face our planet due to our dependence on fossil fuel and its negative effects on the environment.
Most all the speakers that were scheduled are either in government positions: Dennis Bushnell, Jim Dunn; University professorships: George Miley, Tania Slawecki, Ted Loder, Daniel Fraser; or have publicly trading companies: Glen Gordon, Russ George, Fabrizio Pinto, Martin Burger...
Read the whole report here: http://pesn.com/2006/09/26/9500240_COFE_report/
Re: COFE CONFERENCE: Just returned (Score: 1) by mach946 on Monday, September 25, 2006 @ 17:37:20 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Does anyone on this site see the "New Excuse " being touted by the FE researchers? In the past it used to be the comspiricay theory.i.e Big Oil, Government, Military ect ect. Now the the new excuse is ' We need more research to know how t works, or that we dont have funding, and last but not least; We need engineers that know some esoteric form of Calculus and Physics, to bring it to reality" There are plenty of wealthy folks out there willing to invest in such technology..PLENTY! You cant tell me that you cant find anyone. This is silly. As I stated before. If I had a time machine and went fifty years into the future, and looked at this site, IM willing to bet it would have the same old excuses for not producing anything; except excuses. Bill gates and Dell started in a garage pratically. Thomas Edison had to convince folks they needed electricity, the wright Brothers had the same dilemna, yet they prevailed. I dont see that in the inventors of these so called potential revolutionary wonders. Just perpetual excuses. Perhaps if these devices could be rigged to run off of the endless array of excusses, they would work as claimed. |
Re: COFE CONFERENCE: Just returned (Score: 1) by Sigma on Sunday, September 24, 2006 @ 23:40:54 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Excellent! Are you going to do a little write up on the conference? It would be great if we could get a little info on what everyone showed there. Thanks! |
Re: COFE CONFERENCE: Just returned (Score: 1) by malc on Monday, September 25, 2006 @ 00:25:49 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley | Things are getting very critical in the world at the moment and the time for talking is surely over. Where are the practical uses of the technologies that have been discussed ?