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The End of Eden
Posted on Thursday, September 07, 2006 @ 20:36:36 UTC by vlad
By Michael Powell Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, September 2, 2006; Page C01
"Our global furnace is out of control. By 2020, 2025, you will be able to sail a sailboat to the North Pole. The Amazon will become a desert, and the forests of Siberia will burn and release more methane and plagues will return." James Lovelock Says This Time We've Pushed the Earth Too Far.
He measured atmospheric gases and ocean temperatures, and examined forests tropical and arboreal (last year a forest the size of Italy burned in rapidly heating Siberia, releasing from the permafrost a vast sink of methane, which contributes to global warming). He found Gaia trapped in a vicious cycle of positive-feedback loops -- from air to water, everything is getting warmer at once. The nature of Earth's biosphere is that, under pressure from industrialization, it resists such heating, and then it resists some more. Then, he says, it adjusts. Within the next decade or two, Lovelock forecasts, Gaia will hike her thermostat by at least 10 degrees. Earth, he predicts, will be hotter than at any time since the Eocene Age 55 million years ago, when crocodiles swam in the Arctic Ocean. "Maybe 200 million people will migrate close to the Arctic and survive this. Even if we took extraordinary steps, it would take the world 1,000 years to recover."
(via KeelyNet.com News) Read the whole story here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/01/AR2006090101800.html
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Re: The End of Eden, J'accuse (Score: 1) by Koen on Friday, September 08, 2006 @ 03:30:17 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla | Without a shadow of a doubt, Lovelock has driven carbondioxide fuming cars all his life. Already 10 years ago I knew that we only had 20 years to go before everything will change. I decided not to buy/drive a car, always take the train, and be as efficient with energy, heating or water as possible. Because I was no longer ignorant of what was going on, I adapted my behaviour.
Who is to blame for this? J'accuse: The few "illuminati" families, who control all global resources and global money and also who control what we know in general, have destroyed planet earth. They have dumbed down the majority of menkind, so the majority of people is NOT to blame for THE ecological crisis of all times. The "illuminati" families have fooled themselves mainly, since their "power" will also cease to be within a few years. In general, people are very much OK beings, except for these rotten families in global power.
Yep, the Arctic will be our save haven, but not for all of us obviously. South Patagonia Argentina, will be the future of menkind. I prefer to die together with the majority of animal and plant species, in stead of being in Patagonia Argentina with a bunch of illuminati nazis. My place in heaven is already reserved.
And you, make your own choices. You will have to!
Re: The End of Eden (Score: 1) by deatopmg on Friday, September 08, 2006 @ 19:55:29 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | give me a break! - this is the same kind doomster crap put out by Paul & Ann Ehrlich et al in the 60's. No more oil by 1972, 100's of millions starving to death in the 70's, precious resources gone, blah, blah. They were widely believed and were 100.00% WRONG. Lovelock is from the same mold and will also be proven in time to be 100.00% wrong, but he will sucker a lot of you into believing his non-sense.