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The vacuum in Dirac's hole theory
Posted on Saturday, August 05, 2006 @ 16:01:40 UTC by vlad

Science Tom Bearden writes: RE: Dan Solomon's Paper "Some new results concerning the vacuum in Dirac's hole theory"

Hi Vlad,

Thanks for sending me the paper; I believe it is quite important!

Dan Solomon has done an admirable job of showing that an EM field applied to a small region of space (the vacuum) can in fact extract usable EM energy from that vacuum area.

As an example, this has often been done (but not fundamentally understood) by many experimenters when evoking the Lenz law effect. When – for example – a strong gradient in an EM potential (which constitutes a strong energy-density gradient in thee vacuum energy of that region) is applied to that small region of space, it suddenly adds differential EM field energy to the “electrons in the filled holes” in that space. This sudden gradient produces real EM forces on the occupying electrons in the Dirac holes, and lifts some of them right out of their holes and into one’s circuit. One thus gets a surge of real extra electrons evoked from the active Dirac vacuum (space itself) from that gradient region. This part of the Lenz law effect is well-known.

What has always been unaccounted in the Lenz law effect is that the remaining empty holes are negative mass-energy electrons, and hence – as source charges – they produce negative energy photons and thus negative energy EM fields. Having negative mass-energy, these holes also exhibit negative inertia and so they move in opposite directions from the out-lifted “real positive mass-energy electrons” with their positive mass-energy inertia.

These negative mass-energy currents (true hole currents) and their negative energy EM fields also are repelled gravitationally by normal positive mass energy entities and positive energy EM fields, since such “opposite energy” fields and “opposite energy” mass-energies mutually repel one another. So using such holes and negative energy fields produced widely in nature in sharp gradient processes in suns, planets, etc., one can account for the outside antigravity forces that produce (1) the acceleration of the expansion of the universe, and (2) the mysterious “drag” forces experienced by our Pioneer spacecraft and others. Also, one can account for the strange “lifting” and mass-changing effects that experimenters such as Hutchison gets in his experiments. One can also account for the startling and controllable antigravity force that Sweet was able to produce in his VTA unit, by pushing it to greater COP.

So Solomon’s applied field in space has produced a usable and free “surge” of positive mass-energy electron current, and also – in the other direction – a usable “surge” of negative mass-energy electron current. There is a concomitant surge in both directions of the opposing (negative energy versus positive energy) EM fields also. From those effects, practical antigravity and many materials effects can probably be generated eventually as younger experimenters find out about it and learn how to interpret and also use both kinds of currents and both kinds of energy.

The addition of excess real usable electron energy and positive EM potential energy to one’s circuit is a negative entropy operation. It is already known that this sudden surge opposes the dissipative change that is trying to occur. So, we should expect such a circuit to be able to violate the hoary old second law of thermodynamics. And so it is.

If one moves from the very old “near equilibrium” thermodynamics usually taught to sophomore engineering students, and goes to the much more modern and comprehensive far-from-equilibrium dissipative systems, one finds that such systems can and do readily violate the second law. This is already well known to our leading non-equilibrium thermodynamicists. E.g., see Dilip Kondepudi and Ilya Prigogine, Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures, Wiley, New York, 1998, reprinted with corrections 1999. Some of the areas known to violate the old second law are given on p. 459. One area is strong gradients (as used in the MEG, e.g. and in many other pulsed COP>1.0 processes by various inventors) and another is memory of materials (as used in the MEG in the nanocrystalline core materials and layered crystalline structures to invoke the Aharonov-Bohm effect, which conditions and excites the local vacuum). Note that Prigogine’s strong gradient is one of the mechanisms proven and accepted to allow violation of the second law. We strongly emphasize that these known, recognized far-from-equilibrium mechanisms can be deliberately used by the inventor to allow macroscopic and significant violations of the Second Law. By producing negative entropy, the excess energy is directly usable in real systems and circuits. It can produce real EM energy in them, and that is what Solomon has shown.

If still concerned with the old second “half-law” of near-equilibrium thermodynamics, please see my formal but simple correction of that law in “Leyton’s Hierarchies Of Symmetry: Solution to the Major Asymmetry Problem of Thermodynamics” (click link). This paper also discusses the necessary change from the very old 1872 Klein geometry to the much more modern Leyton geometry, which is necessary for explanation of the source charge’s continuous emission of real observable EM energy without any observable energy input.

Even Maxwell – who was also a thermodynamicist of some note – understood that the small elementary pieces of our macroscopic systems are continually violating the hoary old second law. Quoting Maxwell:

"The truth of the second law is … a statistical, not a mathematical, truth, for it depends on the fact that the bodies we deal with consist of millions of molecules… Hence the second law of thermodynamics is continually being violated, and that to a considerable extent, in any sufficiently small group of molecules belonging to a real body." [J. C. Maxwell, “Tait's Thermodynamics II,” Nature 17, 278–280 (7 February 1878)].

Note also that EM systems producing and using such second law violations are asymmetric Maxwellian systems a priori. Such systems were arbitrarily discarded by Lorentz in 1892 by his symmetrizing the Heaviside equations just to get simpler equations! And Lorentz symmetrization – with its total and arbitrary discard of all asymmetrical Maxwellian systems – is still taught by all electrical engineering departments, professors, and textbooks. Electrical engineers are thus never taught to deliberately design, produce, and deploy those asymmetrical energy-from-the-vacuum systems!

Nature did not and does not discard those asymmetric Maxwellian systems: Instead, Lorentz discarded them arbitrarily, and all our university EE departments, professors, and textbooks continue to arbitrarily discard them to this day.

In summary: Our universities and professors long ago arbitrarily and unwittingly discarded all permissible EM energy-from-the vacuum Maxwellian systems. And they still arbitrarily and unknowingly discard them. Obviously, this iron dogma should be corrected, but presently the leadership of the scientific community is not going to allow it changed. The great cartels in areas such as energy, medicine, and international finances will absolutely not permit its change without doing everything possible to stop it.

So the only hope of finally changing this hoary old 1880s and 1890s flawed theory lies with the oncoming younger scientists and engineers such as Solomon and others like him. As Planck pointed out:

"An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning." [Max Planck, as quoted in G. Holton, Thematic Origins of Scientific Thought, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1973.]

For a rigorous proof in higher group symmetry O(3) electrodynamics that violating the Lorentz symmetry condition does indeed produce usable EM energy currents in the vacuum, see M. W. Evans et al., “Classical Electrodynamics without the Lorentz Condition: Extracting Energy from the Vacuum,” Physica Scripta, Vol. 61, 2000, p. 513-517.

A surge of negative mass-energy electrons strongly appears to be a surge of the “dark matter” so avidly being sought by the modern astrophysicists. The emission of negative energy EM fields by these negative mass-energy “source charges” also appears to be the “dark energy” they also seek so avidly.

If so, then both dark matter and dark energy can be made in the laboratory by strong gradients (sharp fields) applied impulsively to short regions of spacetime in our circuits. One can evoke the dark energy and dark matter in real circuits, and thereby one can produce dark matter and dark energy in the laboratory. And, with some effort and some particle physics instrumentations, one can perhaps finally begin to understand their strange characteristics and odd behavior.

So the work of Solomon and others, struggling to show that real usable EM energy can indeed be extracted from the pulsed Dirac sea vacuum, actually has profound implications for the understanding of our universe and some of its most fundamental characteristics. It also has profound implications for developing energy-from-the-vacuum systems to solve the rapidly escalating world energy-from-fuel crisis. There is no real “energy” crisis per se; but there is a real and increasing fuel crisis. Obviously, to permanently solve the problem, one needs to move from the energy from fuel approach to the energy from the active vacuum approach.

And stimulating papers such as this one by Solomon are helping to do just that.

Best wishes,

Tom Bearden



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