Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2003 21:03:29 -0400
askanas@...Subject: C. Arnold's inventions and his character (was Fw: HSG: I talked
to a friend of Hal Puthoff)
Dear Dr. Askanas -
Could you forward this disclaimer to the HSG regarding one Christopher
Arnold and his willful misrepresentations?
"This is a disclaimer regarding one Mr. C. Arnold who stated a plain lie
on the HSG list:
>The talk lasted about an hour and was very interesting. The gentleman
>is a retired Fermilab Physicist and the conversation reminded me of
>the hard nosed but lengthy talks I have had with Dr. Hal Puthoff, Dr.
>Ed Storms, Col. Thomas Bearden, Richard Hull, Mark Goldes, Dr. Mills,
>Dr. Paul Brown, George Miley, the Correas, Eugene Mallove, Stanton
>Friedman and lastly, the first Plasma physicist from Fermilab that I
>personally revealed all device details to in 1999.
Neither one of us has, at any time, talked with this Mr. C. Arnold, let
alone had a lengthy talk with him. Nor have we ever corresponded with
him. Mr. C. Arnold has obviously been carried along by some form of
poetic licence regarding name-dropping, which seems in keeping with his
ridiculous ebay business and his training in extortionary techniques.
To witness, a while back Akronos Publishing forwarded to us the following
email from this very same Hypercon:
Hypercom59@...>Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 23:01:45 EDT
inquiries@...>Subject: Reichs motor
>Hello Alexandra & Paulo Correa,
>Most recently my attention has been focused on Reich's Motor and his
>other works. I have been getting flashes of inspiration and believe that
>I might be successful at building an orgone (or whatever you wish to
>call it after >payment) motor. What would that be worth to you if I am
>successful? A few months will tell, however - If the world is still not
>interested or ready, I will direct my efforts elsewhere.
>No pre investment is required as I will retrieve the information prior
>to construction of any prototypes. Please give my best wishes to Eugene.
>Warm Regards,
>Chris Arnold
>Pulsed Plasma Energy
> extortionary techniques of Mr. C. Arnold are exemplary, though the
same cannot be said about his abilities as a copy-cat. Maybe he went
off to ebay after seeing that we were not going to pay him off. Or
maybe he has a sponsor he can sucker during those months (!) it will
take him to reinvent our Aether Motor without having to think
functionally - just using his slap-n-dash technique and flashes of
inspiration. Keep inspiring, Mr. Arnold! For anyone trained in plasma
physics, it is easy to see that Mr. Arnold knows next to nothing about
the subject. Or about electromagnetism. Critters like him thrive on
the mindless noise of the web. The harm they do is quite visible - and
so is the intent.
Paulo Correa, MSc, PhD
Alexandra Correa, HBA"
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