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Wish You A Happy and Prosperous New (Energy) Year! (and more…)
Posted on Tuesday, December 31, 2002 @ 01:07:55 UTC by vlad

General Year 2002 was very interesting and eventful but we hope 2003 will bring conclusion (positive we hope) to some of the significant recent claims of breakthroughs in the new energy field. We’re also happy ZPEnergy.com has a new site (driven by PHP-Nuke ICMS engine) that we hope you’ll find much better.

The new site provides more features and flexibility/accessibility to the users such as: mobile support (for PDAs), books, downloads, event calendar, journal, private messages, statistics and ratings, web links, forum, personal account, etc. We think we’ve managed to properly transfer most of the old site’s database content (if you notice any errors please let us know). Of course the conversion scripts do not create any user accounts so, we ask all our old and new users to do that themselves, to fully take advantage of all the features the new information content management engine provides. Let us know if you need any help and please feel free to give us your opinion/advice about this site (use “feedback”). And most of all, please contribute to all sections of this site if you have valuable information you think everybody should know. Thanks.

Now, as I’ve said in the beginning, 2002 was big in claims but I still could not remove the statement I used to display on the old site: “As of TODAY, still NO PROVEN DEVICE that harnesses USEFUL POWER from the ZPE”.

I consider myself a reasonable, open minded, optimistic and patient person, as most of the public is. Yes, I don’t have money invested in any device, so some would say, that’s why I can talk/write like that. I would be very worried if I would be one of Dennis Lee’s “dealers”. As somebody remembered Dennis Lee saying in one of his shows: "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me." December 28, 2002 has come and gone and many naïve people have been fooled again. Dennis Lee has made himself a crook regardless of the Hummingbird Sundance project viability and people like him put the stigma on the legitimate FE researchers.

This is a good example of how NOT to do it if you’re an inventor or a member of the public alike. (1) The biggest mistake a legitimate inventor can make is to go public before he/she has a working prototype that obviously works (closed loop with spare energy left to power a load) or can be validated by independent testing, at any time, as proof of concept. (2) Asking for money from the public before you have (1) is the second big mistake. In these things you never know when you’ll succeed (even when your concept seems good) so you can never keep your promises and deadlines.

The public should be rational and fair and at least ask for (1) before giving any money on something that mainstream science says it’s a scam. Of course, it might not be a scam and the tremendous urge to get rich quickly is blinding many people who cannot afford to loose money. That’s why the rich get richer, because they can afford to loose money to make money! That’s why ordinary people should use credible/reputable organizations to invest their money in things like that, or ask the government to allocate funds to this type of research and clear the debate one way or another, given the potential huge benefits for the human kind if some of these inventions turn out to be real.

Anyway, Lutec and Jasker devices were prematurely declared “working devices”. I have not heard anything from the Jasker people and John Christie and Lou Brits are still struggling to fix the switch component. A good thing that works for them is that they have not asked for public money and all the investors are close friends. I’m also not aware of any official independent test of their device but if it will power a home as they claim (as the Testatika does for the Mathernita community in Switzerland for years) it would be enough for me. They’re also training “gold card” electricians from all over Australia for the installation process. Certainly I want them to succeed.

The latest two claimants that “rocked the establishment” are the Tilley battery charger from the Tilley Foundation Inc., and the Edison device from the Genesis World Energy. At least they did it right: both of them claim to have a “market ready device” which should be straightforward to test/debunk. Tilley made a mistake by blowing up the Nashville Super-Speedway stadium demo and he’s struggling to recover from that now. To definitely prove he’s legit, he better do that public demo again and do it right this time. The Genesis people also have a revolutionary device that can change the world as we know it, and in a market ready stage (providing power for homes and a small business). I’m looking forward to 2003 because, if any of these inventions are proved to be real (and it should be easy to prove it for such advanced stage of the devices) this world and its science will change forever. But if they don’t prove to be the real thing, we shouldn’t despair…somebody else will do it…sometime.

Happy and Exciting 2003 everybody!




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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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