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Ross Motor
Posted on Saturday, April 08, 2006 @ 14:03:34 UTC by vlad

Devices From PesWiki.com (via freeenergynews.com): Theoretical overunity motor design presented by Jim Ross, based on theories put forth by Tom Bearden. Energy Shuttling and dq/dt blocking are the primary methods used. (PESWiki; April 7)

From the original site: http://www.mns-pc.com/ titled: "My Entry into the Free Energy Race"


First and foremost I must say that this system is only theoretical and the closest that it has come to being built is the virtual model shown above. This design is a compilation of other people's ideas placed in, what is hopefully, an original package. The purpose of this site is to present this design to the public so that it inspires thought and constructive criticism. If feedback proves the concepts wrong, then I will scrap it and start over.

A quote from Terrence McKenna, in a 1997 interview with Art Bell, illustrates the spirit of cooperation that I offer here. The quote is not in reference to energy but is still applicable.

"What I would like to do is take my ideas and turn them over to a general community of interested people and let the chips fall where they may. You know, science is the only human endeavor where you actually get points for proving your wrong... I'm interested in the ongoing adventure, which is a collective adventure of generating ideas, testing them against reality and the evidence, discussing them with other people and them going on to build a better idea." Terrence McKenna- 1997

The powers that be have served themselves well and have failed our need for affordable energy. Energy has been used for greed and as a social control mechanism. In this technological age, energy equals money and practically everything we do or buy requires it, so we have become slaves to it and those who control it. In order to free ourselves we have basically two choices: 1) Technologically digress thus requiring less energy and other resources; or 2) Technologically progress and make energy cheaper and our technology more efficient while using our other resources more wisely. Option one is beginning to sound appealing- it may seem harder at times but at least life wouldn't be so fast paced and complicated. I know option one is available now and is a lifestyle choice. However, I believe we can have cheap energy, high technology and a slow pace at the same time. Obviously, there are a lot of other factors involved that I haven't included because this socio-political rant is really beyond the scope of what this site is about. The bottom line is that we are hungry for technology, our current technology is hungry for energy and that same technology has enabled us to do more- so we do. As the global economy grows so do the energy needs. We are told that there are finite energy resources which put us against them in an ultimate resource struggle that is predicted not to turn out well. We need a world movement by the people for the people to fix the energy problem that our "leadership" refuses to. Instead they choose to put corporate interests first and continue to pit people against people and nation against nation.

If a reliable and safe "free energy" device is sold for what it costs to build, we are one step closer to freeing ourselves from the control grid and a new revolution will begin. The controlling climate we live in today has caused every endeavor that has tried to profit from the sale of such a device to fail. This is because the inventors do not disclose the ideas in detail to the public for fear that it will be stolen and used by someone else for profit before the controllers get to them. Or maybe the inventor just sold out. Thus greed is the other half of the free energy failure formula. Control + Greed = No Free Energy. One person or a group of people should not be entitled to control a commodity such as energy. Money and power will inevitably overwhelm them. Therefore it must be sold at cost of manufacturing and that cost must be low. That sounds like a good service for government to provide, instead they are trying to regulate and tax people out of existence.

Yes, I believe that "free energy" devices have already been built. Yes, I believe that they have been suppressed. Yes, there are probably much better "free energy" devices than what I present here, but I haven't seen one in the store yet.

We need a better idea. We need the idea to be available to all. We need a safe, reliable, affordable and non-polluting renewable energy source. The internet is the perfect cooperation forum needed for this. Use your mind and skills to openly build a better idea. Have fun!

See also: http://peswiki.com/index.php/OS:Ross_Motor for other comments.



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