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Tony Blair calls for revolutionary new technology to tackle climate change
Posted on Wednesday, March 29, 2006 @ 21:21:47 UTC by vlad

General Overtone writes: Wednesday, 29 March , 2006
ABC New Zealand Reporter: Peter Lewis - Transcript

MARK COLVIN: Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair has called for a new international agreement to combat climate change.

Mr Blair says that unlike the Kyoto protocol, the new framework for cutting greenhouse gas emissions must include all developed and developing nations.

He was speaking in Auckland after addressing an international conference on climate change, as New Zealand Correspondent Peter Lewis reports.

PETER LEWIS: …The major focus of Tony Blair's 24-hour visit to Auckland was climate change, and he had a message for his previous hosts in Canberra, and others who'd opted out of the Kyoto agreement.

TONY BLAIR: Without the participation of America and the emerging economies of China and India, there isn't going to be a solution.

And what is necessary is to get an international agreement that has got a framework, with a stabilisation goal in it, so that we set a very clear objective for everyone to aim at, and then you have to develop the science, the technology and the changes in behaviour necessary in order to meet that goal.

But it won't be done unless there is a development of the technology that I think needs to be as revolutionary almost as the internet was for information technology. And we've got to do that.

Now, when I say it's important we get America into this deal, in my view that's kind of a statement of the obvious. It is, because without America in it, and without China and India in it, nothing's going to happen.

PETER LEWIS: He says such an all-embracing agreement could, in future, give businesses the certainty to invest in the creation of new technological answers to combat climate change.

TONY BLAIR: The point about climate change, and I think, again, we've got to be very frank about this, I don't believe - and this is my view - no government is going to end up sacrificing its economic growth, because the electoral pushback would just be so strong.

The fact is we don't need to, however, if we develop the science and the technology and the changes of behaviour that allow us to grow sustainably.

And we can do that, but it does require an international agreement, because otherwise you will find a situation, and we found this when we introduced the climate change levy in the UK, what industry said to us at the time was, look, you, Britain, are going to be doing this climate change levy, but the rest of Europe isn't, so you're going to put us at a competitive disadvantage.

Now, we overcame that opposition, and I think today people accept it was the right thing to do. But, you know, we shouldn't be foolish about this, if you're a government sitting there and you've got to go and get elected again, you're going to think twice about reducing your own competitiveness if other people aren't in the deal.

Emphasis mine - Mark Goldes, CEO, Magnetic Power Inc.

I believe this is a remarkable and extremely important statement.

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"Tony Blair calls for revolutionary new technology to tackle climate change" | Login/Create an Account | 11 comments | Search Discussion
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'BLIAR' is an Illuminati frontman. (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Thursday, March 30, 2006 @ 00:01:04 UTC
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Do not listen to his drivel.

Re: Tony Blair calls for revolutionary new technology to tackle climate change (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Thursday, March 30, 2006 @ 08:57:48 UTC
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Although I disagree with the Honorable PM on just about everything else, Mr. Blair is correct about Kyoto.
It is a bad treaty, it won't do much for climate problems until the entire world in on board.
Within the next few years, the developing world's emissions will dwarf what the developed world is attempting to curtail.

Re: Tony Blair calls for revolutionary new technology to tackle climate change (Score: 1)
by pulsed_ignition on Thursday, March 30, 2006 @ 10:00:17 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com
Even better - stop global aerosol spraying that is causing Global Warming and then further restrictions of our rights need not be implemented to correct the "created" problem.

It has been long known that aerosol spaying will effect the weather and increase temperatures by trapping the warmth. Global Aerosol spraying also explains why the so called scientists cannot figure out why sunlight reaching the Earth has sharply decreased in the last 10 years - as it is being reflected away by the white spray.


Re: Tony Blair calls for revolutionary new technology to tackle climate change (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Saturday, April 01, 2006 @ 20:12:24 UTC
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Anyone read the current news about IBM and their recent development with nanoscale magnetism? Mark(Overtone) I know your company deals with magnetic technologies, do you think this recent development with further your attempts to extract energy?

MPI and the new XPRIZE? (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Tuesday, April 04, 2006 @ 21:31:32 UTC
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Recently the X-prize foundation has displayed some of their ideas for new prizes and goals that are worthy of consideration. One in particular that caught my eye was the automotive prize that is looking for new cutting-edge ideas to help mitigate the current energy/oil crisis. The prize is still being drawn up, but I was wondering Mark, if you and your company were going to participate?


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