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The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
Posted on Tuesday, March 28, 2006 @ 23:26:22 UTC by vlad

Devices From Stefan Hartmann's Overunity.com forum: Mannix writes: About Steven Mark - A history of The T.P.U . (Torroidal Power Unit), By Lindsay Mannix 2006
Stories of devices like the one I am about to describe to you have been told before. The difference with this particular one is that as of January 2006 the device, the technology, the inventor, and most of those involved are still with us. You will be told of what amounts to a scam, real people have lost money here and many more may do so unless this story is understood. You will hear about personal attacks from people who would seem to have no reason to do so. You may also be schooled in the technology that could change how we live...

The device that I am revealing is by Steven Mark who invented it in the late eighties it generates electricity without the use of fuel, as we know it. This is not a Technical manual and I am not an engineer but Engineers reports are here for you to peruse. Anomalies that are used and exploited by Steven Mark will be explained in the hope that his technology will not fade into another money pit.

Bullshit lies crackpot are common reactions to any free energy “claim” because right at this point that is all it is to you. Put this down now..If you feel that you are being misled already then what follows is surely not for you. But if you imagine that it might be possible that somebody has, in our recent times had the tenacity skill and inspiration to look into something and create a result that defies current science as we are told to understand it please, with out assumption read on.

To begin with lets get the terminology right these are not strictly FREE ENERGY devices they are CONVERSION devices, which tune to the earths magnetic field and extract useful energy from it...

I then started to examine the possibility that the whole thing was a fraud so that I could put my mind at rest. I started using radio transmitters and microwave oven magnetrons to duplicate the effect and put the whole thing to bed. But I was unable to achieve anything even nearly like the video demo It was really hard work and risky at times for the techs out there it would have to have been a 50 kilowatt transmitter to do it and even with 2 kilowatts there were adverse reactions (sparks and burnouts) all over the place...

After a few years of this with no success as to finding Steve Mark I made a digital version of the tape that I had and posted on the net.
This created some additional interest and somebody else posted some earlier demos of the same type of devices with Steven Mark showing the process.
Now I really knew that this was the real thing and Steve was obviously the real inventor. but why was nobody else interested when it was clearly the best thing and the most recent thing on the net? Was I the only one who could see it?...

Then I finally made contact with Steve, who recalled it very much like I had ,
Here are the first few emails. Please do not attack this man who has succeeded in what most us us only dream about.. If you only want to knock him all over again then that will surely not be appropriate for such a brilliant mind as his...

Dear Lindsay,

I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. Thank you for your letter.
I did not know that my letter was posted on his web site. Usually my letters and reports about the technology are never posted anywhere.Or if they do get posted they disappear suddenly.

There has been a concerted effort to eliminate anything I may have to say and to discount the validity of the technology.This is done by attacking me rather then the demonstration as viewed in the video tapes. That is because most of the demonstrations I gave were to engineers and scientists who confirmed the validity of the power generated by my technology. Lay people do not understand just how difficult if not impossible it would be to fake what is shown in the video tapes of the demonstrations.

The video tapes were made with permission to record the historical events as they unfolded. However, some very misguided people took them and used them for evil. Now that the video tapes are everywhere people have been trying to claim they are the inventor or know the inventor etc. Be assured that I have no associates except the those involved with the corporation owning the technology and with Paul Stemm who has been involved with the project longer then anyone else.

It is interesting that when we started to demonstrate the technology no one believed that something so small could generate so much useable power. So they hired engineers and other technical people to confirm that indeed the units did output the energy as viewed in the demonstration. Since no one could discount the demonstrations of power, over time they started to discount the validity of the technology by defaming me.

At first we did not understand this. Why would people who did not see the demonstration or have never met with me, go out of their way to create lies and post them on web sites devoted to furthering alternative energy sources? After a while it became quit clear that the billion dollar oil interests have provided most of the effort to distort any potentially serious alternative to the use of fossil fuels.They even have the world governments in their pockets.
The technology is now owned by a corporation not in the United States, and so that gives me a slight leverage in discussing my situation with you.

I see that you are in Australia.

I have had several dealings with people in Australia. Some of them good and some of them bad.

There was one fellow who was claiming to be the inventor and selling 50 percent shares in his company to everyone he could find. The problem has been that everyone with a copy of the famous demonstration tapes is claming to have something to do with the technology and is usually trying to exploit it in some way.

This only helps to create additional bad publicity for the technology and certainly works for the benefit of the oil industries.

I assure you that I invented the technology over 15 years ago and that I have never personally sought money for the technology. The technology is not magic and is in fact uses simple electronic concepts to achieve the demonstrated results. Therein lays the rub...

I hope to hear from you again.

Thank you for your time.



Dear Lindsay,

I Hope this letter finds you well. I am just a bit busy here at the moment. I am sorry if I am not able to answer your letters in a timely fashion, however give me time and I will always get around to answering you. I hope that will be alright.

Thank you for witting to the German fellow. I appreciate that very much.

You know Paul Stemm was drawing up an agreement with a German Millionaire named Gerhling, or something like that, who owned a large company in Europe. He was VERY enthusiastic and wanted to save the world, then one day he just stopped communicating. He wouldn't give Paul an answer for why he all of a sudden did not want to proceed. I called him and spoke to him at his residence and he told me that the German government instructed him not to get involved.

In regard to your query about the pulse DC conversion and the potential use of the coil to provide motive force:

The multiple frequencies traveling around the coils are of too high a frequency to provide for any motive effort. They are only a means to achieve an end. The multiple frequencies begin to feed themselves and the multiple kicks become a combined big kick.

I call it resonating. That is why if you notice in the video tapes that it takes just a few seconds for the coil to begin to function at maximum effort. You see, one little kick amounts to nothing. However imagine if you had hundreds of thousands of little kicks combining into one big current kick . . .

I originally got the idea from electron circuits which use vacuum rectifiers like the 5U4 GB or 5AR4 etc. The plate has a high voltage potential with lots of useable power available. You cant get to it or use it for anything without applying a heating voltage to the cathode or what is the cathode potential of the tube. So, you put in a small voltage of 5 volts AC 60 Hz which heats up the cathode and welcomes the electron stream from the plate. Or actually the other way around, but not important for this example of my thoughts. Now the high voltage power goes through the cathode and travels through the coils of the 5 volt transformer along with the 5 volt AC. if the plate voltage is not rectified then it is AC with a potential 60 Hz frequency. That combines with the 5 volt 60 Hz in the coil of the htr transformer and generally amounts to nothing. In fact the power of the 5 volt transformer amounts to nothing. It is an insignificant power supply except when the two transformers get slightly out of phase with each other, or when they are connected in reverse of one another.Then you can measure all kinds of things going on. You can generate all kinds of hash and multiple frequencies, and I do mean all kinds. What I measured during this process was very interesting. All these frequencies occasionally met at the same time with a much larger kick at the output.

I was working at a laboratory at the time with much more sophisticated equipment then is available to even most manufacturing companies. I was able to analyses everything coming out of this simple two transformer AC high voltage circuit. In most power supplies there is lots of hash coming out and designers use a .05 or so to short out as much as possible before it gets to the smoothing capacitors. This hash comes from the mains supply and especially from the transformers themselves.

Then the smoothing capacitors take out the rest of the multiple frequency hash along with the gigantic 60 Hz ac left in the B+.

I became interested in the interaction between the two AC transformers. The interaction can be very reveling, trust me.

Also, there is another interesting analogy. We seem to overlook so many things in our society. They are right in our faces but we just look around them without interest at all. When I began to study the effects of multiple frequencies combined together I found out that when you deliberately strive to create the worst case scenario of frequencies you start to get some very measurable kicks. In themselves they are not much. But if you make enough of them fast sendoff, you get a collectible power spike that is more then the power available to begin with. The destructive heating caused by the eddy currents become the problem we face when we make a really large powerful coil. Now you understand more about the heating problem and why using a fan does not work.

I must go for now. I am sure I am hitting a lot of bad keys here but I am short for time and I am not going to look over what I have written. So please excuse my mistakes.


You could describe the useable current output of my coil as DC but with some hash in it. It really doesn't have any convertible AC component which could provide a mechanical motive force as you suggested.


Thank you for sharing the foundation of inspiration behind your device . I was surprised that I could indeed create what amounts to RF energy using out of phase ac voltage. I do see some "kick" but it is very early days and I am honored that you are helping people gain an understanding of your invention.

...I sincerely hope that posting on the web site does not cause the doubters and skeptics to force you to stand off from what is truly a remarkable achievement for somebody who is still alive.

Thanks again
Lindsay Mannix

Source: http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,712.0.html



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